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How to Maintain a Good Relationship with Co-workers?

Updated on April 6, 2012

You are in a team so remember...


Have a Team Player Mindset

Having a team player mindset is the basic foundation to a wonderful relationship with your co-workers and in turn contributes to the success of the company. If people focus on internal competition, the group won’t get far. On the other hand, a team player is willing to cooperate, innovate and willing to work with others to accomplish the goals. I love this acronym made for the word TEAM and which we should bear in mind...Together Everyone Achieves More.

It's easy to spot a team player:

  • Actively participates
  • Readily offers help
  • Shares openly
  • Is trustworthy
  • Exhibits flexibility
  • Willing to learn
  • Treats others with respect
  • Committed

Be Accountable and Reliable

It would be so easy to get into a bad situation when you are not accountable to your responsibilities. If you were assigned to do a certain task, then do it! Remember the work that we do is interrelated. If you miss out on your tasks, others will suffer the consequences. By being accountable, you demonstrate your reliability which helps maintain a good relationship with others.

Develop Your Communication Skills

A person with good communication skills is able to listen as well as speak his thoughts and ideas constructively. People will be more open to listen to your ideas if you listen to theirs. And ideas presented clearly are better heard than those that are not.

Also, if there are issues to be settled, it would be better to face and deal with it. Meet with the person concern and have a one on one talk. Remember the goal is to settle the issue so approach it with an open mind.

Show Respect in All Ways

If you want to maintain a good relationship with your co-workers, you have to show respect in all ways. It means being courteous in manner of speech and action. The easiest way to get into a fight is when you make the other person feel small. You do this when you lash out or when you are rude. Be professional, be respectful and in turn others will treat you the same too.

Avoid Crab Mentality

Are you familiar with the story of the crabs in the bucket? Individually the crabs have the capacity to get out of the bucket but since they grab at each other, this prevents any from escaping. In analogy, when one person attempts to pull down any member who achieves success out of envy or competition, this diminishes the value and creates negative feelings.

To avoid crab mentality, start to give value to yourself. I have noticed that people who tend to put other people down feel low themselves. So to give value to others, give value to yourself first.

De-stress Every Now and Then

Stressed people get easily irritated, angered or frustrated. They respond poorly to problems and cannot be creative or innovative. So it is imperative for you to be healthy in mind, body and heart by making it a point to de-stress. Schedule a day when you can give time to yourself. Engage in an activity that refreshes you. Better relationships flourish when the team members learn to take care of themselves.

Develop a Positive Attitude

A person with a positive attitude is great to be around. A positive person is emotionally mature and can respond positively to situations. Armed with this kind of attitude, you can maintain a good relationship with your co-workers.



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