Fairness, A Trojan Horse For the Left
America is Unfair!
Mike Patterson writing for Townhall Magazine notes that; “President Obama is big on fairness. “Fair” or some variant thereof was mentioned eight times in his State of the Union speech, more than “health care” (twice), his signature legislative accomplishment, or “spending” (three times), the nation’s most pressing problem.”
President Obama wants to close the fairness gap! He’s even stated that he would raise taxes on the wealthy as a matter of fairness, regardless of whether it would grow the economy! The president wants to make sure that the rich won’t grab more than their fair share of the wealth, but a more likely scenario is that the president will use his class warfare pitch to grab more power for himself while the nation grows poorer! Devout communists don’t even believe in class war as an effective way to grow an economy. Karl Marx recognized class warfare as an effective tool for gaining political power and the left has used it ever since! Since the term fairness has such a wide range of meanings, it is a convenient term to use as a club to attack political enemies or promote one’s own views, much the in the same way the left uses the term “fascist” to punish those who stray from leftist dogma!
So Mr. Obama’s solution to the fairness gap is of course more government, more taxes, more regulations and more spending. According to the president, we’re just supposed to trust our brilliant and noble experts in government and bureaucratic agencies to make things ‘FAIR” for everyone else. Of course this kind of thing has been tried before and the results haven’t been pretty; collectivist, socialist and communist governments have presided over the murder of some 100 million victims in the last 100 years!
President Obama and Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Fairness and the Founding Principles
The Declaration of Independence never once mentions the word fairness, although equality is mentioned twice but only in reference to equality in the eyes of God not the equality of outcomes as the left promotes! The fairness that is promoted by Mr. Obama has nothing in common with our nation’s founding principles at all but it is very much in line with the principles of left wing politics and Karl Marx.
GaryBauer, in writing for Politico noted, “Obama has called the Constitution “an imperfect document that reflects some deep flaws in American culture.” The Supreme Court’s leading liberal, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, said recently, “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.” To read more on this go to http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0412/74967.html#ixzz1t4XqEgZp. Bauer goes on to note, that in reference to Obamacare, the president has stated that a women’s right free to abortion pills and contraception is -“a matter of “basic fairness” and a “core principle” that needs to be balanced against the constitutional rights to religious liberty and free speech”. The president is equating a women’s right to free abortion pills and contraception with the rights in the first amendment! This is chilling to say the least, particularly coming from a president who is also considered an expert in Constitutional law!
The Fairness Game!
Groundwork for Tyranny
Professor Walt Williams posited that “fairness as a guide for public policy lays the groundwork for tyranny”. Williams demonstrates this by writing the first Amendment with a focus on fairness instead of freedom. The First Amendment emphasizing fairness over freedom would read as follows!
“Congress shall make no unfair laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the fair exercise thereof; or abridging the fairness of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble in a fair fashion, and to fairly petition the Government for a redress of grievances"?
What if I decided to an article critical of say feminism and feminist leaders in America? There would be those who would deem my article unfair and under the law I would have to appear before a court or committee of some type to consider whether my article was fair. Now how do you think that would go, how does one decide what’s fair in this case? Of course the political leanings of judges or judges would have a lot to do with the fate of my case. The point here is that fairness in this case, has too broad of meaning for a court to fairly rule on and the potential for the abuse of power is very great! This is precisely why law based on fuzzy concepts such as fairness, lead to tyranny.