How Your Credit Score Affects You Getting The Job Or Not
- Can Bad Credit Keep Me from Being Hired?
Four out of five Americans do not realize that having bad credit can cause them not to be hired for a new job. Learn how employers can use your credit and how you can minimize the effect bad credit has on your job hunting success.
Trouble Getting Hired Due To Bad Credit Scores
If you are one of the many Americans looking for work these days and having no luck you may want to consider your credit report and if it may be the reason you are not getting the call back. More and more companies are running credit checks on prospective employees and taking what is on the credit report into consideration when deciding whether or not to hire job seekers.This is more than the standard background check and drug test.
The companies who check the credit reports before hiring are thinking that they are protecting themselves by doing so. In their eyes, bad credit equals a bad employee. They may consider you to be unreliable, untrustworthy, or an ineffective employee. If you have lots of medical bills, are going through a lengthy nasty divorce, late paying your mortgage, car payments and utilities each month, have filed bankruptcy, or have other financial problems, these are all things that may be counting against you.
For those who have written hot checks or owe any banking institutions the employer may tell you before you can be hired you will need to start paying back your debt or at least work out payment arrangements with the collection agency.Usually they will look past unpaid medical bills if there are only a few or they do not add up to be very much money. If they see you are always sick they may be less likely to hire you over a healthier person who would not be calling in sick all the time. Talk about an invasion of privacy.
Deciding if you are a good worker or not should have nothing to do with your credit report. If they will not hire you because you are in debt this only makes getting out of debt that much harder. Companies are supposed to let you know if your credit report was the reason you were not chosen for the job or not but this rarely happens.
So unfortunately if you are having trouble finding a job and have an ugly credit report you may want to consider cleaning it up if at all possible.