We are held accountable to God for all our actions. God is totally aware of all of our motives. This is why it is so important that we spend time with the Lord daily. God does not need any of us. We all need Christ Jesus as our personal Savior! He is the only Way to the Father!
Yes, the time of increased Apostasy is definitely here. Meaning the abandoning of Faith. LORD HELP US! Anyone can be subject to error. Praise God that there are many dedicated men & women of God who do not compromise the Word in order to be popular. They Love & reverently fear God more than...
YES; Adultery, fornication and infidelity are all a problem. As a matter of fact you are choosing to walk in disobedience. Sexual intercourse binds you together far deeper than...
To be submissive does not mean to be a doormat or weak. It is a position of discipline and strength. This type of submissiveness again infers meekness. This is power under control as well as part of the Fruit of the Spirit. To many the idea of submission is outdated. But in reality submission is a...
God is the Author of marriage! He allows us to choose His way or the ways of the world. The Lord has given us pertinent instructions in His Word that are most helpful yet are often overlooked. The principles of God are tried and true and will always stand the test of time! It is with our spouse...
With God we are forever changing and can be molded in His image as long as you are willing to submit to Him. It is never too late in life for God to make a difference in your life!
The world gives us many options that lead us away from the Lord’s principles. There is a plethora of philosophies, beliefs, religions and endless opinions and varied lifestyles… We can learn much from God’s Word
We can learn invaluable life lessons as we embrace the fruit of God’s Spirit! The true meaning of life is so much deeper than what we can see in the natural! As we read the Word of God it is important to keep in mind that it is indeed all true and relevant
Our souls are filters through which we perceive something to be good or evil. As we walk in obedience we become more conscious of what is right and what is wrong, The Light of the Lord becomes brighter.
Our children, teens and young adults need guidelines. They are our future! Too many young people are coming up feeling all alone, in unstable envIronments and left unattended!
RELIGION How it HELPS or Impairs Mental Stability Part 3 The objective here in this series is to further encourage you to move closer to The LORD, rather than just settle for a religious experience. Did you know that just about anything...
RELIGION How it HELPS or Impairs Mental Stability Part 2 Christianity is much more than just a religion! It is so much more than a social club. In general, for many, religion has turned into a manufactured system where rules are dictated, regulated...
Through a plethora of life lessons we grow! We all have areas in which we are lacking! It is within our deficiencies we can discover a need for something greater than ourselves for survival.
EASTER = RESURRECTION SUNDAY Part 2 JESUS’ Crucifixion Jesus suffered greatly at the hands of mankind. He was falsely accused, and tried over six times by both Jewish and Roman officials. Fortunately He was never convicted of a crime that...
EASTER = RESURRECTION SUNDAY Part 1 EASTER is one of the most impressive, memorable, monumental moments in time when JESUS CHRIST arose from the dead after being in the grave for three (3) days! JESUS won the ultimate spiritual, physical and...
PALM SUNDAY A DAY TO REMEMBER! Palm Sunday is a marvelous day to remember! It is the day the Church at large celebrates that Jesus triumphantly rode into Jerusalem and entered in upon an “ass” which we know as a donkey! His followers paved the...
There is reason for alarm today in this 21st century because there is so much that goes on contrary to the Word of God! It is becoming increasingly unpopular by the masses to really believe and actually implement the principles of God’s Word into our lives!
100,000 Views on the Hub Pages! "TO GOD BE THE GLORY!" I am thankful to announce that I have had over well100,000 viewers through The Hub Pages! January 13TH 2012, for me represents a memorable milestone after some 159 hubs later! How...
"Some days it can seem like everything is going awry! But we can forever & always have HOPE in the LORD! I am so very THANKFUL for the omnipresence of the LORD!"
Today we too can be encouraged and emerge victoriously! We have been redeemed by the precious Blood of The Lamb! Praise The Lord all the way through whatever is going on in your life knowing that His Word is All TRUE… “Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot...
A prayer for VICTORY in battle. Such a prayer can help us prepare for any great challenge. David knew that his TRUST should be placed in The Lord more than in human power.
