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Oh look, a homemade image! Your own photos and images may not be pretty, but they add a good dose of authenticity to your Hubs, which makes a big impact!

Appearance Matters

So why not give your Hubs some extra

They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but would you pay much attention to a crumbled, juice-splattered, stapled-together manuscript? If given the choice between that sorry collection of words and a glossy magazine, chances are you would reach for the magazine.

Let's face it- appearance matters, and your Hubs are by no means exempt from our shallow, image-obsessed society. Paying special attention to formatting and image use pays off. To help you pretty-up your Hubs, we've shared some great image-improving pointers on our blog (and in the Pro Tips section of the newsletter below).

Speaking of gorgeous (not to mention fascianting) Hubs, the subject of this week's Hubber-to-Hubber interview has created some very fetching articles! We hope you find TFScientist's background and tips to be inspiring. Happy Hubbing,

Simone Haruko Smith
Community & Marketing Manager

Pro Tips

Girl, look at that Hub! A gorgeous Hub by E. A. Wright

Tips on Creating Attractive Hubs

Creating an alluring, professional, and polished Hub is easy as pie. Here are some tips on making your Hubs particularly gorgeous:

  • Break your text into multiple Text Capsules 
  • Break your text into bullets and bite-sized paragraphs 
  • Avoid excessive bolding, over-use of ALL CAPS, and overdone italicization 
  • Use original photos 
  • Avoid stock images 
  • Use high-resolution images 

For more detail on each of these points, stop by our blog post on attractive formatting, and in general, approach formatting from the perspective of a potential reader. If you were searching for information on your Hub's subject, what would you want to see? If you would be looking for a table, a map, or gorgeous photos, make sure your Hub isn't published without them!

For more useful guides and tips, visit the HubPages Learning Center

Hub Nuggets

This Week's HubNuggets

On HubPages, promising new Hubbers are often recognized in the weekly HubNuggets competition in which 18 Hubs from three different categories are nominated by a special team of Hubbers and voted on by the community at large.

This week, Enelle Lamb and the HubNuggets gang were flummoxed to discover that their fellow HubNuggets team member KoffeeKlatch Gals is missing. As they searched for her, nominees from the Games, Toys, and Hobbies, Entertainment and Media, and Food and Cooking categories were discovered- though Gals is still missing!

Will she ever be found? That remains to be seen, but this week's winners have been selected. Have a look at them below!


      Games, Toys, and Hobbies
24% projectgrantwood

Can Videogames be Art? (Part One: BioShock)

If you're a gamer, like me, it's likely that you have been criticized at least once by a significant other, a parent, a friend, or a coworker for your hobby. What kind of comments do people level against you? I've come across some pretty demeaning...

24% christaktak

Clever Ideas For Simple, Everyday Things!

Uses for those plain, boring everyday things. These uses can simply make your life easier, save you money and time!

21% sunnyjook

Chess Visual Tutorial: Opening Strategy

A chess game can be methodically broken down into three phases: The Opening, The Middlegame, and The Endgame. In other words: The Preparation, The Conflict, and The Resolution. To win a Conflict, you must first deploy your soldiers to advantageous positions to Prepare for it. In this visual tutorial, that's exactly what you'll learn to do. The best part is: it's simple.

      Entertainment and Media
32% JoshuaDR

5 Signs That I'm Getting Old

There comes a moment in everyone's life that you realize you're getting old. I recently had that moment as I sat on my couch watching Ryan Seacrest on New Years Eve celebrating with thousands of people in Times Square. I can even remember the exact...

21% Rusticliving

For the Love of Directing Musical Theatre

Getting yourself involved with a community playhouse or theatre group is the best way to expand your horizon as an actor, stage hand and/or director. I love directing community theatre because it allows me to open doors for so many people who have always wanted to act or participate in a production, but were afraid to audition.

15% SonQuioey10

Reasons Why Hate Is Time Wasted

Many people can’t see hate for what it really is. Hate is nothing more than some feeling used to bury some other feeling. And even in that, it is unfulfilled. It doesn't really erase that feeling at all. All it does is contribute to all the...

      Food and Cooking
36% vespawoolf

Butter Caramels with Himalayan Pink Salt Recipe

How to make homemade caramels using fresh ingredients and finishing salts.

27% Danareva

Organic Chocolate VS. Regular Chocolate

Organic Chocolate is more expensive than regular, Big Name chocolate. It is also healthier, better for the environment, and tastes blissfully delicious. Now that I know what organic really means, I can never go back. Read on to learn whether you’re eating real chocolate or not…

13% theclevercat

Vegetarian Arroz con Gandules: A Modern Take on Puerto Rican Rice and Beans

Arroz con gandules is an inexpensive, perfect mix of protein, carbohydrates, veggies, and deliciousness.



Hubber to Hubber

TFScientist, From Rugby, UK, 75 Fans, 29 Hubs, Joined 6 weeks ago

An Interview with TFScientist

How An Up-And-Coming Hubber Uses Hubs to Spark Your Inner Scientist

In your bio, you share that you studied Biology at Cardiff University and now teach Biology to others. What sparked your interest in this field? How has teaching been different from learning?

