Wild Animals Captive: What Gives Us The Right?

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  1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
    ShawnB2011posted 12 years ago

    I was watching a show about when animals attack the other day n which it depicted wild animals attacking humans and us humans slay these animals for what they do naturally. In addition to that, I think zoos, carnivals and circuses should be banned altogether from being able to hold wild animals for profit or any other reason. We have no logical reason to hold these animals captive period. What, just to look and point at them? That's not a legit reason, it's out of pure amusement and that's it, nothing more and nothing less than that.

    We the people trespass into their turfs but yet we kill them if they defend it. What gives us the right to do so? If someone were breaking into my home, I would defend it any way I could as well. It's only natural to do so. My big beef (no pun intended) is that I personally do not feel that we should hold captive wild animals. Sorry, but holding elephants, tigers, lions, hippos and other wild animals captive for profit should be against the law. These animals do not belong in our human settings. They should be free to roam in open wilderness where they originate from. I guess I think of it this way, what if some larger, more smarter being were able to round us humans up for no reason, stick us all in cages in unfamiliar settings and made to do stupid tricks to only be gawked at for no other reason but for the amusement of these other beings? Pretty sure nobody would like it or accept it. We would probably lash out against those beings and when we did, we get shot for doing so. It's the same thing we do to animals. Parading them around in tents and dressing them up and making them do stupid tricks for our own amusement is plain stupid and ignorant on our part.

    Nothing worse than seeing let's say a rogue elephant finally at it's breaking point due to the mistreatment's of its' 'handlers getting its' revenge on them only to be killed because of it. It is a WILD animal, wtf did they expect would happen? Dumb mother f*!%rs! Call me ignorant or whatever but every time I see a captive wild animal attacking a human, I ALWAYS root for the animal! They are arrogant and dumb enough to think a wild animal wouldn't ever attack so when they do, They deserve everything it unleashes on those dumb asses! Shouldn't be holding it captive in the first place, idiots!

    Thanks for reading while on my soap box for a minute. Cheers!

    1. amymarie_5 profile image67
      amymarie_5posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I know how you feel. I'm repulsed by humans who harm animals and imprison them.  I stopped going to zoos and actually wrote a hub on circus elephants (if you are interested).  I wish more people felt the way we do.  Sometimes I think I like animals more than people.  At least they don't kill for sport and only attack when in danger!

      1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
        ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hello amy,

        I will definately check out your hub! That's one of my largest complaints in how they treat their animals. It's sickening really. The show I was referring to showed a lion and a few hunters. The lion killed a hunter a few days prior so this group got together to go kill it. I was yelling at the T.V. IT IS A WILD ANIMAL and you are on HIS TURF! needless to say, the lion charged at the group and they ended up killing it. Pissed me off pretty good as you can tell! They had no reason, yes it killed another human being but I guarantee you that hunter stepped into that lion's domain causing him to attack. Grrr.. lol

        1. amymarie_5 profile image67
          amymarie_5posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I've seen commercials for that show but never watched it.  Now I know that I never will.  I would have been just as furious!

    2. rbe0 profile image59
      rbe0posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "I was watching a show about when animals attack the other day n which it depicted wild animals attacking humans and us humans slay these animals for what they do naturally."

      If an animal attacked you, would you not fight back? Are you saying you would just give in and let it eat you? Is it not a natural response for humans to slay an animal for doing something it has done naturally? (in this case the animal naturally attacked a human).

      If humanity should not be allowed to profit from wild animals, what about plants? Should plants have inherent rights as well? Some plants, like the venus fly-trap, are predatory by nature and they also have a territory in which if you invade upon they will try and eat you. Are you saying that  humans should leave predatory plants alone also?

      Amusement at the expense of animals isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as they are provided a healthy environment. They might even be happier than they would be in nature if humans gave them access to a few of our perks, like ipads and filet mignon. I think it is more important and practical to argue for the ethical treatment of animals, than to argue that they should all be let free to roam our streets and that we shouldn't defend ourselves when they try to eat us.

      "We the people trespass into their turfs but yet we kill them if they defend it. What gives us the right to do so? If someone were breaking into my home, I would defend it any way I could as well. It's only natural to do so."

      If animals had well defined boundaries for where there "turfs" both began and ended then I could see your argument being much more valid. The way things currently are, animals just decide where their turf boundaries are without any prior discussion with anyone (which is quite selfish of them dont you think?) and they don't even fire a warning shot before defending their turfs with violent force. This is in no way comparable to a burglar breaking into your own home because you communicated well-defined and well-understood boundaries to the burglar before he committed the crime.

