How To Make A Pirate Hat Out Of Newspaper
When I was making the hats for the girls my son wanted a hat as well. Because he's a boy I didn't really want him wearing a girly hat so we made him a pirate hat instead! Here's how it's done.
Start with 3 whole sheets of newspaper. The kind that has the fold in the middle. Leave the newspaper folded and lay it on the table with the folded edge away from you. The opening should be right in front.
Take the top right corner and bring it down towards the center. You don't want it exactly at the center. Put it about 1/2 inch or so from the center and fold. Do the same for the top left corner.
After the corners are folded down you take three of the pages at the bottom and fold them up to the bottom of the corner pieces you just folded in.
Crease these good on this side and flip the hat over and do the same on the other side.
After the hat is shaped put it on the head of the person that will be wearing it and use a stapler to put one staple on each side of the head. This helps keep the hat shaped. If you don't have a head to put it on, just guess. You can always take the staples out and put new ones in before you paint your hat.
Once the hat is made, take any color paint and have at it. My son's favorite color is red so that is what he chose. We also only painted the one side of the hat (the side without the edges showing).