Be careful and selective who you join yourself together with! A man deposits his DNA into the woman that can possibly linger for a lifetime! You actually bond together… There really is nothing casual at all about sex!
You do not have to walk in darkness! You do not have to walk alone! Spend time each day with the Lord and seek His direction! In His Word we can find spiritual guidance! “The commands of The Lord are radiant, giving LIGHT to the eyes.”
We often hear “nobody is perfect” This is a truism; however we are to strive everyday to become more like God! In Him exists an attainable perfection that yields spiritual cleansing! His Way is ALWAYS the best Way! In Him you can experience spiritual perfection which means you become complete in...
There will be times when you are walking with the Lord that you will be misunderstood, mistreated, alienated, persecuted and your integrity questioned. Rest assured that the Lord knows! We must continually seek the Lord’s face and be strong yet humble and draw even closer to HIM!
As long as we are on this side of heaven the Lord is working on us. However we must not excuse any sin in our lives or the lives of others. We must allow His Holy Spiritual to continuously mold and shape us from the inside out! In order for us to be transformed we must consistently acknowledge any...
Know the father of lies wants to divide, misconstrue, reap havoc upon our lives, get everyone and everybody to undermine the Truth of His Word and then instead embrace worldly principles and lifestyles! If “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” Psalms 24, why is it that Christians are not...
You would have to be a fool in order to deny the existence of God according to the principles in His Word! By doing so one further discounts their own existence!"
Sin separates us from the Lord and doubt wants to make you worry and weaken your connectedness! When this happens it is the perfect time to seek the Lord’s presence! Invite Him to come even closer and see how He will reveal Himself to you! He can make a way out of no way!
"GOD will NEVER leave nor forsake us! It's important to write this on the table of your heart! This does not mean that we will escape, loss, grief or harm but it does mean God truly is FAITHFUL!"
The carnal mind cannot conceive nor does it embrace the things of God! As believers we need His Holy Spirit to better understand the things of God! It is through Him we can experience the mind of Christ! This is why we must seek Him above all else to better understand how to better navigate through...
God never sanctions sin. God will never tell us to do anything that goes against His Word or principles! Do not let anyone make you compromise what you know to be right! Know the Word of God!"
God has the POWER to transform us! As we submit to Him we grow stronger spiritually and become wiser. The Fruit of His Spirit begins to grow and flourish in our lives.
Loyalty is an undeniable virtue! Faithfulness to God’s Word and embracing His principles is a continual, growing, life long process! It is important to know that one can be loyal to the wrong thing. As believers It is never right to uphold someone when they are wrong or support them in doing...
EMMANUEL "GOD WITH US!" “GLORY to GOD in the HIGHEST, and on earth Peace, Goodwill toward men!” Luke 2. If there was ever a time to PRAISE the LORD the time is NOW! Notice that whenever you read, watch or hear the news it is not...
P.O.T.S. can often be a quite debilitating condition. It is a degenerative disease of the peripheral nervous system marked by orthostatic hypotension. The nervous system is an extensive network that regulates homeostasis’ POTS causes one’s heart rate to fluctuate immensely when shifting from a...
God is Sovereign this is true whether you believe it or not! Although many continue to try and prove evolution they cannot or will NEVER be able to disprove GOD! This world was spoken into existence through Jesus Christ! Through Him darkness has no power over our lives whenever we submit to Him!
GOD Is The Author And CREATOR of MARRIAGE Part 2 “God is Love!” He is our Creator! He definitely is beyond qualified and knows what is best for the man and woman who He created. He has so splendidly and miraculously created us...
Psalm 1 is the prescription to be Blessed! It has plethora of Spiritual Wisdom! You will be blessed when you take heed; "Blessed is the man that does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly..."
Babies are amazingly born everyday all over the world in all colors shapes and sizes with varying temperaments! This is truly an everyday occuring miracle! For me it is a reminder of the Lord and His incredible creation of life itself! God is the Giver and Sustainer of Life
Your conscience will gradually become more and more sensitive to what is right and wrong as you grow spiritually! Your desire to live to please the Lord will grow as well. The Fruit of HIS Spirit will become more apparent in your life! This is a journey like no other; life really takes on a whole...
