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Data Entry From Home

Updated on July 17, 2009

All right folks, we are here to answer on big fat old question: Are work from home data entry jobs for real? Surely you’ve seen these amazing offers emblazoned just about on every corner of the Internet. I know myself I have seen them just about every time I have ever searched the job listings on Craigslist. Sadly enough, they are even posted on so-called legit employment sites like the venerable Careerbuilder (which is really nothing more than a pit of spam and B.S.).

I think you know where I am going with this, but let’s think of some more examples. Maybe you have seen these ads elsewhere like next to your search results? I’ll be very blunt and very quick here: these data entry jobs from home listings are nothing but garbage. Or are they? Let’s look a little deeper into this phenomenon.

Are ALL of these ads really scams?

The fact is that yes there is a need for data entry in today’s workforce. And it is also a fact that an employer would much rather have you work from home (or from India) as long as you actually do a good job. So when we look at this angle, then it becomes a little more plausible that some percentage of these data entry jobs working from home are legitimate.

The thing that you are going to have to figure out, if you are interested in this type of a career, is which are the real deal and which are duds. I’m not going to lie, this may not be simple. A lot of it depends on how good your built-in “BS detector” is. If you are able to generally determine if something smells fishy then you might have a chance in this business. If you are a hopeless dope then I would caution you against signing up for anything. But then again, you probably will anyway.

How to find legit free work from home data entry offers

There are two ways that I know of to find out which offers are for real. Here’s the first one: Is it a local company? Did you hear about it from a non-advertising source? For instance, I used to live in Daytona Beach where the biggest employer is a company called Palm Coast Data. They handle magazine subscriptions for tons of publishers. It’s a big business. Anyway, they had a very legitimate need for data entry processors (among various other jobs like telephone operators, etc.). It seemed like everybody and their brother worked for PCD.

To make a long story short, this company was always trying to hire new data enterers through many different channels. They did it through word of mouth, but they also even placed ads in print newspapers and on online sources. So there is an example of the real deal in this field. I’m sure they are not the only one. Interestingly though, they would only hire people who lived within the county lines to do their work from home online data entry for them. I guess they wanted to appease the powers that be in their local area. Or maybe they wanted to be able to come and strangle some of the idiots they hired on a moment’s notice. Regardless, you get the point.

Oh and the other way to find out if an offer is real is to examine it yourself. Go to the company’s website and see if something seems awry. Here you are like Columbus sailing to the New World. You’re on your own, discovering new territories. Please let us know if you find some good pickings. I’m sure they are out there. If employers will outsource to India then they will outsource to Kansas or Colorado, too. I only recommend this method for those who can really sniff out a scam. If you’re good you’ll find some little known secrets. I don’t know if you’ll ever be making $500 a day for two hours of work while Days of Our Lives is blazing in the background, but I think it’s realistic to expect to make $200 or more as you get to know the industry and how it works.

Don't Buy It Before You Try It

One thing that way too many people have fallen for is paying someone to give them a job. I’m not going to say that this never works out, but with these data entry from home job, if you are asked to fork out some money to an invisible company hiding behind a computer screen then run like hell. I can’t see what legitimate company would require such a thing. What’s more likely is that they would want you to take a typing test, or maybe actually speak to you on the phone! A real company isn’t going to hire just anyone, so if they’re not interested in your skills then they’re a fake. So all I can say is good luck with data entry from home work.


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