      The day that an animal sits down with me and we have an intelligent discussion regarding turf boundaries that involves no physical intimidation is the day I agree with you on that point.

      "what if some larger, more smarter being were able to round us humans up for no reason, stick us all in cages in unfamiliar settings and made to do stupid tricks to only be gawked at for no other reason but for the amusement of these other beings? Pretty sure nobody would like it or accept it."

      This has happened countless times throughout history, its called slavery and it is easy to understand why intelligent beings do not appreciate being enslaved. Intelligence requires the ability to rationally discuss your ideas and needs with other beings without attempting to physically dominate them.

      Once again, the day an animal sits me down for an intelligent discussion involving no physical intimidation is the day I will agree with you on this point. If that was to happen I would even gladly join an animal rights movement.

      As it stands right now the major flaw in your argument is that predatory animals generally only use intimidation and threats of physical violence as a method of communication, thus bringing their own fate upon themselves. When humans are intimidated or their physical safety is threatened we have a natural response of trying to defend our freedom and physical safety, and that is our god given right that should never be taken away.

      1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
        ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The animal kingdom have roamed the earth well before we came about to destroy it. Ultimately we moved into their territory. We shouldn't move into their habitiat and then get mad when a wild animal attacks someone. They were the dumbasses for putting themselves there. So, we should kill a wild animal just for the sake of revenge. Give me a break. Pleeeeeeenty of other placed to live other than the backyard of a wild lion. Killing an animal out in the wild to survive is completely different than killing for sport or killing it because some douche bag wondered into a wild animals backyard.

        1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
          ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Correction- meant to say we shouldn't kill

        2. rbe0 profile image59
          rbe0posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          "The animal kingdom have roamed the earth well before we came about to destroy it."

          Really? Where is your proof? God created the world in only a couple of days my friend. A couple of days is not that long a time for animals to have claimed the earth before humans methinks.

          Or maybe you are an evolutionist? In that case your argument is a bit more valid, but still faulty because evolution is based upon survival of the fittest. One element of survival of the fittest is that the most dominant species will inherit the earth, and you can clearly see this has already happened.

          1. AuntyM42 profile image61
            AuntyM42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Evolutionists no longer subscribe to the theory of survival of the fittest.  Today they believe that periodic mutations occur that enhances the survival of the species.

            Only Christians would continue to adhere to a theory that implies competition and violence.

          2. amymarie_5 profile image67
            amymarie_5posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            "Really? Where is your proof? God created the world in only a couple of days my friend."
            Where's YOUR proof?  And what does Christianity have to do with this conversation anyway?  You think it's okay to kill animals because your bible told you god made man first?  Really.

    3. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      While mistreating animals simply for the sake of pleasure is wrong, I can't believe you said you ALWAYS root for the animals when it's attacking a human!
      Please get a grip on reality.

      1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
        ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        If some dumb ass is out walking around in the african desert knowing damn well that their wild animals that could eat him and he gets attacked, damn right i root for the animal! Same goes with hold them captive, there is a reason they call them "wild animals" They are NOT domestic. If a idiotic trainer gets mauled from his tiger I root for the tiger! The tiger is still a wild animal and the retard trainer should have pulled his head out of his ass and stopped showing off forgetting the tiger is as such! Trainers fault, not the tigers! sorry!

      2. amymarie_5 profile image67
        amymarie_5posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        If I was walking down my street in the city and a wild animal attacked me that's completelly different than going through a jungle looking for trouble.

        I would also root for the animal in that situation and my grip on reality is just fine, thank you.

    4. pylos26 profile image71
      pylos26posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      OK "ignorant or whatever", haven't you ever heard the phrase that "with the victors go the spoils"

    5. Melissa A Smith profile image95
      Melissa A Smithposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I find this post illogical and childish. You can keep saying "animals should-" "we have no right to-", it all bloody makes zero sense and is based on nothing but your emotion. Your emotion is invalid for any sensible discussion because you have no right to tell me how I should feel, and I don't feel the same way you do. Animals belong in the wild? I'll tell you, if I can care for such an animal and I want that animal, it belongs with me, whether cat, dog, iguana, or serval. You may be delusional and think the wild is perfect, but I can see that whether with me or in the wild, there are risks, costs, and benefits to each. Neither are perfect. The same goes for animals in zoos and circuses. Do you think dogs and cats are never abused in captivity despite being a non-wild animal? How about people? Give me a break and actually look at this topic rationally. Humans killing animals to defend themselves? That's NATURE. We're not aliens, we're animals too. You are allotting more 'rights' to non-animals than humans.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago


    1. rbe0 profile image59
      rbe0posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      you are SOOOO insensitive!! LMAO!!!

