Tips on Publishing Your First Book With
Publishing Your First Book
I wrote my first book recently called "Money Saving Tips From A Stay-At-Home Mom". It gives tips on how a family can live off of one income.
Since I am a Stay-at-home Mom, I was able to write tips that I learned each day.
In this short book, I shared some things I learned along the way that have taught me to live and eat well for less.
This book covers grocery shopping techniques that will cut your grocery bill in half, cooking healthy meals from scratch, homemade cleaning supplies which are healthier and cheaper and gardening to save money.
Money Saving Tips From A Stay At Home Mom
How Do You Get Your Book Published?
The big question is: "How do I get published?" I published my book on, which is a self-publishing website.
You can write e-books and regular books. You can write about anything under the sun. has a full-size book and booklet printing services.
They also connect to Amazon so that your book could be bought through the site. You get to choose how much you sell your book for.
They take a certain amount for printing and shipping and you get the rest. You may not get much per book, but if you can sell a lot of copies, you could make some good money.
I really enjoyed writing my book since it pertained to my life and it is nice to have all this information in one place for my own personal use.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2012 Melanie Casey