Abstract Watercolors ~~ Wanda Maria Ast
Watercolors on Canvas, Paper, and Cloth
These abstract watercolors were all completed by Wanda Maria Ast during her fifties and sixties. She experimented with different formulations of watercolors and painting mediums as well as a variety of painting surfaces - canvas - paper - cloth - after first beginning her art studies by working in chalk and drawing various biblical scenes, for example David and Goliath.
Watercolors in Greens, Yellows, and Blues
Her experimentation with different surface materials was part of her lifelong fascination with, and attempt to achieve, a variety of textural effects. In this, she was not unlike any number of impressionist painters for whom texture was as important as color palette or composition. Wanda often commented on various Impressionist artists who had pointed her in a certain direction.
Mrs. Ast emigrated with her husband, Edmund Kasimir Ast, and four children, Jacek, Marek, Justin, Krystyna, as soon as they could book passage from West Germany after World War II. The family of course were refugees from Poland, who fled the Soviet occupation of Poland, preferring to take their chances in the American zone of occupation. They arrived in America in 1951 and within a few years Wanda Maria began taking art lessons at the local community college in Marietta, Georgia. (Jacek Zhiemowit Stanislaw Ast Was my father.)
This was the beginning of a lifetime of creativity - chalk drawings - watercolors - oils - acrylics - and finally in her seventies and beyond she created Batiks. Wanda Maria Kowalska Ast never stopped experimenting and innovating.
For additional Hubs on her batiks and oil paintings, please consult the hubs of phdast7.
Art and Artists
- Marble and Stone - A Polish Sculptor
Edmund Ast, was born and raised in Poland, and obtained a university degree in art, specializing in sculpture and design. This was quite unusual for a young men in Poland in the 1920's. He was extremely talented and worked on many diverse designs in - Batiks: Ancient Process ~ Modern Art
Batik which is patterned cloth created by using layers of wax and multiple dye baths are both extremely beautiful and time consuming to create. This essay contains general information about traditional batiks and specific information about a twentiet - A Painting Style All Her Own - Wanda Maria Ast
Wanda Maria Ast emigrated from Poland in 1951 and settled in Georgia. There she raised her four children. As soon as she felt she had a good command of the English language she began writing poetry. In her sixties and seventies she began painting in