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Bird Treatment - Homeopathy Medicine for Parakeets and Other Birds

Updated on April 19, 2014

Homeopathy for Birds

More and more people are realizing the fact that alternative medicine such as homeopathy can prove to be quite effective for the treatment of some of the common ailments afflicting their pets. This is the reason why many parakeet owners are looking for homeopathic medications for relieving the distress of their favorite pet birds.

Let's have a look at how homeopathy works and find out what are some of the most effective and common homeopathic medicines for birds that you can easily buy at your nearest store.

How Homeopathy Works?

The practice of homeopathy is based on the theory that to stimulate the immune system to fight the disease, agents that produce the same symptoms of the disease should be used. For this purpose, extremely diluted remedies are used to stimulate the body to heal and improve the immunity of the individual.

So, when you are through with the sickness, your body is in a better state of health than it was before you fell ill. This is very unlike the traditional Western medications that have their own side-effects and leave the body further weakened even after the symptoms have subsided.

So, what are the most common homeopathic remedies for your parakeets? Let's take a look at this list right here.


Any kind of shock can kill your bird instantaneously. Arnica is one of the most effective medicine for birds for alleviating shock and minimizing the pain, bruising, and swelling in case of an injury. You can give Arnica 30, three to four times during the day if your parakeet has suffered a blow to help relieve the pain and heal bruised tissues.

A bruised bone can be treated with Rufa 6 or Rufa 30 given twice a day for a week. One dose of Aconite 200 or Arnica 200 can help relieve the pain in case of a fractured bone till the time he/she can be taken to the vet for further treatment. Keep a stock of the Hypercal cream, ointment, or tincture since it is quite effective for nasty wounds and for parts that you want to keep dry.


One of the most common parakeet illnesses is diarrhea. Infection, starvation, food poisoning, or any kind of accident can cause the bird to have a loose bowel. For any kind of diarrhea in birds, Arsenicum Album 6x with Hydrastis 6x given once hourly is quite useful.

One of the best brid treatment medicines for a bright green and watery diarrhea (often an indication of starvation) is three or four doses of Arsenicum 30 given for two days. Alum 30 can be given if it is dark or light brown and does not get better within two days' time. Calcarea Suphurica can be given for bloody diarrhea.

Respiratory Illnesses

For colds and cough in birds, Belladonna is the most common homeopathic medicine. Symptoms such as high fever, ear, throat, and pain in the eyes can be easily alleviated by this remedy. Try to provide some steam inhalation for your bird by making a tent with towels around the cage.

Other Homeopathic Medicines for Birds

Belladonna 30 given every two hours is an effective medicine for birds with abscesses also. Besides these, here are a few more homeopathic medicines that can be used for bird treatment:

  • Ledum 12 for treating mites or parasites in the feathers of the parakeets
  • Ignatia 12 for loss of appetite
  • Euphrasia for running eyes
  • Gelsemium for tiredness
  • Natrum Muriatum for weakness
  • Urtica urens for burns and scalds

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Precautions While Handling Homeopathic Medications

Homeopathy believes that the energy of these medications can easily evaporate with touch. So, make sure not to touch these alternative medicines for birds with your hands. Ensure that your parakeet's beak is clean.

Administer the homeopathic bird treatment by tipping the required dosage into a clean spoon and then placing it inside your pet's mouth. Also, avoid feeding your bird before and after the dose. As a bird owner, make sure to stick to these precautions and watch your bird be healthy and chirpy as usual.


Animal Welfare Board of India: Homeopathy Treatments for Birds

Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre: Homeopathy for Animals

Everglo-Natural Veterinary Services, Inc.: Birds


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