Saying what sparked an interest is always hard when you have held an interest for so long. I have always loved science and was lucky enough to have several inspirational teachers in this field. It was my A-level Biology teacher that inspired me to further my education in Biology. Academically at least, I think all of us have our favourite subjects due to one or two inspirational teachers that made the subject come alive. That is what I attempt to do in my own lessons.

Teaching science is fun in a different way to learning it. I get to enjoy other people’s “Eureka” moments and spur them on to experience more. I get to research and conduct more interesting (and therefore more dangerous) experiments myself. I get to legitimately make sick, simulate Earthquakes, make paper airplanes and play games – all in the name of learning! But it isn’t all fun and games: if the kids don’t learn, then I am merely an edu-tainer, instead of an entertaining educator. Marking, detentions, and phone calls are a necessary part of my day.

How many of your Hubs are connected with lessons you teach to your students? Do your students know about your Hubs?

The old adage goes “write about what you know” so my first Hubs were introductions to the cellular world. I wanted to show others that the tiny building blocks that make up all living things were universes in their own right. It then dawned on me that these articles would be useful for my A-Level (16-19year old) students. I have written a couple of Hubs specifically to supplement the learning of my students, but try to balance these with Hubs that have a wider appeal. As a teacher I am constantly looking for a new way to engage my students – by including knowledge checks, polls, videos, text and diagrams I can cover an entire topic in 1500 words in a way that the students want to engage with. HubPages allows me to create very high quality resources very easily. Overall, I reckon 75% of my Hubs are applicable to my students, but only 4 or 5 were written with them specifically in mind. I have set them homework “Read HubPages: _____Hub” twice now.

What inspired you to share your science expertise on HubPages?

I caught the writing bug whilst composing my final year project dissertation at Cardiff University and have been searching for an outlet ever since. I had tried blogging but didn’t have the discipline to maintain a decent viewership. My brother-in-law (a popular Hubber himself) told me about the website and suggested I give it a go. HubPages allowed me to see my audience growing on a daily basis – that instant gratification and constant feedback is rather addictive! On top of that, the HubPages interface is very user friendly. I didn’t have to spend hours working on format or HTML to ensure my finished articles looked professional and were user friendly.

Of all the Hubs you have written, which has received the most attention? Why do you think that's the case?

My Top 10 Science Experiments has received the most traffic – 676 views in eight days (375 in two days) – and the most comments. Why has this been successful? It is a combination of factors but ultimately I think everyone is secretly a science geek! This Hub shows that science can be easy and fun, and the experiments can be completed by all ages. Plus they make great family projects! These safe, straightforward, and simple experiments are fascinating and have a great wow factor (I love hypercooling water) without requiring any expensive or difficult equipment. I believe people want to engage with science, but dismiss it as hard or geeky – I am trying to change that attitude.

Within the biology field, you express an added interest in genetics and cytology. Most of us could roughly define genetics, but... what is cytology? Have you written any Hubs about it?

Cytology is not as complex as it sounds! Cytology is the study of cells – probably one of my most written about topics.

Science interests aside, you are a fan of rugby, reading, and singing. Do you plan on writing Hubs on those subjects as well?

I would love to broaden my writing horizons by publishing Hubs on these topics. My first 6 weeks has focussed on building a reputation within my niche of life sciences and teaching. I think I am ready to branch out from this. I may start with singing, as I don’t have much time to read at the moment – you can’t read a book in the shower! As for rugby, the RBS Six Nations Championship (the European International Rugby Tournament) has just started and my team (Wales) are off to a flyer. Overall victory will certainly inspire me to write about rugby. If we don’t win…well…as long as we beat England!

As a HubNuggets winner and popular up-and-coming Hubber, you've been very successful on the site so far. What advice would you give to fellow new Hubbers?

Before I started work on my first Hub I extensively read through the Learning Center Hubs – this answered my questions and prevented me making common mistakes. Make use of the Extreme Makeover Forums and take feedback dispassionately. Your best resource as a new Hubber is the community of established Hubbers. Much of what has made me successful has been following generally accepted advice. I tried to ensure my Hubs were:

  • Evergreen
  • High quality
  • Original
  • Categorised to encourage Hub hoppers to read more
  • Providing a carefully chosen selection of links to other (very high quality) websites
  • Full of Hub Karma
  • Published on my social networks, and on sites such as Reddit and StumbleUpon

Recently I have tried writing Hubs to the standards of the Flagship Hub program – although I would wait until you get a feel for writing Hubs before you do this. My first few Hubs were only 400-500 hundred words long with videos, pictures and three links each – you can always add to them or merge Hubs later on. Ultimately you must create your Hubs in a style that feels natural to you.

  HubPages Fun (and FRUSTRATING) Fact: We forget 90% of the information we learned in class within 90 days. http://realhousewife.hubpages.com/hub/Memories-The-Short-Long-Terms-of-It

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