A Collection of Moving Hubs
Most Moving Hubs On Hubpages
I have often thought about what Hubpages has done for me, and how it has changed my life in many ways. One of the ways that Hubpages has added to my life is by introducing me to some absolutely incredibly moving writing, that has touched my heart and soul: deeply inspirational writing here on Hubpages.
In this hub, I would like to share with you the most moving and inspirational writing pieces that I have read on Hubpages. I have saved these in a bookmark I call "moving pieces," and these are articles that I find particularly touching, and that warm my heart. I have saved them, in order that I might find them at a later date, and once again be touched by the power of these words.
How I Helped My Blind Dog to Overcome Her Handicap
How I Helped My Blind Dog to Overcome Her Handicap
This courageous story of a man and his dog is written by Kashmir156. This is a true story of how the author worked with his blind dog, to become a fully functioning little canine. Truly inspirational writing!
What moved me so much about this hub was the depth of relationship between dog and man. Instead of putting the dog down, as some would have done, or giving it away, Kashmir began the long process of helping the dog map out her environment. The mental picture I had of that little pooch walking around the house, blind, but being aware of its surrounding, moved me deeply. That even a little dog, an animal, could show such determination and hope, motivated me. What excuses did I use? This dog had blindness, but she was still determined to try hard, and did not get depressed. And the owner, too, worked just as hard to make a good life for this animal.
This hub is definitely worth checking out!
Picture of Mill Lake
Lost and Found at Mill Lake
I found this hub, written by Flobe, a beautiful fellow Canuck, whose writing I always look forward to. This story so evocative because it displays our primal connection with nature. The author uses a lake and its surrounding park, found in her hometown, as a symbol for her own life. Will she be able to become as beautiful and well-cared for as her beloved sanctuary?
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
The park is a steady anchor through all the changes and upheavals in her journey. And the lake bring its own gift, something special just for her.
This particular hub by Flobe literally gave me goosebumps, because of the way events came together in a way that can only be considered miraculous. To read more details, saunter over to this incredible piece of writing. You will not be sorry you did. Truly inspirational writing!
So What Do I Believe?
This particular hub is quite sad, but it reflects the experience of so many of us, if to a lesser degree. We all grow up, and lose some of our illusions, and are forced to face unpleasant truths. But in doing so, we must be careful not to become too jaded, and forget the easy love of childhood, the artless acceptance of what we were told. It is a fine balance and NJ's Ponderings does an excellent work in describing this tension in the story of his mother and father, then and now.
What is so moving about this story is the forgiveness he extends to those who were not exactly who the thought they were. While some people may become bitter, when faced with disillusionment, he does not, and from that, we can learn mightily.
For a sadly moving story about family and grace, have a gander over to NJ's Ponderings' remembrances.
Scents and Smells That Are A Comfort To Me
Scents and Smells That Are A Comfort To Me
A writer who writes with such calmness, peace and wisdom. A woman who lives passionately, remembering every vivid detail and sharing them lovingly with us. This is onegoodwoman, probably my favourite writer here at Hubpages. Everything that pours out of her pen is poetry, even when it's prose.
She writes about smells ... a catalogue, if you will. And each smell weaves a tale, the tapestry of her life. The smells bring up things that happened a lifetime ago, and make them seem as if they happened just yesterday. This is a simply beautiful piece of writing.
She Stole My Heart...
Sam was a feral cat who lived outside, wild but not wild. Tamed but not tame. She came into the house when it necessary to do so, but then moved back outside when her domestication time was done. A survivor of multiple fights, some illnesses and the general roughness of the street life, she was loved from afar.
This beautiful little cat had been through it all, but never demonstrated anything but gentleness. The author, Sribenet, tells her story with precision and carefulness. Her restraint in telling makes it even more powerful. And we grow to love Sam as she did.
For a good cat story with heart, check it out. Truly inspirational writing.
Crocheted Blessings of Love
Moving pieces touch us because they trigger love in us, and remind us of those special individuals in our life. This next hub tells of a very unique wedding gift to a granddaughter from her Grandma. We are touched by this because we either had someone that loved us that much, or longed for someone that did.
The author of this story, smarty2pop, writes in simple, intelligible prose, and we go along with her as she shares this piece of her history. For a beautiful tribute to grandmother love, have a read.
Hubpages Is a Place of the Heart
These are the hubs that I have bookmarked under "Moving Pieces." Each one is beautiful in its own right, and my hub is a tribute to hubbers who were willing to open up and become vulnerable. I appreciate each one of them.
We advertise Hubpages as a way to make money. It may be that for a few, but it is so much more than that. It is a place of the heart. A place of inspiration.