15 More of the Best Modern Day Artists - Part 4
<< Part 3 <<
Ah yes, the series continues and I've got three more of the best modern day artists to share with you!
If you're not familiar with the series, I'm showing you some of my favorite modern day artists that aren't as commonly known and listing them in alphabetical order. What I show you is just a drop of their pond full of creativity, so if you like what you see here then be sure to check out the rest of their art on their site!
Hopefully these artists will light up your eyes and sends sparks flying through a part of your brain that has been lying dormant for quite some time. Are you ready to dive into some art?
Priscilla Wilson
The first artist I would like to show you is Priscilla Wilson who is a woman from California who draws these highly detailed pictures that often end up as shirt designs at Threadless. Her art kind of has an indie feel to it and some of her art has even been used by bands like Dave Matthews Band and Hello Goodbye. So maybe she isn't that underground but I'm willing to bet that a lot of you haven't heard of her before.
When you see her art you might notice that a lot of it has a nature and animalistic feel to it. But enough out of me, why don't you go check out here art HERE and let her know what you think. Perhaps you could even pick up one of her shirts!
Rhys Cooper
The next artist I want to dangle before your eyes is Rhys Cooper who is an Australian artist who has also worked with musicians. He got a big boost in his career when he started doing posters for bands like Queens of the Stone Age. But as you can see from the picture on the right, he's got one heck of a style that stemmed from his love for comic books.
It's highly detailed art and sometimes a bit on the creepy side, but Rhys definitely has one heck of a unique style! And the man is a machine with his work because he can build an idea in his mind, draw it, add color and detail to it on his computer and then have it completely finished before two weeks is up. Now that's dedication!
But if you want to check out more of his artwork then head on over to his site HERE and perhaps you can take some home with you!
Next up we have Roadsworth (Peter Gibson) who is guy from Canada who loves creating unique street art, even if it does get him arrested at times. Now, when you think of street art you might be thinking of graffiti sprayed all over walls but look at his name. Yep, he likes to paint most of his art on roads and sidewalks and he modifies different elements that are already there.
For instance he'll add a little artistic flair to lines painted on the road or in parking lots, like you can see in the picture on the right. Or sometimes he'll even take advantage of shadows so that his art isn't seen in its full form unless you see it in the right light.
He's a really creative artist and I don't think his artwork hurts a single soul. In fact, it might just brighten someone's day! And you can brighten your own day by checking out more of his art at his site HERE.
Who's your favorite artist out of the fourth group of three?
Has this art helped get the creative juices flowing in your mind again? Did it make you smile, impress you or elicit some kind of emotional response? Good; that's what art is all about!
I hope you'll dig deeper into these three artists' work and don't forget to vote in the poll on the right, to voice your opinion on who you think is the best artist out of these three. The series isn't over yet but it will be drawing to a close soon!