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The Blessing Known as the Market

Updated on August 29, 2020
AzkaFariz profile image

I believe humans thrive because we have the most developed minds, not the most vigorous strength.

The market is the benchmark of our lives. No matter how good something is, it won’t have values if the market doesn’t want it. Hence, everyone tries their best to appeal to the market. That reality is the basis of commerce: captivating and delivering. Marketing can be done while adhering to moral values or disregarding them completely.

From a traditional perspective, the moral is no white or black but rather grey. There is no lawful good and inherently evil, but it is acceptable or unacceptable. Every seller will try to earn profit by following these guidelines. If he/she failed to comply, there would be a backlash—the product won’t sell. Hence, many factors need to complement each other. Things like educated citizens and crucial policies are one of those factors.

Different governments have different power in directing the market. Furthermore, we should know that market is not one-sided, but it is an equilibrium. If workers want a raise for their wages, the solution is not by giving them an incentive. This approach could be detrimental. An excellent idea would be lowering the cost of living. It can be done by decreasing the gas price, giving coupons, or helping students’ tuition. Direct schemes will, almost, never work in the market.

Teacher of the Past

Many events in our history are conducted for the market. For instance, The American Civil War is the battle between the ideas of working with or without payment. Lower price will benefit all classes, but isn’t limiting certain people to the market will bring it down? At that time, slaves can’t have a business in the market. Now, we know that market means trade, and trade is beneficial. As history turns out, the idea of unpaid labor is intolerable both on humanity and economic perspective.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

— George Santayana

The concept of the best market had popped out from time to time, but only a few remain relevant. Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism are examples of market ideology. They revolve around the same idea: should the market be free? There is no right answer. Nations never implemented those ideas accordingly. A country practicing with one idea usually becomes stagnant. For example, China is a communist country. But they started to install the free market and received massive success.

But it is not always like that. While both communism and capitalism have potential, it will backfire if not executed properly. Many nations have fallen into tyranny because the people believed this new ideology would bring prosperity to them. As the expert said, something that has no appeal is redundant, and something that has no use is a waste. So, people should only target the market when formulating projects. It may sound harsh, but it works.

“Content is King but engagement is Queen, and the lady rules the house!”

— Mari Smith

Dictator of Our Future

Everybody keeps hurdling their best to the market. It is not an exaggeration to say the market dictates our lives. So, professionals have invented many ways to simplify the marketplace for us. Stock trading was considered a job for experts. But now, every individual could learn through abundant resources on the internet. Thus, the market’s potential is limitless.

Teachers, artists, and even doctors vend themselves to earn incomes. If you aren’t able to sell yourself, you won’t contribute to society. People may not accept this statement, but the market doesn’t care. We already see what commerce can cause in the past. And in the future, we will see even more of it. Sure, the physical war and discrimination because of the market is gone. But the battle for the internet share will be more significant.

Commerce is part of our world. If the world keeps progressing, so does the market. It can be implied that we are a dog that is chasing a ball. But we are also the ball’s owner. When the dog catches it, the owner will immediately throw it again.


We shouldn’t be afraid of what will come. If people are scared of progress, every object around us may never be there. The market indeed seems to be daunting for particular people. In reality, marketplaces can be accessed and used by every person. Reading books or attending a seminar is enough for most people. But if you want to move upwards in the wealth class, mastering the market, both making and delivering, is a must.


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