      1. paradigmsearch profile image60
        paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I am making this post in order to redeem myself. big_smile

        "US to adopt strict new limits on chimp research"

        "WASHINGTON (AP) — Days in the laboratory are numbered for chimpanzees, humans' closest relative.

        Chimps paved astronauts' way into space and were vital in creating some important medicines. But the U.S. government said Thursday that science has advanced enough that from now on, chimpanzees essentially should be a last resort in medical research — a move that puts the United States more in line with the rest of the world."

        More... http://news.yahoo.com/us-adopt-strict-l … 35257.html

        In other words, we do appear to be headed in the right direction.

        1. rbe0 profile image59
          rbe0posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          This article would be so much more appealing if it was entitled,

          "Days in the laborforce for human beings are now limited. Chimpanzees, human's closest relative, soon to take over."

  3. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    Survival of the human species is actually deemed more important that those of the wild animal sorts. Which is why a Zoo exists for some of the most dangerous, especially in highly populated areas of humans.

    1. IsadoraPandora profile image78
      IsadoraPandoraposted 12 years ago

      I would never place an animal above human life. I never celebrate the death of person. Of course, I am a Christian and I am supposed to hold human life above an animal.

      I am commanded  by God to care for this earth and keep the animals as best I can. I am also allowed to eat them. The bible never told me not to keep pets, only commanded me to care for what God created.

      There is nothing wrong with zoos or circuses. I find it sick when animals are not treated humanely, but would never be happy to see a human life end because of an animal attack.

      Some people should not keep animals but there is nothing wrong with people keeping wild animals as pets as long as they are cared for and kept properly contained.

      1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
        ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        What I am trying to say, which I think many of you have missed the point on is that I don't think it is right to knowingly enter a wild animals domain picking a fight that you may or may not win. If the animal wins, then so be it, it shouldn't be killed because of the stupidity of some jack ass who got mauled to death when that guy shouldn't be there in the first place. Now, it is different when we are occupying an area and the animal visits our territory and mauls someone to death. Two different incidents there. Additionally, I know our place in the world as humans, we rule all. That's understood. But, I still think that keeping dangerous wild animals captive as pets, a gimmick or otherwise needless reasons is just ignorant at best on our part as humans, all for the sake of a buck isn't it? I bet the family of a dead trainer just loves the fact that their son or daughter needlessly died for what, maybe a $20 admission to some cheesy circus or carnival? When a WILD animal who's kept at a circus sideshow goes nuts and mauls the clueless trainer to death shouldn't be a surprise to anyone and we shouldn't feel sorry for that dumb ass trainer. A WILD ANIMAL should not be kept for training purposes, just for that reason alone! End of story! Those facilities that help injured animals and release them back into the wild have it all right. Nursing them back to health and releasing them back into the wild where they should be going!

    2. catgypsy profile image71
      catgypsyposted 12 years ago

      I couldn't agree with you more. As humans, we think we own the world...very sad that some people have such a lack of respect for animals.

    3. Teddletonmr profile image69
      Teddletonmrposted 12 years ago

      Animals do kill for sport, ever watched a cat kill a mouse and leave it alone after it gets bord playing with it's kill. Please do not try and tell me it is human influance, I believe otherwise.

      1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
        ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly catgypsy!
        Ted, cats often do that to hone their skills and also domestic cats are often taught by humans to play with fake mice. They simply do what they are taught. So yes, it is influenced by us quite often. BTW you don't ever see a tiger killing something just to play with it do you? nope. I'm talking about wild animals, not domestic anyways.

        1. Teddletonmr profile image69
          Teddletonmrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Large cats such as tigers and lepords living in the wild, do leave their kills hanging in trees, yes?  Why is that exactly? Just asking.

          1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
            ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            A lot of times they do it to keep their kill safe from other animals that want it. Or do it to store it for a short time while they retrieve their young.  Ultimately they eat it. Not just leave it up in a tree.

