How To Paint In Oil

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  1. micadeolu profile image46
    micadeoluposted 14 years ago

    Hi all.
    I'm happy to write this hub today because I look back and appreciate the fact that I'm a good painter and art critic. Today I am going to give you some hints on how to paint creatively and ideally.

    Yes before I start, let qiuckly introduce you to the concept of art I mean visual art.

    Art is the ability, skill, talent, gift, etc you possess to express youself. This definition goes to the novice who wish to become professionals and art gurus. Like God, artist have the ability to convert their ideas to communicate to observers and all.

    Art can be divided into three categories:
    1. Visual (Sculpture, graphics, animations, carving, textiles, drawings, illustrations, web designing, etc.)
    2. Performing (theater, singing, dancing, magic, etc.)
    3. Literal (writing, poetry, lyrics, scripting, etc.)

    The visual art is further divided into two:
    a. Fine/creative art. (Sculpture, painting, carving, etc.)
    b. Applied/commercial art. (commercial graphics, textiles, ceramics, industrial designing, animations.)

    Now to painting proper. Painting is the art of creating and interpreting impressions on any format with the use of colour pigment, oil, acrylic, or any other medium deemed fit for your expression.

    Ther are certain things you need to consider before buying your art materials. The uniquness of your proposed artwork. Try and make you art piece something out of common. Some thing completely different from what you yourself have ever seing.

    The second thing to consider is the durability. Think of buying a material that will last for many years. Art collectors and critics have a way of knowing which art piece will last for decades. They don't want to buy a master piece that will go to the bin in the next thirty years, but they will bid for a unique art piece that will almost see their tenth generation.

    So get your painting medium which include the followings:

    1. Oil paints (Talens or Winsor & Newton recommended). There other good oil paints too out there. Try them.

    2. Good easel

    3. Pallet tray (or an improvision of well cut thick glass surface)

    4. Good hog and sable brushes of different types and sizes.

    5. Good canvas material or whatever good quality material will do good.

    6. Some use a plane viewer ( a rectangular shaped cardboard that has another rectagular cut in it through which you can view the area of your focus. (for me I don't use it, it makes me feel restricted).

    7. Don't underestimate the use of a clean rag to clean you brushes at the end of the day's session.

    8. Base for thinning down the oil. Some use turpentine or improvise with kerosine.

    9. Lastly, you need a good fixative. I recommend linseed oil.

    Get all this materials and celebrate your expertise. I want to take a break now for some nice hot pounded yam and vegetable food (Iyan and efo riro).

    Go can go to my hubs for more.

    1. thisisoli profile image75
      thisisoliposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      How to paint in oil.

      Step one - Go to the gulf of Mexico.
      Step two - dip your brush in the water.
      step three - go crazy on your canvas.

  2. goldenpath profile image68
    goldenpathposted 14 years ago

    My dear friend this is a forum thread and not a hub.  Copy and paste this into the hub by following the "Create New Hub."  Also, you might add that anyone can acquire free and quality oil by dipping their fingers and toes in the Gulf of Mexico - particularly the Mississippi Sound.

    1. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      big_smile big_smile big_smile


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