Ever Wonder Why More Blacks are in prison than whites? Well Read on for the answer!
Is there really a curse on anyone who opens a mummy's tomb? Well let's take a look at that subject!
Jimi Hendrix was one of the most if not the most innovative guitarist, musician, songwriter, artist, to walk the face of the Earth! He blazed across the musical sky, like a bright comet, that burned out way too soon.
My Band: Black Merda created our own brand of Psychedelic- Funk- Rock Music during the late 1960s and early 1970s
It's been said by believer that Jesus is the reason for the Christmas Season! But is that really true? Well Read on! And lets discus it!
This is a little short poem,about waking up to how, we may be unknowingly creating our lives
Overcoming, Alcohol and Marijuana abuse!
This is all about the one and only time! I met my maternal grandfather, Jerry Reed, when I was 13 years old.
It's popular for some people to ask "What would Jesus do or say" when confronted with some situation. Let's take a look at what Jesus has been said to have said or done in various situations.
Are there two gods in Bible? One in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament? One good and the other one bad? Well let's take a look see shall we!
Ever wonder why black skin turns many people off or creates fear or foreboding in some people?
That's A Very Good Question! And The Answer To It May Surprise You!
Were black people the first people to populate North and South America? Archeologist say yes!
Say What! I know you're probably scratching you head over this one, but indulge me and checkout this intriguing read!
Why is that in western religions the serpent is seen as bad or evil, but in eastern religions it's seen as a God and a symbol of healing and goodwill?
Do U Ever Wonder How All "Black" Americans Are Called Black No Matter How Light or White They Look? Well Lets Discuss it shall we
"Lucifer The Light-Bringer" You Say With Astonishment! How Can The "Prince Of Darkness" Be A Bringer Of Light? Well Let's See If Reading This Hub Will Help You See How!
Did U every wonder how racism got started or who started it? Well let's have a little fun speculating about it
Are The Old And New Testament's Gods The Same Gods? Is The Old Testament God The Bad God And The New Testament God The Good God? Well Lets Take A Look Shall We And See If They Really Are?
In this article, I will talk about some of the most famous Black outlaws, lawmen, and cowboys of the old wild west.
Did you know that Jefferson was one of 12 Presidents who owned slaves or that He fathered children with one of his young teenage slaves, Sally Hemings? You didn't? Well read on!
You Ever Wonder Why Seven Is Considered To Be A Lucky Number? Well Read On And Let's See If We Can Figure It Out!
You thought that only "white" people lived in Appalachia? So did I! But think again we were both wrong!
The title of this hub may sound a little strange to you, especially if you're white! To you it's crazy! You've always been white! Hmmm...Maybe Not!
He went to the store to get some refreshments for himself and his brother No crime in that. But George Zimmerman thought otherwise. He had a very different view of the subject
Gov. Rick Perry's family's hunting camp named "Niggerhead", had a rock with that name painted on it for years. But why didn't it bother Rick Perry until he's got criticism from the press and others?
Why Do They Hate President Obama? That's A Good Question. Let's See If We Can Get To The Bottom Of This!