Are You an Annoying Customer?
Have you ever walked in a store and every sales person walks to the other end of the store? Have you ever seen sales associates and customers alike roll their eyes when you are in a store? Have you noticed sales people shake in fear when they see you? Then you, my friend, are an annoying customer.
I know you are wondering, "How can this be?" Well, I am here to help you. I've worked in customer service for many years; sometimes I work in stores and sometimes I work in an office. In any setting, there are customers that will rub workers the wrong way. If you've noticed sales people and customer service reps trying to avoid you at all costs, then you are an annoying customer. Let me give you some examples of annoying customers so you can understand where you may be going wrong.
The Chronic Returner
Do you constantly buy items and return them? If you return items to the same store more than twice a month, you are a chronic returner. No one likes a chronic returner. First of all, it ruins the sales tracking system. If you make a major return and do not buy something to replace it, the numbers take a huge tumble in the system. That looks horrible for the sales associates and managers working at that time. Even if you do an exchange, imagine all the effort that went into the whole transaction just to break even? It is a frustrating process for everyone involved. I can't imagine why customers want to constantly take part in this process on a regular basis.
If you are a compulsive shopper and feel guilty as soon as you get your purchases home, then seek some help. The endless cycle of shopping and returning is not helping you or the stores where you shop. If you never try the clothes on at the store, but instead take them home, you need to find a way to either A) successfully evaluate your size, or B) start using the dressing rooms. Also, it helps to make sure you want the product. Don't just make the purchase thinking you can just take it back if you change your mind. You should not be so indecisive that you are making returns constantly.
I do understand that we all have to return items here and there. I just had to return a vacuum that broke after using it only two months. I know these things happen. Most managers and sales associates fully understand that. Even if a return is time consuming, it is still a necessary retail evil. However, when customers abuse the system and return items all the time, that is a real nuisance.
The Whiner
Do you go into a store and begin complaining to the sales associates about everything? Do you mention things like the store is lacking in your size (even though you are a size 16 shopping in a junior's store), or the temperature needs to be 2 degrees warmer, or the dressing rooms should be a bit bigger, or the store down the other end of the mall has a better sale, or your coupon ran out 4 days ago, or on and on and on?
If you frequently visit stores at the mall with that kind of attitude, you are going to clear the floor as soon as you walk in. I know it is great to have a captive audience (thank you, by the way, audience - if you are still reading this) but sales people are trying to do their jobs. No one wants to hear your complaining unless they are allowed to chime in with you.

The Needy Customer
The needy customer always needs more than you are able to give her. If there is a beautiful blouse in the store, she wants the blouse but wants one from the back since she can tell other customers have already touched this particular blouse. If she likes a pair of shoes, but no shoes are available in her size, then a sales person needs to call every store in the state to find the shoes. If none are available, then she wants to order a pair, but the delivery should be instant and free. If a customer has bags from another store, then surely a sales person should be free to take those bags and personally watch them instead of helping other customers. A customer would love to try the new lotion in stock, but needs a sales person to rub it on her feet first. OK, I totally just made that one up, but I would not be surprised to hear that has happened in stores.
The point I am trying to make is no one likes a needy customer. Sometimes customers are feeling a little down about their own life and think they will feel better by making ridiculous demands. Maybe customers don't realize this, but yes, sales associates have feelings, too! By demeaning a sales person or being a demanding jerk, it does not make you superior. Instead, it makes you an annoying customer that no one wants to help.
The Indecisive Dude
Are you the type of person that gets in line at a restaurant and when it is your turn you just can't decide? You are the indecisive customer! You are holding up the line.
When you are in line to get anything or on the phone placing an order, please have an idea what you are getting. It makes everything go smoother. What you may not know is you are holding others up and maybe they've already made up their minds. Please keep in mind, you are not making a major decision. This will not change your life or the world in a dramatic way. Please tell the person behind the counter what you want on your burger and we can all move on with our lives.
An Annoying Survey
Are you an annoying customer?
ATTENTION: This Hub is Closing in 15 Minutes
Of course, all good things must come to an end. That means every store must close. Every office must shut its doors. Every restaurant eventually stops taking customers. If you are the type of shopper that likes to hit the stores just as they are about to close - just stay home .
At the end of the day, everyone is working to tidy up their work area just so they can go home. Most customers don't know this, but a lot of stores have crazy standards and no one on the closing shift can leave until those standards are met. I've seen customers destroy in 5 minutes what took me 30 minutes to fix. It is a terrible moment in the life of anyone in customer service.
Also, don't call an office 5 minutes before it is closing either. It is likely the office is running reports and your call is slowing down the whole process. You know how happy you are when you get to leave work? Well, so is the rest of the world. Don't walk into any place that is just about to close and think that you will get great customer service. The person waiting on you has worked hard, is probably tired, and is going to try to get you in and out as fast as humanly possible.
As for this hub, it is also closing time. I hope you've learned something about customer service and I hope you will work towards being an awesome customer.
Copyright ©2011 Jeannieinabottle
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