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Celebrating Independence Around the World

How do countries observe their independence?

Yesterday, the United States observed the Fourth of July, a celebration of the day in 1776 when the Articles of Confederation were ratified by the Second Continental Congress and declared that the Thirteen Colonies were a free and independent state. The new country was no longer subject or subordinate to the rule of the monarch of Britain, who was Charles III at the time. Celebrating freedom from British rule is something the United States is no exception to; in fact, dozens of countries' national days are in recognition of their freedom from the U.K., and if not that, then another European power. 

It's understandable that most people's idea of what happens during a national day corresponds to the country they live in. Are there fireworks? Perhaps parades and cookouts? That's at least what it usually entails in the United States. But did you know that nearly every nation around the world celebrates either its independence or something else that gives the nation a key part of its identity?

Inspiration for National Days Around the World:

  • Sudan celebrates its independence from both the U.K. and Egypt on January 1, and South Sudan celebrates its independence from Sudan on July 9 (South Sudan is the newest sovereign nation, having gained independence in just 2011).
  • Australia Day is celebrated on January 26, which commemorates the founding of Sydney, the first British colony in Australia, back in 1788. 
  • Brazil celebrates its independence from Portugal in 1822 on September 7, while Uruguay celebrates its independence from Brazil in 1825 on August 25. 
  • Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua all celebrate their independence from Spain in 1821 on September 15. 
  • Countries like Ukraine, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan celebrate their respective independence days from the Soviet Union sometime between late August and early September. 

A few other countries celebrate things other than independence, like China which celebrates the founding of the People's Republic of China, and Japan, which celebrates the crowing of their first emperor all the way back in the year 660! Only two countries, the U.K. and Denmark, do not have some type of national day. 

However your country celebrates its unique identity and founding, the HubPages team hopes you take the time to understand the holiday and partake how you see fit!

Pro Tips

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How Long Should Paragraphs Be?

How long should you make your paragraphs when writing on HubPages? Sometimes it's tempting to create long, descriptive paragraphs for your readers, especially when covering topics for sites like Owlcation, where the content is much more academic. 

The HubPages editing team advises, however, that you try and keep your paragraphs on the shorter side. When composing in the hubtool, paragraphs about five lines long or just a few sentences in length are seen as ideal. 

When reading on the internet versus in a magazine or book, there are many more distractions that can bring you away from the content you're consuming. Hyperlinks, related articles, and ads are all things that may lead people to click off your article. Therefore, we recommend keeping paragraphs short in an effort to keep readers as engaged as possible. 

If you are trying to keep your sentences grouped together with similar ones, we recommend introducing a small header that helps break things up and introduces a new topic. They're eye-catching, help readers navigate the content, and can help highlight keywords so Google can better understand your piece.  

It should also be noted that a large percentage of our readers are on mobile devices, and therefore, each paragraph takes up more of the available screen space than it does on a computer. If writing with mobile viewers in mind feels like a new and somewhat daunting concept, know that the HubPages editing team is here to do what we can to optimize your pieces for various platforms and for readers all over the world!

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  HubPages Fun Fact: Vodka is often made from potatoes, but can also be distilled from beets, wheat, rye, corn, and even hemp seeds.

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