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Professionalism On HubPages

Updated on October 10, 2011

Researching hub pages for over two years and writing over one hundred hubs which a few are now unpublished as you may have noticed in the upper right hand corner, I have fumbled, stumbled and learned what it takes to not only be a professional but act in a professional manner while entertaining myself on the forums or simply reading other hubbers articles. Remembering that this is a virtual world you may run into a few oddities on this site, but believe me they are far and few in between compared to other sites that I have personally written on.

My personal objective on hub pages is to write and express who I am and what I feel , I have replied to multiple e-mails with respect for a new hubber or merely have became friends with a multitude of others. There are hubbers on hubpages that I have talked to directly via over the phone and others I send e-mails but I have always been a professional and do not lack character when it comes to interacting with others.

It takes honesty, integrity and diplomacy to hold your own when you are blogging and expressing your thoughts, sharing your life and writing what you feel. Some of the hubbers that act in a professional manner to me are, Univited Writer, JamesWatkins, GmaJohnson, Dr.Carlotta, PrettyDarkHorse and so many others. These are hubbers who have been on hub pages for quite awhile and just like myself I am certain that someone has attacked there character, professionalism or creative thought but they managed to act professionally with the respect to another hubber.

Tips Of Survivorship On HubPages

In order to survive on hub pages here are some key recommendations that I have utilized to become successful in the past two and half years.

1. When commenting in the forums be tactful. I realize it is easy to get your dander up but sit back, breathe and then comment.All of us are professionals and should not act like school children. Should someone upset you and your purpose is to market yourself then, it is necessary that you act in a professional manner.

2. Respect your fans, if someone has gone out of the way to read your hubs take the time to read theirs, realizing it is sometimes complicated to comment on every hubbers hub, at least stop by, show your support. They are supporting you don't forget about them.

3. When you are new as a copper penny on Hubpages and you have senior hubbers in the forums giving you advice do not counter attack them, they are only trying to assist you with direction.

Quite a few times I have seen a new hubber disappear or leave hub pages because they have felt like they were bullied. I have also saved new hubbers from their fate merely by reminding them to tread lightly and get to know other hubbers before trying to push their way to the top. Time, patience and perseverance will enable you to excel on hub pages so do not ever give up or believe your writing is unprofessional or you are not talented enough, you are here for a reason and that is to share your thoughts and creativity with others.

4. You will definitely run into a few psychos on hub pages it is a given; however if it is to the point that they are unprofessional or lacking tact ignore them or report them do not feel that HP is not paying attention. They certainly are busy little bees but each individual who is involved will certainly review the information.

5. If you are angry at another hubber do not act out of anger and begin to rate their hubs down, it is certainly a great way to get banned from HP once another hubber believes you are acting unprofessional ,your ip is tracked you could very well disappear into the limelight without any questions asked, all it takes is a simple e-mail to So before you do anything unnecessary read the rules and regulations before you do anything out of the ordinary. Go to the upper right-hand corner of your page and click on the help button. All the information is right at your fingertips.

6. We have all felt at sometime or another that a hubber who has fanned you felt a little creepy, when you feel that way monitor their actions that Avatar without a pic may very well turn into a someone in a matter of days.

7. Hub pages can sometimes become a very hostile environment never ever de-fame a person's character remember although virtual there is a person who can make or break you it is all up to you on how you approach the situation.

8. Stalking is an absolute no-no on HP believe me I had one , the HP community is a very large family that does not take lightly to cyberstalking and many of us seniors on HP know how to deal with it, let's say we are the cyber patrol and are here to protect our little PAC men and women who are new at hub pages do not think for one minute that someone is not watching someone.

9. If you recieve e-mails that sound strange for ex: " I think your sexy, can you be my friend?" ,I have recieved to many of those either delete or report immediately to hubpages we have enough to concern ourselves with besides a bunch of perverts send e-mails.

You can be relaxed but always try to act professional it is o.k. to disagree as an adult but be diplomatic and professional ,millions of people visit this site and because they may not comment on your hubs they certainly could be reading what you are saying on the forums. You never know who may be watching and waiting to choose you to work for them or publish your work. Your comments could be costly if you have a dream and it does not become ful-filled due to a streak of unprofessional comments.


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