You Know What is Term Life Insurance?

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  1. income-protection profile image59
    income-protectionposted 15 years ago

    You Know What is Term Life Insurance?

  2. profile image0
    Rynaldoposted 15 years ago

    For all your insurance needs: OR These blogs covers all the information on ANY type of insurance. Will be updated daily

  3. juancorrea profile image60
    juancorreaposted 15 years ago

    What is Term Life Insurance?
          life insurance that pays a sum of money only if the person who is covered dies within a specific period of time. For example 10, 20 30 years
          Term life insurance is one of the most common types of life insurance available on the market, and there are good reasons for that. Beyond the most basic reason of cost, term life insurance provides a lot of benefits that best serve young families' needs. Still, if you determine that term life insurance isn't an option for your family, we can help set you up with a very formidable alternative: Universal life insurance.
          It may seem confusing, hearing all of these terms and types of plans, but the basic fact of the matter is: life insurance is more affordable than it has ever been -- and term life insurance (often the least expensive type of life insurance) leads the pack!

          Death is the worst emotional loss a family can suffer. All too often, the financial hardship that follows can make that burden seem unbearable. Term life insurance pays your family a cash benefit in the event of your death.

    New Product
    HBW Income Advantage Term, The unique Select-A-Term life insurance product 10, 15-30 years that pays a lump sum benefit plus an optional rider (Select Income Rider) that will pay a guaranteed monthly income for up to 40 years to help maintain your families standard of living.  If the rider is selected, this benefit will be paid in addition to the lump sum benefit paid by the base policy.  Furthermore, since your chances of living to retirement are high, the insurers of American General Life Companies also offer the opportunity to save money for the future in a tax-deferred index annuity (AG Global 8 Index) for as little as $300 a month.  The Income Advantage Suite of products approach can provide your family with cash accumulation for the future, plus lifestyle protection if you die prematurely


    1.     Lump sum benefit if you pass prematurely 10, 15-30 years Term

    2.     Convertible without evidence of insurability

    3.     Child rider up to $25,000

    4.     Guaranteed monthly income up to 40 years for your family in addition to the lump sum if the rider is selected.

    5.     Cash accumulation for the future (Safety of your principle balance, tax deferral growth, competitive yield, liquidity, and estate benefits/inheritable) 

    Free quotes or start your new policy today by calling, (661) 202-9084

  4. zaffcommunication profile image53
    zaffcommunicationposted 14 years ago

    Yes Life Insurance is a insurance of your life and they will pay you in some accidental case...Please view my hub and you can get more...

  5. sheeps profile image57
    sheepsposted 13 years ago

    Term life insurance is really a great investment - it's quick, it's simple and it's pretty  much the cheapest life insurance going - in the UK we have many good online life insurance quote like search engines - is that the same in the US?  Thanks for the post!


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