My Handy Dandy Glue Gun
No home should be without a handy dandy glue gun. It's a great tool that can be used to glue craft projects with. It can also be used to fix smaller broken items around the house like knick knacks. It saved the day for gluing a wooden dragons horn back on that I accidentally bumped. Hope my fiancee won't notice since its his. It also helped to glue a little newspaper back into my rockin froggies hands. It's a knick knack I recently got.
My most recent projects I've made are a few record and cross stitch crafts. The glue gun worked perfectly for gluing a record on a wire stand and glue a clock mechanism to a record to make a clock. For the cross stitch crafts I had to glue ribbon on a jar lid and a cross stitch design on some fabric. Everything turned out beautifully!
The glue gun I have is a mini one which works perfectly for all projects. Its small and easy to use.
How To Use
- Plug it in
- Add a glue stick in the end
- Let it warm up
- Ready to use!
You will pull the trigger back to release the glue to the desired spot. The glue dries quick so you'll need to be fast and not too leggy when gluing. When your done you will want to let it cool down before putting it away. It's as easy as that!
The glue stick are a hot adhesive glue. It is safe to use on most anything. When you use it more you'll get a feel for how must to use on your projects. I know it took me a bit to get the hang of it and once you do; you'll love it!
So get get started today! Find something to glue! Be glue happy!
More Gluing Guns and Sticks
Glue Gun Tutorial
There are some really great tips in this video. Some I wouldn't have thought of. I love the extra little tools that she uses to help spread the glue around with.