Explain: How to ride a Horse

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  1. ngureco profile image76
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    Explain: How to ride a Horse

  2. profile image57
    NNathanielStockposted 15 years ago

    This depends upon if you want to learn western, english there is several different styles in which one can learn to ride.

  3. landthatilove profile image60
    landthatiloveposted 15 years ago

    I agree there are different styles of riding as N NathanialStock said but I would not concern myself with all the minutia in the beginning. I learned to ride bareback on my own when I was a young child. No body taught me I was driven by a powerful desire to be up there. You can go pay for instructions which is probably the safest way to start but not necessarily the most exciting in my opinion.

    Basically you have to seek the correct center of gravity in your seat and stay balanced during each gait of the horse. Of course walking is the easiest. Trotting is jarring and cantering is soothing and exhilarating. I loved the full out gallop when I was a kid. In all cases you have to be able to control the horse with the reins which are attached to the bit which is placed in the horses mouth and held on by the headset of the bridle. Most beginners will use the reins to "hang on" to the horse that is riding 101's biggest mistake. The horse will become confused about the message being sent through the reins if you are pulling to hard or jerking it about. The better trained the horse the more he will be confused because each different pressure on the bit  means a certain command to that horse. A lesser trained horse will probably just get angry and may balk, buck or run away with you and try to get you off his back any way he can.

    So riding is not just being able to stick on his back it which is important of course but you need to understand how to communicate with your hands, leg pressure and balance to let the horse know what is expected of him.

    What is your motivation to ride ? As I said earlier mine derived from a deep desire to be one with the horse. It was organic if you will on my part. I embraced every aspect of the horse and his life. I got pleasure just from the smell of the horse, the feel of his coat and the rippling muscles.I would hop on his back out in the pasture, bareback, no bridle and sit while he grazed. I would spend hours "polishing" his coat until it gleamed. I would fall asleep on a bale of straw next to his stall comforted by his breathing and tail swishing and grinding his oats. Do you want to own a horse or just go experience a leisurely outing on  a trail once in a while? I can tell you from experience that if you own a good horse he will teach you a lot. There are tons of books on the subject so if you are truly motivated get reading.

    I could go on and on about this but I will stop here and see just what direction you are thinking of.

  4. donotfear profile image82
    donotfearposted 15 years ago

    Depending on your particular style of riding, Western or Eastern, it takes a great deal of time and patience to master horsemanship. Both require skill that is acquired from many hours of riding, exposing yourself and your equine to different situations, and learning how the horse moves.  Yes, there is such a thing as a 'natural horseman'.  I've met a few in my life; my husband is a natural. Meaning, he sits a horse naturally, as if he's been riding for years, but he has very little experience. Some people look like they belong there, other's don't. Whether you're a natural, or not, it takes concentration and the ability to balance, as well as use your hands, legs, knees and heels together. But what an awesome feeling it is to become one with your horse! Wow! You'll both move together when you've mastered the art.

  5. profile image52
    old fashionposted 15 years ago

    get on, hold on and go. learning things from a book and certified instructors is all good and well. but it's also expensive. the best trained horse and the best trained person are nothing compared to a well formed bond between horse and rider. anyone can be taught to technique but it takes talent and fun to be a good rider. not instruction and practice. just do it. form and technique should come in after you arecomfortable and confident enough together as a team.

  6. tekegirl profile image60
    tekegirlposted 15 years ago

    You have to understand how to be a horse friend not user, not rider, not handler - The friend. To communicate you desires and moods and be connected that`s how you start riding the horse. It is a long road from learning How to Talk to your horse from catching to feeding and rewarding, to accepting a 1000 pound animal into your heart with respect and dignity for its freedom.

    You can come and stay with us in Fl for two or three days and we can show you how we Talk to our Horses: Akhal-Tekes, Quarter horses, Paint horses, Morgans, Thoroughbreds and Saddlebred - they are  all rescues available for lease near Sarasota.

    Just have fun or compete they can do it all -  give just one more chance to rescued horses. Myakka River Ranch (941) 312 3081

  7. HorseRider33 profile image58
    HorseRider33posted 14 years ago

    Well once you have tacked up a horse use your left foot into the left stirrup then take 3 big jumps and hop on making sure your right foot doesn't kick the horses behind. Then make sure your posture is correct and your not slouching. Make sure your heels are down while your sitting down make sure you push down as hard as you can then sit to the front of the saddle keep moving forward to the top of the saddle also make sure your legs are put back as tight as you can sitting on the saddle. One more important thing the tip of your feet need to be pushed up all the time basically your toes that are in your boots then kick on both sides and ride off and make sure when you ride the reins need to be held correctly like, hold them normally then take both of your thumbs and wrap them around the reins and when you want too stop the horse pull on the reins but not to hard because the horses mouth will hurt.


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