What Call Center Workers Really Think of You

The Phone Never Stops Ringing
We've all had to call customer service for problems or questions in the past. It is an evil process very few of us can avoid. At some point, you are going to need further assistance and you will have to pick up the phone to talk to a call center worker. I understand this phone call can be very annoying for you, the customer. However, in many cases, the phone call can be just as annoying, if not more so, for the call center worker. So before you really lay into some poor soul on the phone next time you call a company, just remember 9 times out of 10, that person had nothing to do with your problem. However, 9 times out of 10, if you are really nice, that person on the other end can actually help you.
In general, people do not get into customer service just to bully customers and make people miserable. Most people geniunely want to help! I know, what a crazy concept, but it is true. Sure, some people are stuck at a job they never wanted because of the economy, but still, somewhere deep down inside, most call center workers want to help you. Let them help you!
It is usually only due to being verbally abused by customers all day long for weeks, months, or even years, that a call center representative might turn a little sour. But for the most part, if you are nice to the call center worker, they are nice to you. With that said, there are certain calls we hear all day long. We start to categorize customers even if we don't intend to do so. I would like to share with you what call center workers REALLY think about you. If you've never worked in customer service before, this might just help you before you frustrate another call center worker.
The Simple Question Caller
The simple question caller is quite deceptive as far as the name goes. This is a caller that begins the conversation with, "I've got a simple question." Do you know what first pops into a customer service person's mind? "Oh, no! This is going to be a long, painful call."
The caller that believes she has a simple question usually NEVER has a simple question. It is, instead, usually an incredibly annoying question or some ridiculous question no one has ever heard in the history of customer service. Trust me, you are better off not stating you have a simple question. No one in customer service believes it anyway.

The Weird Question Caller
Once again, this type of caller is not really what he seems to be. This caller believes his question is the weirdest question I've gotten all day. Well, let me tell you my friend, your question is rarely the weirdest question. Usually the strangest questions are asked without any prior warning. I am just sitting there, minding my own business, and pick up the phone. That is when someone, out of nowhere, drops a bomb of amazing craziness on me.
So the next time you call customer service and state, "I've got a weird question," you'd better make sure it is super weird. Trust me, it can get pretty boring in a call center all day. If you promise me a weird question, well, bring it on! I am ready to hear what you have to offer.
The Angry Customer
The angry customer is definitely the worst of the customers. The angry customer can either begin the call angry, or can simply start the call annoyed and turn into a psycho in no time. Either way, it is not appreciated at all. As I said earlier, it is rarely my fault you have a problem. However, I am pretty damn great at fixing problems. If I can't fix it, but you are nice to me, I can hook you up with the person that can fix it. You've just got to calm down.
When you call customer service with an attitude, no one is too enthused about helping you. They might help you since its their job, but they are doing it just to shut you up. Then, after your customer service rep ends the call, she tells everyone what a total jerk she just talked to on the phone. Plus, if you regularly call certain offices, we remember your name. Oh yes, we do!
If you call an office all the time with complaints and I recognize your voice before you even say your name, it is a really bad sign. No one likes you. Stop calling and being a jerk. It is not a compliment that everyone remembers your name. Usually the person picking up the phone got the shortest straw when everyone saw your name on the caller ID.
The Needy Nuisance
The needy nuisance caller is a very special caller indeed. The needy nuisance needs a lot of assistance with just about every possible action, item, or thought. She just can't remember how to login on Tuesday. By Thursday, she would like to cancel an order. On Friday, she wants to confirm the cancellation. The next week, she's changed her mind and needs to resubmit her order. It is a non-stop cycle.
I am not sure what the deal is with the needy nuisance. I can't figure out if she is lonely and just wants someone to talk to over the phone, or if she really is a total bumbling idiot. My guess would be she is a combination of the two. I am, quite frankly, surprised the needy nuisance has even figured out how to dial the phone, yet she does it on a regular basis.
The Long Story Customer
I am sure you have the cutest puppy in the whole world or your grandson is the best soccer player in your county, but when it comes to calling a call center, we often don't have time for stories like that. When you start to go into a long story, I start to think, "There goes my lunch break." Then I proceed to start getting some really important work done, such as data entry, responding to an email, or writing my grocery list.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes I enjoy hearing a long story. But if you can tell the customer service rep is busy, don't overshare! If I have to put you on hold repeatedly or you hear my phone ringing off the hook, it is time to wrap up the story. I am sorry. I am sure you are way nicer than the yelling customer on the other line, but I can't neglect the other callers.

