15 More of the Best Modern Day Artists - Part 5
<< Part 4 <<
Alright, let's wrap up this series with one last group of 3 artists who I believe to be some of the best modern day artists alive today. You may agree and you may not, but I think we all can agree that even if they aren't the best in your mind they do create some beautiful art!
And to remind you one last time, these artists are in alphabetical order and I haven't really ranked any of them before writing these articles. What I show you is just a small portion of the kind of art they produce, so I'm sure you can understand why it'd be hard for me to choose who is the best out of all of these artists.
So, sit back, relax, get your mouse ready and start absorbing all this beautiful art contained in this article and on the artists' personal sites.
Sam Jinks
The first artist I want to introduce you to is Sam Jinks who is man from Australia who creates very realistic sculptures out of silicon. He got his start creating props and puppets for TV and then for films and then he started creating these sculptures on his own.
As you can see, from the picture on the right, his sculptures are very realistic but often will have an unrealistic touch to them. So that your mind is thinking that something like that could be real but another part of your mind will try to convince you that of course that's not real. Not all of his sculptures tap into surrealism but when they do you kind of have to stop and stare at them a while.
The picture I provided is of a sculpture created from human hair, silicon and paint but if you want to see more of his art then head on over to his site HERE.
Scott Wade
Now let's move onto Scott Wade who is a guy from Texas we creates art out of dirt on car windows. Yeah, now that's creative, isn't it? I mean, we've all written words or drawn pictures in dust and dirt on car windows but I'm sure most people haven't taken it to the level Scott has.
He's created many different dirty pieces of art that range from artistic masterpieces of old to portraits. But, as I'm sure you realize, art like this is only temporary and he seems to enjoy watching his art wash away in stages.
But if the picture I provided isn't enough for you and you'd like to see more of what he's capable of then check out more of his Dirty Car Art.
And last but definitely not least we have Slinkachu who is a guy from the United Kingdom who creates these miniature settings in some of the most creative places. He'll sometimes combine elements of normal-sized, everyday things that you'd find on the sidewalk to complete the setting.
And in reality, a lot of people might not even notice these art installations at first. I mean, you can see the scale he works at in the picture on the right. So the only people that really get to enjoy his work firsthand have to be at the right place, at the right time and be paying attention to their surroundings.
But if you're ready to dive a little deeper into his miniature world then check out his site HERE.
Who's your favorite artist out of the last group of three?
So, have I overloaded your mind with enough new art to last you a while? Good! Hopefully all of this art has sparked some imagination in your mind and you'll continue exploring deeper into their artistic worlds.
This wraps up the series but don't forget to vote in the poll on the right and let everyone know who you think is the best modern day artist out of these three. Once you're done with this article, go ahead and backtrack your way through these articles to be sure you've checked out all 32 of my favorite artists!