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Job Interview Letters: How to Write a Letter and Sample Letters

Updated on April 27, 2013


Professionalism is the key when writing letters to employers. Of course, spelling and grammar need to perfect. You should treat the letter just as you do your resume. Letters are important, because they indicate your interest in the position and in the company. They also help you explain any gaps in your employment history or any other relevant information that you did not get a chance to include on your resume.

Letters also give you a chance to express your specific qualities and how they meet the expectations of the position you are applying for. They allow you to demonstrate how you are the best candidate for the position that is open.

Your Name
City, State, and Zip Code
Interview's Name and Title
Address, City, State, and Zip

Dear <Mr. or Mrs.>,

In your first paragraph, indicate your reason for writing, the specific position you are applying for, and how you learned of the job posting.

In the next paragraph, explain why you are interested in the position, the company, and its products or services; indicate what you can do for the company. Explain how your academic background and experience makes you the best qualified candidate. Point out specific achievements and qualifications you have related to the position. Try to add NEW information that is not on your resume. Don't repeat information that you already have told them or that is already in your resume.

Explain that you have enclosed your resume and/or application. Go over your best qualifications, training, and experience. Follow all directions on any applications, as many employers weed out candidates for not following directions.

In the closing paragraph, explain your intense desire for a personal interview. Show your enthusiasm for this position. You may wish to indicate your availability for an interview, repeat your contact information, and mention anything else you’ve enclosed, such as a copy of your references or transcripts. Also, be sure to ask if they need anything else, and mention that they should not hesitate to contact you at any time.


<Handwritten Signature>

Your Full Name

Enclosure: (Resume, references, transcripts, etc.)

Electronic Short Cover Letter

“To Whom it may concern,

I am applying for the position of ____ that was posted on

Please find attached my resume. References and copies of my transcripts are available upon request.

I look forward to hearing from you.


<Your name>

This is the short version of an electronic cover letter. To extend it to a long cover letter, use the version of the written Cover Letter. You can include this information in the body of the email or you can attach a formal cover letter to the email.

Cover Letter #2


<Name of company, Name, Title, Address>

Dear <Mr.>,

This letter is express my interest in <name of position> listed on <site/source>. Based on my skills in <skills listed in posting> and <skill listed in posting>, I am confident that I would be a great addition to your team!

My resume that highlights my knowledge and expertise in <specific subject matter> and <specific area or industry> is attached. During my time at <company>, I was able to <succeed, save money, save time, increase productivity> in <specific area> {List example relevant to this position, focusing on how you can help the company}.

I am excited about the <position> and the ability to help your company succeed. Thank you in advance for your time. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions of need additional information.


<Your name>

Cover Letter #3

(Note: This particular example is from a recent graduate with little experience, but excellent education)

Joe Smith

123 Main Street

Dallas, Texas 94655

(940) 555-1234

August 25, 2014

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

123 West Street

Dallas, Texas 94658

(800) 555-1234

Dear Enterprise Rent-A-Car,

I am interested in the position of entry-level marketing manager. I learned of the opening in the Dallas Tribune’s classifieds section.

With my recent four-year marketing degree, I am anxious to start a rewarding career. I have followed your company for years and admire the loyalty and dedication you demonstrate. The automobile information brochure you provide to your customers shows excellent personal attention.

With four years of sales and marketing courses, I have experience with management, marketing, sales, accounting, business, and communication and am very familiar with manual and computerized management systems. Written and oral skills developed for me in courses such as: Business Communication and Speech. Commitment, motivation, and perseverance are my strong points.

The enclosed resume summarizes my education, experience, and skills. You may contact the Placement Office at College State University to obtain my credentials.

I respect and admire your company and would enjoy working for you. I would really like to meet in a personal interview. You can reach me during the day at (940) 555-1234 or in the evening at (940) 555-3456. I will be in the Dallas/Fort Worth area on August 20th and would be happy to meet with you then. I am looking forward to discussing the position with you.


(4 blank rows)

Joe Smith


Follow Up Letter #1


<Name of company, Name, Title, Address>

Dear <Mr.>,

I enjoyed out interview and thank you very much for taking time away from your busy day to meet with me. I feel like I would be a great fit for your company.

With my <characteristics they are seeking: strong ethics, positive attitude, and fast learning skills>, I think I am an excellent candidate. With the values and mission of <name of company>, I would be honored to be a member of your team. I love your <product/company/something about them>!

My experience with <what they are looking for: commissions and excellent analytical skills in learning new processes> would greatly ease some of your current <job specific> duties that you are hoping to pass on to this new position.

I have a great ability to <skills: multi-task and prioritize my tasks in order of urgency, which maintaining my excellent organizational skills>. The fact that I am <skill: extremely detail oriented> helps me complete tasks in the most efficient manner. I truly enjoyed meeting with you and admired your positive attitude.

Working with a team that has such a positive attitude and a stable background has led me to believe that <name of company> is a great fit for me!

Thank you,

<Your name>

Follow-up Letter #2

<Your contact information>


After meeting with <the name of the company>, I realized it meets all of my career objectives, which are to use my experience as an <your career>, my education, and my desire to find a stable career.

My education has not only taught me the value of excellent business skills, but it has also provided me the business skills needed to be a successful professional. With my experience, I’ve learned to be more efficient and effective in my organizations.

Thank you for your hospitality while I was at your office. Your <specific field> department seemed very pleasant and welcoming. I especially appreciated your kind nature. Please contact me with any questions or if you need additional information.


<Your name>

Follow-up Letter #3

<Your name, address, phone number, and email address> (center)


<Mr. Joe Smith>

<Research and Development Manager>

<Company Name>


Dear Mr. Smith:

I wanted to thank you for the time you spent reviewing and discussing my skills for the <name of the position>. I enjoyed learning more about your company and plans for the future.

The position sounds very interesting, particularly since it would be an opportunity for me to use my skills and experience in <skills and experience>. I will call you in a few days in the hope that you have reached a decision favorable to both of us.


(After printing, sign your name here).

<Your Name>


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