Accompanied with excellent acting and subdued yet personable characters you are given an up front and personal view into human behaviors that have been prevalent from the onset of time. It helps you evaluate the importance of love, trust, commitment and intimacy in marriage and the consequences...
Do you want to go to Heaven? You must accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior! Each day is a "GIFT" from God. His Holy Spirit the Comforter is here to lead you to All TRUTH...
~"God commands us to submit to one another. We can submit to the boss, the preacher, the teacher, the doctor, but not to our spouses. Something is terribly wrong! We must get our priorities straight. If you can’t keep the commitment; “Don’t Make it.”
~ "As a couple you must together be willing to adjust and do what is best for your household. In either case it is wise to be prepared in case of a sudden loss of income, death in the family, chronic illness of either spouse or… The traditional marriage vows say for better or worse… You must learn...
Are the two of you ready to allow God’s Word to direct your marital path? Remember marriage is a commitment to God as well as to your partner!
~"Each couple is quite different! Each marriage is different! The original foundational principles of marriage remain the same! Marriage is a spiritual union! Your marriage will be what you make it!"~
Marriages & Affairs PART I Marriages that do not include “Transparency & Intimacy” are susceptible to infidelity. An affair is a sexual relationship between two people outside of marriage! An affair can also be an emotional attachment. Be it...
The “DOWN-LOW” Going On within The Church Part II The Down-Low is taking same sexual relationships to a lower low! It is also an incubator for AIDS! I realize that many do not want to go here! Pastors, assistant pastors, evangelists,...
Should we not be concerned? Concerned does not mean you make someone feel comfortable in sin! It means that you care enough that you want to do something about it to help them…
Did you know that when someone is going through, or grieving that one of the best things that you can do is allow them to freely express themselves. Let them have a good cry and then wait for an appropriate moment to make them laugh! Tell them a simple funny story or bring to mind an amusing event...
A PRAYER TO MY HEAVENLY FATHER Father, we come in the name of Jesus to thank you for this glorious and wonderful day that you have made! We thank you Lord for your Word that you have given us as a guide as to how we should live! We Thank you Lord that...
Regardless of what anyone says they cannot predict the end of time. We are told to live each day as though the Lord was to return. Each one of us should really examine our lives to see if we are ...
Spiritual Strength & Conditioning Did you know that many universities and colleges employ a strength and conditioning coach to train their athletes? Their responsibilities include program design, teaching exercises, performance testing,...
The discerning of spirits is a God given gift bestowed upon some with the ability to recognize when a presence is not of God. It is most helpful! This is not a subjected guess. But it is a revelation that comes by Divine authority. “to another FAITH by the same Spirit, to another the gifts of...
" PRAISE GOD! We too can also invade the darkness by casting Light through the Word of God on evil! It only takes a little LIGHT to dispel darkness! This is why we PROCLAIM THE TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL! "
Life is cavernously deep full of marvelous lessons to learn. Life lessons can be painful, dreadful, joyful or miraculously wonderful! We are all created uniquely to discover that God given purpose!
Look around today and see there are many economic difficulties, families in crisis, marriages resulting in divorces, sickness, diseases and natural disasters! Know God is Able! God is here to help us endure any hardships that may arise in life! It is to Him we must look to, He is Sovereign and...
"One must really become prayerful and discerning and seek God’s direction! Patience truly is an understated virtue as well as part of the FRUIT of His Spirit! As you practice being patient it becomes easier to do! One cannot achieve spiritual disciplines without the Holy Spirit
Paul spoke boldly and his authority was questioned, he readily commences to tell us that he was not called by man but by God the Father! Through Jesus Christ one can receive the gift of Eternal Life!
I would like to share with you the APOSTLES CREED. It is such a wonderful and meaningful creed, which dates back as early as the 6th century. A half century after the last writings of the New Testament. It has been recorded in history that on the day of Pentecost directed by the HOLY SPIRIT the...
Dr. Martin Luther King was a great man of God. He encouraged peaceful demonstrations as a gallant civil rights leader. He proficiently impacted the lives of many encouraging equal rights for all...
