The Azusa Street revival of 1906-1909 was perhaps the greatest outpouring of power since the days of Jesus. It spawned the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement which now numbers 600 million worldwide.
The true causes of the Great Depression have to do with massive government failure. The story most often told is that the excesses and greed of the free market precipitated this great disaster.
It appears that President Obama's focus in his reelection campaign, is the unfairness of America. The campaign of fairness is really a tactic of class war designed as a cynical power play. His idea of fairness bears no resemblance to the true American values of our nations founding.
Jonah Goldberg presents an alternate view of the history of fascism, instead of associating it with right wing idealogy, he makes a compelling case that its closely tied with the left! Goldberg uses the very words of the British novelist and left wing icon HG Wells that calls liberal's to become...
The never ending mantra of the left is to have the rich pay their fair share. But recent data reveals another story- that individuals in the higher income braskets already pay a disproportionately high percentage of federal income taxes! This article also gets into the moral and practical questions...
There has been an concerted effort to rewrite history and to present America as secular nation. This article details the Christian nature of America from the Pilgrim's to the founding fathers and beyond.
The wall of Separation of church and state erected by Thomas Jefferson bears little resemblance to the wall erected in 1947 by the Supreme Court. Jefferson’s wall, created only an institutional separation at the federal level, whereas the courts have erected a total separation of religion from all...