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Sharing Articles on Pinterest

Best Practices for Sharing on Socials

We all know just how important sharing your writing across social media has become. With billions of people online every day, sharing your articles directly with friends and followers is a great way of showing off your work. It not only brings in viewers, but invites discussion and allows your followers to reshare the pieces with even more people. 

Posting links on sites like Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) is a great idea, but Pinterest is, in many ways, the best for HubPages articles.

Here's why:

  • Content that is often among the most popular on HubPages network sites, like recipes, crafts, and DIY pieces, is what Pinterest is known for. You're more likely to find content on how to build a birdhouse or a seasonal recipe on Pinterest than you are on X. 
  • Evergreen content, which HubPages focuses on, works better with Pinterest's algorithm and format. Social media like X or Instagram focuses heavily on quick thoughts, stories, and news, so content that has lasting relevance might get buried in the firestorm of breaking topics and trending memes. 

Suggestings for Sharing on Pinterest:

  • Create a board for topics you write about frequently. If you're a seasonal baker, make a board for all your holiday recipes; if you're spending the summer traveling Europe and writing about each destination, pin all your articles to the same spot, perhaps a board titled "European Summer."
  • Install the Pinterest extension in Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. This way, you can pin any photo you see in just a few seconds, as opposed to going onto the site and creating a new pin. There's nothing wrong with doing it on the website, but the former is a lot faster!
  • Though we are moving away from having top images with text overlay on our network sites, they are still a good idea for Pinterest. Since there is no accompanying text when searching on the platform, having text on an image to give an idea of what it links to is a good idea. So, if your photo with text has been moved down in your article, pin that one or you can create a new image!
  • Other suggestions include making sure you place the article title as well as a short description in the post, and if creating a new image, use the dimensions 1,000 x 1,500 pixels!

Pro Tips

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Questions to Consider for Topic Ideas

As writers, we all know that coming up with new article ideas can be quite a struggle. Sometimes, you can continue with the beat you've been writing about in previous pieces, but coming up with a fresh idea is, understandably, very difficult when there is already so much content online. 

Here are a few ideas of things you can do or can ask yourself to help stimulate new thoughts and ideas. 

  • Questions You've Recently Asked: Is there something you thought of recently that you'd never considered before? Maybe you asked a friend that you were with, and they had no answer for you either. Well, maybe you can put together an article that answers the question in a similar approach to how you asked it. 
  • Topics With Unsatisfying Articles: Having a question and not being able to find a succient answer is frustrating, but it also might present you with your text article idea. Does the answer your looking for feel like a footnote in articles on the topic? Try isolating the answer and presenting your whole article around this idea. 
  • Save Ideas for Later: Maybe you're in the middle of writing a series of articles on a related topic, but then think of something totally different and unrelated that you'd like to write about. Jot down a note in your phone or notebook, so when you feel devoid of ideas down the line, you can revisit and workshop your thoughts. If you write the idea down and don't think about it for a few weeks or months, you might realize it is an even better idea than you originally thought!

Featured Articles of the Week

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Featured Articles of the Week

From how Zebra danios can regenerate parts of their brain and spinal cords to a future of transient adults, these are our featured articles of the week. Check out all the interesting reads below!

  HubPages Fun Fact: "Eating crow" refers to being humiliated and admitting you were wrong after taking a strong position.

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