LOVE LIFE SANCTIFICATION POWER & GOD’S PURPOSE! GOD is LOVE! GOD is the GIVER of LIFE! We are SANCTIFIED by HIS PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT! HE has a PURPOSE and PLAN for each of HIS children! I implore and entreat you to seek HIS WORD and allow...
Our security and significance is only in the Lord! No trial or manmade test can ever take away the gift of God’s precious Holy Spirit, His marvelous Plan of Salvation and gift of Eternal life! We have a Living HOPE!
God who is LOVE is amazingly AWESOME! If you want some “ Sweet Some Things” to read to each other this is the place! Now whoever said that The Word could not be sung? This Book is indeed filled with melodic romantic prose!
III John, is a wonderful Book of the New Testament about fellowship! It is the third in a series; I, II & III John are all written by the Apostle John. Although the size of a memo; a mere thirteen verses, it is rather great as far as substance. It can be read in only a few minutes but it will take...
Through the power of the Holy Spirit regeneration is possible. God has given us important messages through Paul’s epistles to add to His Church. They contain pertinent information that tells us how to effectively grow the Lord’s Church both spiritually and in numbers. It is so important to know;...
God sees everything that everyone does all over this world. Spend time each day in His Word. Then apply it, it really works! Our true character is who we are when no one but God is watching!
John illustrates the acute contrast between LIGHT and darkness, TRUTH and error, LOVE and hate, LIFE and death, GOD and satan! He does a wonderful thorough job of teaching us the basic principles of Christianity
One must certainly solicit the aid and assistance of the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual ears for any lucid clarity. John himself really answers that question earlier on. He tells says “Blessed..."
~"Paul stresses the deity of Jesus Christ in Colossians! It is important to know the Word of God so you will not be easily led astray by the false teachings of anyone or legalism. Our final destination of heaven...
Take some time and really think about where you are going in your marriage? Have you taken a detour? Pray this prayer or pray your own prayer if you are seeking restoration for your marriage! It is your heart that the Lord is concerned with! Not how you make things appear to others.
Here in Haggai you will learn the benefits of not compromising what you know God says is right regardless as to what others do. Know that God is everywhere we are. Everyday "Pray without ceasing."
Although, we now come together to fellowship and congregate in a plethora of different types of small, large, grand and magnificent massive brick, and mortar buildings throughout the world, we must each personally embrace and hold dear the Word of God! We GOD'S people are HIS CHURCH!
Ask Balaam no matter how hard you try you cannot curse what GOD HAS BLESSED! One can glean a very important life altering lesson from here. We must PRAISE GOD and TRUST HIM through any challenges that life hurls our way!
There is no greater decision that you can ever make for your personal life than to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as Savior & Lord. It is an awe inspiring spiritual journey of Love & Faith
God LOVES us; for He is LOVE! He does not leave us alone to figure life out. The interesting paradox is that in our weaknesses we are made strong by Him. God can use whoever He so desires!
When we impart a blessing on someone we honor God and acknowledge Him in whatever we are saying or asking. One must learn to skillfully use the Word of God! It is our Life Manual! The WORD of God has much power!
Many secretly wrestle with depression due to fear of being labeled negative. They instead project a happy face. It is always good to acknowledge however it is you are feeling and ask GOD to HELP!
~"You can age gracefully! No one can be a better "YOU" than You! God created each one of us with a plan and purpose in mind. It is a choice to pursue it His way, do your own thing or the world’s way!
For some women all too often a dependency on others rather than building a relationship with the Lord becomes the priority. Loneliness and neediness then becomes the motivator to relate to others. There is nothing wrong to desire friendship, fellowship, success or companionship
Life gets quite complex at times. Its during these times we must seek the Lord above all else! Meditate upon His Word and allow it to marinate. Release your inner pain & frustrations to Him & Soar!
There is liberty in knowing Jesus! We must never use that liberty for maliciousness. It is very important to develop an intimate ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ through His Word.
Once you admit that life is difficult it becomes easier! Sin is pervasive and has taken root in this world we live. So many things have become greatly impacted. This only further nurtures any bitterness you are harboring! Don’t be deceived! Yes! Anything goes! Acceptance often becoming an Enabler;...
