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100,000 Views on the Hub Pages! Thank You!

Updated on January 24, 2024
DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image

Pastoral Counselor ordained Elder/Minister Ambassador at Alpha 7 Ministries M.A.Christian Clinical Counseling Certified in Creation Therapy

Thank You All!!!

100,000 Views on the Hub Pages!


I am thankful to announce that I have had well over 100,000 viewers through The Hub Pages by January 13TH 2012 For me represents a memorable milestone after some 159 hubs later. How interesting it happened on Friday the 13th and I am not even at all one to ever be superstitious. But yes, most THANKFUL! It never even occurred to me just two years ago that this would be the case.


It has been my intent to share the WORD of GOD, what little I know and more I learn daily, and a few life experiences from time to time. YES LORD TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! It is my desire to continue to take “Worldwide Ministry Beyond & Inside the Walls!” To encourage any and everyone to draw closer to the LORD. To spend time in HIS WORD and seek out as well as daily embrace HIS principles! To get to know HIM within your very own private, intimate and personal up close relationship. We daily "Contend for the Faith!" Know that GOD wants to be a part of every area of all of our lives each and everyday. HE CAN and WILL truly make all the difference in the world in your/my/our/everyone's lives!

How utterly amazing. We are able to reach an enormous audience via the internet. No doubt it is truly The Information Highway. Due to advancements in modern technology right at our fingertips we can access a plethora of informative hubs via The Hub Pages. There are indeed some very intelligent, creative, gifted, thoughtful, caring, interesting, controversial, motivating, contentious, opinionated, open-minded, knowledgeable, remarkable writers here!


The Hub Pages has been a marvelous place to share. There is such a diverse multiplicity of essentially wonderful people "SAVED" as well as the unsaved represented here from all over the world from many walks of life. There is something here for everyone. WOW! A marvelous fascinating myriad of themes, to educate us from well researched commentaries on religion, spirituality, meditations, mini- series, humorous simple thoughts, household tips, serious issues, life experiences, poems, reviews, virtual vacations spots, unusual and creative things to see and places to go as well as splendid, salivating, mouth watering recipes!


“Let the PEACE of CHRIST rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to PEACE. And be Thankful. Let the WORD of CHRIST dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with ALL wisdom, and as you sing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs with GRATITUDE in your hearts to GOD. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it ALL in the Name of The LORD JESUS, giving THANKS to GOD the FATHER through HIM.” Colossians 3.

Thank all of you for sharing your talents, gifts, thoughts, opinions, concerns, criticisms, encouragement, comments and godly wisdom. "CHRIST JESUS IS OUR BEST WITNESS!!" It has certainly been a life altering, growing experience. You all have inspired me in one way or another and enriched my life tremendously. You have been some of the most affable, sociable, at times cantankerous, likable, interesting, most of all gracious guests! In HIS Love, Grace, Joy, Peace & Blessings! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!


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