25 Ways To Make Quick Cash Offline
Ways To Make Quick Cash
Here are 25 or more ways to make quick cash offline.You can do these things on the weekend or or teens could do them after school and on the weekend both.
1. Host a fund raiser or coordinate a fund raising event
2. Start your own errand service
3. Paint some-body's house
4. Yard work or landscaping
5. Professional shopper
6. Door to door transportation service
7. Haul away trash or big tree limbs for neighbors
8. Babysit on weekends
9. Start an in home daycare
10. Walk dogs
11. Pet groomer
12. Product demonstrator
13. Clean houses or office buildings
14. Pet trainer
15. Make and sell clothes for pets
16.Local tour guide
17. Caterer
18. Computer software instructor
19. Teach crafts
20. Tutor
21. Teacher's aide
22. Deliver newspapers
23. Musical instrument instructor
24. Show people how to get organized
25. Wash cars
26. Have your own garage sale
27. Have a ton of clothes? Take them to a used clothing store consignment shop
28. Photographer
29. Construction cleanup
30. Open a booth at an antique shop
31. Recycle metals like copper brass and aluminum
32. Clean out a neighbors garage/attic
33. Have a bake sale
34. Give manicures/pedicures
35. Help fix computers
36. Fix cars