The family of God is vast, universal and forever growing. God did not create us to be like someone else. Praise God! He has a place that only you can fill! We have been given the amazing wonderful gift of eternal life that goes on throughout forever… Remember He came for you to have a rich, full...
Despite the continuing economic recession we all have been globally experiencing there is no recession in Heaven! Despite the United States of America being "Shut Down!" God is still in control! All God's promises are true whether you believe them or not! God is able! The Lord has a limitless...
Do you need STRESS RELIEF? Are you stressed? Is there something weighing on your mind? Is there some inner conflict? Is there something happening in your life and you don’t know how things will work out? You are not alone! At some point in time...
PASSION "FRUIT" There are some fruits that are good all year long. There are others that are seasonal and available during certain seasons throughout the year. There is a purple “ passion fruit” that is native to southern Brazil through...
Is your physical relationship few, far and in between or basically just nonexistent? Or on the other hand is your physical relationship all you have going on? But you both are just going through the motions? Do you jump at the opportunity to spend time apart and or enjoy the company of everyone...
It is within the construct of the family unit one learns how to live with and deal with problems, grow together, develop, mentally, physically, spiritually and become productive citizens.
It is becoming incresasingly difficult to raise a family in this modern 21st century. It is very important that you instill within your children basic morals, principles and values!
President Jimmy Carter & Women in Ministry I am once again happy to see that President Jimmy Carter is in the news. But not for his political views. At least not concerning the U.S. Government. But his views as far as the Church are concerned....
DeBorrah K. Ogans MAKING THE BEST OF “NOW” “Making the BEST of NOW!” Wherever you are in life it is important to take some time and enjoy the moment. Regardless of what is happening or not happening you are still here. What is...
Every time you choose to operate outside the spiritual moral boundaries God has designed you can expect some sort of consequence. God is totally aware of everything
It is often said "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" In a loving lasting relationship one must be willing to be transparent with each other. Become the best You let your true inner beauty emerge!
"Each partner in the marriage has a moral responsibility to make the marriage flourish. What happened to all that commitment? A great marriage was not made to seem as though it was a sentence. It was designed to be a loving, enjoyable, healthy, fun, humorous, growing, mutually satisfying fulfilling...
God wants us to be whole. Being whole does not mean being free of conflict or problems. Life will continually present challenges. Challenges brings about spiritual growth and development. God also wants us to be perfect. Godly perfection does not mean being free of flaws. Godly PERFECTION...
Whatever is happening or not happening in our lives God knows! It is important to take some time and "BE STILL & KNOW!" Invite the Lord into whatever is going on and meditate upon His Word &Trust Him!
You do not have to become discouraged or dismayed in life when a trial comes your way. If, or when you do, begin to seek fulfillment in knowing who you are in Jesus Christ. He knows the path through whatever you are going through… I assure you if you begin to sincerely praise God right where you...
Mother's should be cherished, loved and respected! A good and honorable Mother is a precious "GIFT" from the Lord! ~
~ " There are many issues around taking care of an elderly parent or parents. Who does what and when? Just enjoy them as much as you can while they are here. Try and let them make their own decisions for as long as they can responsibly do so. Treat them with respect although they become childlike....
What’s Love Got To Do With It? I am really beginning to enjoy this new experience hubbing. It is a great way to communicate, experience and express oneself to a wider diverse audience. I have also thoroughly enjoyed traveling, the different...
What is sin? God created us in His image. Image meaning we are to be a reflection of Him. According to Webster’s an exact likeness; semblance God created man in his own image — Genesis 1:27(Revised Standard Version) b: a person strikingly like...
God wants us to be whole. Being whole does not mean being free of conflict or problems. Life will continually present challenges. Challenges brings about spiritual growth and development. God also wants us to be perfect. Godly perfection does not mean being free of flaws. Godly perfection...
I realize that this subject will not win a popularity contest. It may even cause a few jaws to drop. But at this point I have come to the conclusion that it is much more important “what GOD knows rather than what people think.” This is NOT about arrogance but about being confident in the TRUTH of...