What happens when you abandon God? We can address this question by looking into drama played out in the lives of two of Jesus' disciples: Peter and Judas.
Is the Christian doctrine of the Trinity just "religious nonsense"? In this essay I deal with thinking about immaterial existence in a material world with the example of numbers.
Existentialism is a philosophy that denies the relevance of God and insists that we exercise our will in an absurd universe and live authentically. In the final analysis, we should reject it as a philosophy of life.
Are you important? The answer to the question has nothing to do with self-esteem or how you and others view your value as a person.
American political parties can be understood in light of five American presidents: Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, McKinley, and F.D. Roosevelt.
The media and the academy are confusing the public about the terms "patriotism," "nationalism," and "fascism." Is there a difference between these three "isms"? In this essay, I say "yes, there is" and that the distinction between these isms should be clarified.
Libertarianism is an ideology that emphasizes a minimal view of government as it promotes the general freedom of humankind. While libertarians say many things commendable, I state in this essay while I reject it as a philosophy of life.
Constantine is called the first Christian emperor, but was he really a Christian? While there is evidence on both sides, the most compelling evidence suggests that he was, in fact, a Christian.
This article is a summary of the political doctrine of the divine right of kings and the conflict surrounding it during the 17th century.
Here are twenty maxims that I have used over the years in explaining the role of law and government.
In this essay, I provide a summary of Augustine's political philosophy
In history man started with God and ended in relativism and despair. This essay discusses the journey to relativism and the way back home.
Augustine of Hippo was one of the great thinkers of Western civilization. In this article, I provide an overview of Augustine's philosophy of history.
Here, the ideologies of liberalism and conservatism are compared and contrasted in historical perspective by looking at these three areas: freedom, human nature, and the role of government.
The foreign policy principles of America were birthed out of a desire by American leaders to defend their citizens. The two most important principles were independence and national sovereignty.
For many years, I was a man of the right. Recently, I switched to the left. This is an introduction to my story with the hopes that it will encourage many of you to make the transition.
Is the so-called "Confederate flag" racist"? Sadly, those who are trying to lower this flag are, at best, doing nothing to combat racism and are, at worst, trivializing true racism.
Israel has both a president and a prime minister. Why? What is the difference between these two positions? Here's what you need to know.
Death-penalty opponents often ask, "but what if we execute the wrong person?" In this essay, I argue that the death penalty is necessary, even at the risk of wrongly accusing and executing an innocent person.
Those that offer a theistic explanation for first causes are often accused of engaging in a type of reasoning characterized as "God of the Gaps." I explain why this accusation is unwarranted.
In this essay I compare the presidencies of France and the United States in terms of their constitutional features.
The Preamble to the United States Constitution provides the reasons for why the Constitution was written. In this essay, I elaborate on the main purposes of the Constitution.
What does it mean to "test for significance"? In this essay I explain the meaning of "statistical significance" for those that need help in statistics and probability.
The presidencies of France and the United States have several interesting points of comparison and contrast. This essay will compare their beginnings.
Do atheists embrace an irrational faith for the future? In this essay I explain why the answer is "yes."
Jesse Helms was one of the most important conservative politicians of the twentieth century. This essay will give you an overview of his importance.
Is capital punishment humane? In this essay I argue that capital punishment is the most humane social response to the act of murder.
In spite of a miserable and disturbing four years, the United States chose to reelect Barack Obama as president. Republicans are reeling from this election? How could this have happened?
George Washington and John Adams were the first two presidents of the United States. Both men were committed patriots, but their contribution to the new republic couldn't be more different.
Government should be based on Christian principles that are widely recognized in western democratic societies. They are revelation, law, justice, constraint, and humanity.
Can we be good without God? This is a common question asked in the areas of ethics and religion. My thesis is that while we can act good without God, the "good" is not possible without God.
A sometimes-serious, sometimes-not look at what it takes to argue before the United States Supreme Court and what you can learn about public speaking from the process.
The presidential election of 2000 was one of the most unusual in American History. In most elections for the president, we know who the next president will be a day after the election. But on November 8, 2000, a day after the election, we still did not know who the next president would be and would...
It is now common to compare the American and French Revolutions. But do they really have much in common? I argue that they have little to do with one another.
The modern legislature is vital in the making laws for democratic states. However, authoritarian states also have them. One of its most important elements is its structure.
Calvin Coolidge said that law must rest on the "eternal foundations of righteousness. It is the task of the lawmaker to ascertain what are these "eternal foundations of righteousness" and apply them.
What is the difference between a president and a prime minister? This article is devoted to helping you better understand the difference.
Until the 20th century, there was little doubt that Americans believed that their nation was "Christian." Despite efforts by secularists to challenge that view, I provide several evidences that point to America's Christian foundation as the basis for affirming that the American nation is Christian.
Bastiat's The Law is a classic in free-market economics. In this small treatise, Bastiat provides both a model of the classical liberal view of economics along with a critique of socialism.
Perhaps you've heard someone say that "we not only have the freedom of religion, but we also have the freedom from religion." In this article I explain why the idea of a "freedom from religion" is irrational.
The Trumpy yacht USS Sequoia was the most famous of all the presidential yachts. She was used by presidents Hoover through Ford. In this article, I review how the presidents used her and what eventually happened to her.
The Articles of Confederation was adopted as America's first national government in 1781 and continued as the national government for the United States until 1789. Although it enjoyed some successes, it was abandoned by the delegates to the Philadelphia Convention in 1787 in pursuit of a new...
Political parties are vital to democracy. However, many authoritarian nations also have parites. This essay contrasts political parties in democratic and authoritarian nations.
