My dog swallowed a knee high stocking

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  1. profile image50
    jovi10posted 14 years ago

    He swallowed it last night. It's a knee high stocking that women wear instead of full length stockings.
    He hasn't passed it yet. Should I wait some more or try to get him to vomit it out?
    He is eating and drinking water and has gone on the wee wee pads 3x today and nothing.

    Please help!

    1. itcoll profile image61
      itcollposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think it is better to see a vet.Or has it already come out?

      1. lorlie6 profile image71
        lorlie6posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Absolutely, the hose could get tangled up, I imagine.  I would definitely call a vet.
        Let us know, ok?

  2. Ivorwen profile image66
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    It probably depends on the size of your dog, but most likely, if he was able to swallow it, it will come out the other end.  If you are really worried, call your vet.

    My rabbit ate a sting once.  It came out looking like a necklace.  big_smile

  3. Jeffrey Neal profile image67
    Jeffrey Nealposted 14 years ago

    Dogs will eat anything!  Just ask a vet about all the weird stuff they've seen.

    I'll never forget coming home from work once when I got parked and noticed the dog hadn't greeted me at my door like normal.  I saw him standing back and walking funny, and then I noticed that he had something hanging out of his butt.  It was part of a towel the wife had left outside for him to lay on.  He had apparently shredded it and ate at least that one piece which I unfortunately had to *help* him with. neutral big_smile

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Our dog ate a razor blade apparently with no issues. big_smile

      A true story.  She also has eaten plastic, shoe leather (oh, boy), a remote, and a cell phone (well, only part of the cell phone).  My thought is that her teeth are so strong that she actually managed to grind the razor blade up so it didn't hurt her...  I'd tried to get it away from her but couldn't.

      lol I know we sound like irresponsible pet owners, but that really isn't the case!  She's just kind of a crazy dog and gets into everything...I should also say she is tall and weighs as much as I do.

  4. profile image50
    jovi10posted 14 years ago

    Thanks for your replies.

    He is half German Shepherd-half toy fox terrier. He weighs about 45-50 lbs.

  5. Blogging Erika profile image67
    Blogging Erikaposted 14 years ago

    If he swallowed it last night, then it's probably too late for making him vomit to do any good.  Keep a close eye on him, and watch for any signs of distress or lethargy. 

    If it causes a problem (like a bowel impaction) it will be a very serious emergency, so get him to the emergency vet RIGHT AWAY.  Like, keep your car keys handy!  This is not a "wait until the regular vet is open" problem.

    That being said, I agree that it will probably pass.  You can give him a lot of good fiber to help it along.  Broccoli, canned pumpkin, that kind of thing.

    Also, not to be graphic, but be prepared to help it, err... emerge.  Bring a pair of rubber gloves when you take him for his walkies.

  6. profile image50
    jovi10posted 14 years ago

    Thanks for your reply Erika.

    No such luck yet. He is eating very well. He had like 5 bowel movements already today but nothing yet but he has gas..he has been passing alot of that though!  LOL

    I am keeping a very close eye on him..its been 24 hours right now and I hope he will be ok through the night.

  7. profile image50
    jovi10posted 14 years ago

    Oh wow Lita..your dog must really keep you on your toes!  LOL

  8. Bibowen profile image89
    Bibowenposted 14 years ago

    So, what you're telling us is that your dog got hosed?

    1. profile image50
      jovi10posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I get the :joke:..not funny to me anyway

  9. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    Fellow hubber, Randy Godwin, and I had 2 wolf-shepherds once that he was keeping at his place. He said they ate an entire string of Christmas lights - with no ill effects. My Anatolian swallowerd a whole t-bone once and passed it with no problems. He'll probably be fine, but call the vet just in case.

  10. Shalini Kagal profile image54
    Shalini Kagalposted 14 years ago

    jovi10 - there's usually no harm done unless the stocking has got entangled inside. We have an almost-2 year old Lab cross who eats anything and thus far, we've been lucky - he usually throws it up or passes it out after a day or two. You maybe need to take him to the vet if he seems to be in any kind of discomfort. Otherwise Nature usually takes its course.

    @Jeffrey - been there, done that big_smile

  11. profile image50
    jovi10posted 14 years ago

    Thank you Shalini.

    He keeps going and going but no sign of the stocking yet.
    At this rate, I should buy stock in wee wee pads!  smile

    --PS-- I love this site so far! Thanks to all who are trying to help me out here..very much appreciated.


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