            1. Teddletonmr profile image69
              Teddletonmrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks for the info. Make it a great new year and I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas all...smile

    4. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 12 years ago

      Of course you are all forgeting that man is just onne more form of animal.  Kill , or get killed , thats just two of our possibilities, You really must get an education to grow beyond the teddy bear mentality towards wildlife. Perhaps you can dart them all with horse tranquilizer and study why they kill humans ........Oh yea , they already do that . Joined peta yet?....:-}

      1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
        ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Of course it's kill or be killed, so don't think I am crazy when I say that when someone dies from a wild animal in which he or she put themselves in that position that they deserved it. Oh yeah...Most of the time, they kill humans because the human was dumb enough to think they can either train a wild animal or they willingly put themselves in a wild animals territory. When was the last time you have seen a wild animal entering a city and killing someone? Doesn't happen. People enter their domain and some people die because of it. Unfortunate but people shouldn't get mad and seek revenge for what some dumb ass decided to do in the wild. The difference between human and animal is our ability to think logically, some humans do not and end up getting killed because of it.

        Education?  I am a college grad, are you? smile

        1. profile image0
          ahorsebackposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I dont really care that you are of a higher education than I , do you think that makes you more intellegent ? I think not , Since the beginning of time man has had the ability to capture , kill or train animals.  It is only the last couple of generations  that think somehow  humanity is above such behavior.   So let me ask you this college boy ! what do we do with all the "caged animals" let them go ? "Humanely " put them down.?  Tranquilize them and try to convince them they are not wild?  What did you just join peta or something?

    5. Gloshei profile image61
      Glosheiposted 12 years ago

      I hate animal cruelty to animals in any shape or form. Do.n't cage them educate the people of the country they come from.
      Also I hate animals being used for medical science, some of you may not agree and I can hear you gasping but let me finish first, if we need to test things out ie: new drugs, household cleaners, make up, perfume etc why not do it on 'Prisoners' especially those the violent ones that are no use to society and either keep re-affending or on death row.

      They are the lowest of the low and why should any country pay there taxes to keep them.
      Why use helpless creatures like chimps or beagles (which are in headlines a lot lately and are used in Spain.
      In the wild it's kill or be killed or you have to eat, but just plain cruelty that to me is a no no.

      1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
        ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Gloshei, you made some good points. Capturing and caging a wild animal is cruel in itself I think. They are not meant to be caged up. Nothing is meant to be caged up, why do you think prisons work? Being caged up in itself is punishment alone. The difference is, is that criminals who have done wrong get caged up, innocent animals get caged up just for the hell of it.

    6. Gloshei profile image61
      Glosheiposted 12 years ago

      No I am not a college grad but that shouldn't make any differenece should it??
      I love your replies and comments ShawnB2011 keep it up.
      Merry Christmas from France.

    7. Gloshei profile image61
      Glosheiposted 12 years ago

      oops you can tell by my spelling mistake!! der.

    8. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 12 years ago

      No one likes animal cruelty , The ideals of the  "free all the animals" is stupid though , Do you just open the cages or what man?

    9. knolyourself profile image60
      knolyourselfposted 12 years ago

      Twilight Zone had an episode where a guy landed on another planet and the people there gave him everything he wanted in a nice apartment. Then he found he was locked in and they opened the window
      curtain and he was a captive in a zoo.

    10. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 12 years ago

      Knolyourself , That sounds like you and I in the Forums......:-}

    11. Shaddie profile image74
      Shaddieposted 12 years ago

      Those "Animal Attack" shows are specifically designed to trigger animosity towards certain events, people, and practices. Animal Planet is renowned for using animal sensationalism as a weapon - manipulating emotional fascinations and triggers in people in order for them to take action and speak out against a number of different things, namely the keeping of exotic pets.

      That being said, nobody likes animal cruelty. But many videos you see on those Animal Attack shows are very old, hailing from the '80s, and they are replayed over and over again to an audience that is constantly surprised. Loud animal advocates such as yourself have made is possible for animal events today to become a lot more ethical in both care and safety standards.

      And it would be a sad day indeed if zoos were banned. Oftentimes the first large animal a child sees is at a zoo. It instills wonder, mystery, and beauty in their minds - all emotions which stimulate creativity and curiosity. Animals are an integral part of us, we rely, delight in, and take comfort in being around them. Our love of animals runs so deep, in fact, that we have domesticated some the wild ones and fashioned them into trainable house pets for our own personal appreciation. Is this wrong, too?

      1. ShawnB2011 profile image60
        ShawnB2011posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        The point really is this, I don't think it is right if one chooses to enter a wild animals territory then tragically dies from the wild animal and others seek revenge on the animal by killing it when the first Guy knew the risks by doing what he did. That animal doesn't know right from wrong, just instinct. That is what I don't agree with.

        1. Shaddie profile image74
          Shaddieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I can agree it is a sad thing to see animals destroyed when they injure or end the life of a human being. I suppose it is a little ridiculous though, to consider a person's life an occupational hazard when dealing with animals, regardless of my personal opinion.


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