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Tips to Help Moms Make Money Working Online

Updated on September 28, 2017
MomsTreasureChest profile image

I like to share creative ideas for moms, DIY, family fun, crafts, travel, recipes, party planning, shopping, discounts, gifts, and more.

Can I Work Online?

Yes, it is possible to make money working online, and you too can be a money making mom working online and earning cash for your family.

How, you might ask, can I work online and make money ? Well, it's actually pretty easy. First, you must sign up for multiple work online websites and second you must be active on those websites. Working online is just like an outside job, you must put the time in - but, you can do it on your own schedule - such as once the kids are in bed and you have some quiet time - be it midnight or 2am, the beauty is that you can work at whatever time best suits your schedule.

I've compiled a list of list of websites where you can make money working online. These are not get rich quick schemes. They require time and effort, but you can make extra income if you work at it consistently. There are many different ways you can work online to make extra money. You can sell crafts on Etsy, be a virtual assistant on Elance, be a writer on Squido, sell your photographs, sell new or gently used items online on Ebay, take part in research studies, be a pet sitter on Sitter City, perform gigs on Fiverr. Can you work online and make extra money? Yes, you can, the options are endless!

Make Money Work Online:

  • Fiverr
  • Ebay
  • Etsy
  • Amazon
  • Intellishop
  • E-Poll
  • Swagbucks
  • Inbox Dollars
  • Ebates
  • Mobee
  • MTurk
  • Upwork
  • TaskRabbit
  • CafePress
  • Craigslist
  • Zazzle
  • iCraft
  • Godaddy for your own domain/blog/website

Your New Job Title

If you want to be truly successful in making money online you will have to take on a new job title. Along with all the job titles you carry already: chauffeur, chef, travel planner, financial guru who can stretch a dollar further than Gumby, party planner and more, the new title you will add to your repertoire is Internet Marketing Expert. If you want to start making money online, the truth is that whatever route you choose to explore to work online, be it selling your crafts, selling your homemade sweets, writing articles, blogging, photography, pet sitting, or others, your most important job in all of those endeavors will be the job of online marketing. What is online marketing? Basically, it’s just advertising you. Congratulations on your new job, Internet Marketer!

Find Your Niche

Before you can start marketing yourself or your awesome product your first order of business is to find your niche. You might have a dozen ideas floating around in your head for a new business, and whether you are starting a new business, own a small business, have one product to sell or many products, are going to write articles or work online in other ways, it is very important to focus. Your goal is to narrow your niche and identify your customer. This will enable your internet marketing efforts to produce better results. Remember, your new job is marketing and you need to know your product and your customer.

Narrowing Your Niche

Example #1:

  • I love dogs
  • I own a Beagle and a Labrador Retriever
  • I like to write and research
  • My Niche: My product will be information, I will write and promote articles to Beagle and Labrador owners and prospective dog owners through online articles, blogs, answering questions, participating in forums. I will focus on information, products, advice.

Niche to Rich, Your Important To Do List

Your Tools for Working Online

So, you kinda know your niche, now what? Moms are busy people. We want answers and we want them quick. Give me the cheat sheet, the short version. What do I need to do to be an Internet Marketing Queen and Make Money Working Online with my Niche? Well, here's the short list in no particular order:

  • Learn about Search Engine Optimization
  • Sign up for a Gmail account with Google
  • Open a PayPal account
  • Learn how to Blog - Wordpress is a great place to get started with blogging
  • Register a domain name for your business to create a web presence
  • Join Pinterest
  • Join HubPages
  • Sign up at Ebay
  • Join Etsy if you are a crafter, learn how to be successful on Etsy
  • Join Affiliate Programs such as Commission Junction
  • Sign up for a Google Adsense account
  • Learn all things Google-they aren’t just a search engine
  • Create a Twitter account
  • Learn about Email marketing, opt-in lists, and companies like Constant Contact
  • Try Try and Try again, keep trying till you find what works for you, whether it's blogging or surveys or answering questions, explore many different things until you find a couple that you like and can do daily to work online.
  • Keywords, become familiar with keywords and how to use them.
  • Join Facebook, create a Facebook page
  • Learn about Links
  • Social Media, make it your friend

These are your Tools of the Trade, your tools for internet marketing success and making your small business successful. Now, you just have to dive in and learn about each one and connect the dots in how they all fit together.

HubPages for Promoting Yourself or Your Small Business

HubPages is an online community that provides everyday experts like you with the tools to share your knowledge and experiences in a fun and rewarding way. HubPages is a great tool for marketing yourself and your interests. For example, if you like to quilt and will be working online selling your quilts you could use HubPages to do tutorials on quilting, sewing, fabrics, etc as a way to market yourself and your business.

This article was created by a mom working online who enjoys writing about the things she loves. Join us at HubPages, you too can work from home and become part of a great community. It’s free, click here to join and begin writing about your niche: HubPages

Learn about Social Media & Internet Marketing & Search Engine Optimization

Experts can't stress it enough, to make money online you need to be learn how to be successful at internet marketing. All of the tools listed above fall under the category of internet marketing. These "tools" will enable you to market successfully; however, you have to put in the time, effort and work to learn about each tool and then how to connect the dots, how to make all the tools work together. Again, this will take time and effort and frustration and research. But it is worth it. At points along the way the lights will go on and you’ll have those "oh, I get it" moments, where you'll understand more clearly the importance of seo or keywords or social media; and how they all will play a part in making you successful at working online.

Amazon * Etsy * Ebay * YouTube * Craigslist

You’ll also discover other tools that may help you in your quest to work online, such as Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, YouTube, Craigslist and more. The best advice is to take things one step at a time and read all about it! You should read as many books or online articles you can to gain more knowledge - knowledge is power and the more knowledge you have the more power you give yourself to succeed with your internet business ventures!

Your Key to Success

So, the answer to the question "Can Moms Make Money Working Online?" is a big YES! The keys to your success are all listed above in this article. It may take a while to learn about all of the internet marketing tools listed, but you don't have to do it all at once before beginning your venture - you can learn as you go! Think of it as being in it for the long haul. The techniques you are learning will enable you to have long term results with ongoing income. The real key is to get started, don't put it off for another day, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Take That First Step Today!


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