The Mystery Caller
The mystery caller is very similar to the long story caller since both tend to waste precious time. However, the difference is the mystery caller is not telling a long story that has nothing to do with his call. Instead, he is taking forever to explain why he is actually calling. The phone call usually goes something like this:
"Ummm... hello."
"Good morning. Thank you for calling Blah Blah Blah. How may I help you today?"
"Well, that is a good question..." and the painfully long pause begins.
"Yes, sir... how can I assist you?"
"I was wondering a couple of things."
"Sure, OK. What were you wondering?"
"Well, let me see if I can word this right... well, it all started about a week ago."
Oh no! That is never a good sign. This guy is going to go into a story that will put me to sleep. In the end, this type of customer usually has a very basic question. One or two sentences would have done the job, but no, this is going to take a long, long time. When you call a customer service line, try to remember why you called in the first place and just let us know in the first sentence or two.
The Missing Payment Person
I happen to have the delight of answering phones at a business that takes credit card payments over the phone. For some unknown reason, many people call us to pay for something, yet their credit cards are nowhere in sight. OK... I don't know if you are completely feeling what I am saying here... I am not calling this person. This person is calling me to make the payment, but when I ask for the credit card information, the caller does not have it.
Sometimes the credit card is in a wallet "upstairs," or it is in Susan's desk and she's at lunch, or perhaps the dog even ate it. I can't figure out for the life of me how anyone calls a business to pay a bill, but doesn't have a way to pay it once making the call. Plus, this is not something that happens every now and then. Oh no, this is at least 1 out of every 4 calls. I am not making this up. People need to seriously learn to have a credit card ready when calling to make a payment.
Customer Service Books!
The Nasty Chewer
I understand very few of us have the option of making calls whenever we like throughout the day. I know that many of us must multitask and eat lunch while at the desk. However, it is never acceptable to chew in my ear when making a call. Once again, I am not calling you; if you are calling me, you know to put the carrot down. Hey, I enjoy eating, too, but once again, I know it is rude to chew over the phone. I would be fired if I did that.
In our minds, we customer service people kind of hope you choke... just a little, of course. I mean, we don't want you to die or anything, but just a cough from chewing so loudly and a little wheezing on the other end would let us know you got what was coming to you. Yeah, perhaps that is evil, but hey, stop being so gross.
The Rico Suave Type
Oh yes, there are some real Casanovas out there. Aren't you the sexy man hitting on chicks over the customer service line? Guess what we ladies think of you? Creep!
Yes, your creepiness literally makes our skin crawl. You do realize we have a database in front of us, right? In many instances, our databases tell us a lot more about you then you could ever imagine. Some interesting facts we may know: marriage status, age, job, income, etc. Ouch! Not so sexy anymore, is it? Next time you hit on a lady over the phone, remember she just might ask a nice follow-up question, such as, "How is your wife today?"
What I Really Think of You!
Now that we've taken this fun journey together, please let me assure you I know this can't apply to you. After all, you are probably the nicest person in the world since you've read this whole thing. I am sure you would never anger anyone in customer service or say anything too ridiculous. So thanks for reading my hub! And thanks for being so nice on the phone. And most of all, please have your credit card ready when you call to make a payment! Yes, you repeat offenders know who you are!
Copyright ©2012 Jeannieinabottle
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