Remember what they said in teacher's school: "Don't smile until Christmas"? This is absurd...Thanksgiving is more than long enough.
George Washington was keenly aware of his importance as the nation's first president. This essay provides an overview of his actions and how they established a precedent for the nation today.
The modern nation-state arose out of the collapse of the European feudal order and the Roman church monopoly. Explore the rise of the nation-state in Europe and its expansion worldwide.
The presidency of the United States is a creation of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Learn about America's initial rejection of executive authority and the reasons for the aversion to monarchy.
Here are some of my political limericks. Check back every now and then as I write others.
The presidential veto is one of the most famous of the president's powers. But where did we get the idea of a presidential veto? In this article, I give a brief overview of the power of the veto that was later given to the office of the president at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
America has an identity that is rooted in the spiritual heritage of its founders. Sadly, America is being robbed of that identity.
When George W. Bush became president in 2001, he immediately began to change the decor of the Oval Office. This article will give you an overview of some of those changes.
Some of our basic human rights come from the Constitution, while others do not. Learn how to make the distinction between the two.
Why does the universe exist instead of nothing? In this essay I summarize the cosmological argument from contingency offered by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Leibniz argues for the existence of God as the reason for the origin of the universe. Because the universe is a physical entity, it is...
What is the purpose of a Constitution? It's main purpose is to constrain the powers of government; in a phrase, to bind the prince. This article analyzes how the Constitution limits the power of government.
The conflict regarding religion in schools will never end so long as atheism is the reigning paradigm and religious free exercise is suppressed.
On August 31, 2010, the White House revealed that the Presidential Oval Office got a makeover while the president was vacationing at Martha’s Vineyard. Let's take a look at those changes!
John Adams is often viewed as one of the more obscure founding fathers. However, during his day, Adams was called the "Atlas of Independence." In his book "The Founding Fathers on Leadership," Donald Phillips emphasizes how Adams worked to convince other founding fathers to advocate independence,...
America needs moral courage, but liberalism cannot provide it. Liberalism has become the refuge of the gutless.
In this second part of a two-part article, an overview of the Law of Moses is provided, along with a response to objections to using it as a basis for law today.
Does God's law apply to us today? Yes. God's law is the standard for morality and the basis on which a successful legal code is made. In this first part of a two part essay, I discuss in what way the law of God as found in the Bible applies today.
Calvin Coolidge said, “Men do not make laws. They do but discover them. Laws must be justified by something more than the will of the majority. They must rest on the eternal foundations of righteousness.” Was he right? The short answer is "yes." This essay is dedicated to helping you better see the...
Did early Americans believe that there was a connection between law, morality, and the Bible. These quotes from early prominent Americans suggest that they did.
Perhaps the most profound question throughout history has been “Why are we here”? The Kalam Cosmological Argument posits a causal beginning to the universe. This argument has been used by the three great monotheistic religions of the world: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
Textbooks on U.S. Government and History will usually have a chapter on the history of the creation of the U.S. Constitution. Normally, writers will mix the facts and opinions about the history of the document. This essay is dedicated to helping you sort out what is fact and what is assumption...
The pardon is one of the most far-reaching powers that an American president has in his possession. This article gives an overview of this important presidential power.
Why do we call a person a "great leader"? Author and historian Steven Hayward addresses this question and others in his book called Greatness, in which he compares the lives of Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill.
Just how important is one's formal education to achieving political greatness? According to author and historian Steven Hayward, one's formal education is not nearly as important as one's informal education. An "informal" education is that education that one pursues on their own. Both Reagan and...
While abortionists claim that abortion is the "law of the land" the fact is that the status of abortion is much more uncertain. Abortion has lost on every front including the areas of ethics, morals, and science.
Is there an inherent conflict between religion and science in Western civilization? This article challenges the "conflict theory" as a nineteenth-century fabrication.
How does a bill become law? This article recounts the drama surrounding the Congressional ban on partial birth abortion and the Supreme Court case that came out of the controversy. In the end, the Supreme Court would uphold the congressional ban on partial birth abortion.
Did the Framers create a monster when they created the Electoral College? Here I go back to the Constitutional Convention that created it. Fearful that our presidents might be tryants, the framers created a complicated system, but one that solved many problems of their time.
The Great Charter of Liberties, the Magna Carta, was approved by King John, one of England's most notorious tyrants. This document shaped the development of Western constitutional liberty.
President Obama achieved near-divine status. Like the Creator, he created much from nothing.
Were the English colonists right to fight a "war of Independence"? In addressing this question, it's important to distinguish between the leaders of the colonies and the ordinary citizens.
A common assumption is that capital punishment is allowed in the Old Testament, but not in the New Testament. In this article, I claim that the death penalty is allowed in the New Testament by refuting common misconceptions about passages such as "turning the other cheek" and "casting stones."
This article looks at the activism of William Wilberforce.
In this essay, I consider the common arguments given by historians that promote the claim that George Washington was a deist.
This essay argues that the Wall of Separation between church and state first stated by Thomas Jefferson has no grounding in the Constitution and has led to the loss of religious freedom. Upon the advice of former Chief Justice William Rehnquist, the Wall of Separation principle should be abandoned.
In 1907, former Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes said, “we are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is . . . ” In this article, I provide some of the antecedents for Hughes' view as well as the consequences of such a view.
Much has been made of the Treaty of Tripoli and especially Article XI as historical evidence that America is not a Christian nation. If we consider that there is a difference between a nation and a government, along with the founders' narrow definition of religion, I conclude that using the Treaty...
Political philosophers like Niccolo Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes created a political theory motivated mostly by fear. Inevitably, a free people must abandon fear as its primary motivation.