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30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge: Is it Worthwhile?

Updated on January 12, 2025
NurseFlood profile image

Caitlin Goodwin, DNP, RN, has 17 years of nursing experience and is a publications manager for clinical obstetric nursing resources.

The Rules

  • I will post 30 articles.
  • I will track my overall hub score.
  • I will track each article's hub score.
  • Did the post get accepted by a niche site?
  • I will post the page views of each article.

Is 30 Hubs in 30 Days Relevant?

Once upon a time, the more articles and posts you had, the more income you could generate. In this day and age, with the recent Google updates, content is king.

Is a challenge focusing on a massive output like 30 hubs in 30 days pointless in this era? Can you write quality articles when you are focusing on quantity? After all, my goal is to get as many articles on a niche site as possible.

This article will log my journey to writing 30 hubs in 30 days. When the challenge is complete, I will summarize the results. When Google algorithms change, we must adapt.

The Author: Dr. Caitlin Goodwin


Many of you experience the same challenges: work, family, and your busy home life provide a valid excuse to avoid adding to our hubs. My goal is to overcome all possible obstacles.

Will it be perfect? I may not write an article daily if I have a sick kid or work a double shift. However, I will try to write two quality articles when free.

I am a busy mom of three children, including a toddler and an autistic son. I am also a working professional who wears many hats as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.

While this gives me plenty of hub fodder, it may give me road bumps in this experiment. I will attempt to reduce any barriers that get in the way, but life happens.

The Hubs

April 1, 2018- Article One:

How Pregnancy Affects the Pelvic Floor and What to Do Postpartum

Profile Hubscore: 95

Article Hubscore: 82

Niche Site: Yes, We Have Kids.

Average Daily Views: 1

The Inspiration: I did research on this for a potential freelancing project. I have been caring for women in pregnancy and postpartum for nearly ten years. Most other developed nations provide women with pelvic floor physiotherapy and/or detailed education. Tragically, our country tends to ignore pelvic floor health and crack jokes about "peeing when we sneeze." This article attempts to illuminate what happens during pregnancy and what we can do after!

Total views in February 2020: 984

April 2, 2018- Article Two:

Does an Acute Ischemic Stroke Require Routine Imagery at 24 Hours?

Profile Hubscore: 96

Article Hubscore: 70

Niche Site: No.

Average Daily Views: 0

The Inspiration: After my grandfather had a stroke, I was struck by the amount of imaging that he had following the attack. After getting the bills, it was overwhelming. Years later, I read a compelling study stating that routine imaging may not be necessary. This article is the result.

Total Views in February 2020: 20

April 7, 2018- Article Three:

What is the Mental Health Benefit of Exercise?

Profile Hubscore: 95

Article Hubscore: 75

Niche Site: No

Average Daily Views: 0

The Inspiration: I care for women in the throes of postpartum depression. I am passionate about providing education about mental illness and breaking the stigma. While I strongly believe in the power of medication, I also encourage lifestyle changes. This article is about the power of physical activity and its incredible effect on our brains!

Total views in February 2020: 53

April 7, 2018- Article Four:

Caregivers Helping an Aging Loved One by Health Promotion

Profile Hubscore: 96

Article Hubscore: 73

Niche Site: no

Average Daily Views: 0

Inspiration: I have been working with a fantastic company that provides aftercare phone calls to clients discharged from nursing facilities. The recurring obstacle I hear about is that caregivers feel unprepared and overwhelmed. I aim to provide resources to encourage the caregiver to feel more comfortable.

As of February 2020, I received only 17 views TOTAL for the entire article.

Week One Thoughts

As week one draws to a close, I am a little overwhelmed. I anticipated missing a day or two, but I am already three days behind! I need to begin writing two articles a day for several days while maintaining all aspects of life.

I am nervous that the quality of my articles is already beginning to suffer. I hope this further push for articles doesn't compromise their content.

Is the 30 hubs in 30 days challenge worthwhile?

I started this with the best intentions, but life got in the way. While I am happy I tried this, ultimately, I did not finish. However, I received more views from these articles.

Final Thoughts

I failed, and I'm not mad at all. My quality was garbage compared to what I usually do. I have less than 1100 views for four articles across nearly two years. Not impressive. I will avoid challenges and stick to writing when the mood strikes.

© 2018 Caitlin Goodwin


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