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Characteristics of a HubPages Writer

Updated on August 27, 2013

“There is an inescapable sense of our original being in us, however much it gets battered by experience and repetitive conditioning. The original sense is that I am good, I'm me, and within that me there is the source of my health and well-being and vitality." - James O'Dea

Bruce Noll - Born2care2001
Bruce Noll - Born2care2001 | Source

Our HubPages Family

I have always felt that if one prepared properly the human condition could accomplish almost anything. I have also felt that HubPages was a classroom for growth, a laboratory in which collaboration, experimentation and preparation were synonymous with freedom of expression. What I found, through experience, was that somehow reading and writing on this site was more than a studio where individuals whose talents and perspectives, so varied and vast, were unleashed to the electronic world. This site, and the cooperative spirit which comprises it, is an incubator for manifestation of dreams however minute or grandiose.

I found here something for which I was entirely unprepared. I believe I have found characteristics of a unique entity, which many of us refer to as a “Hubber.” I found in a Hub Pages writer a common collective conscience; a compilation of gifted qualities offered by people who give tirelessly to the craft and joy of the art of self expression and who, by their comments to a common enemy and dedication to their chosen portal, reveal these characteristics for all to see. I promise you that after reading this brief presentation you too, will see, and feel, a brilliant glow of warmth, for which comparison fades and only experiencing it for yourself will provide greater benefit.


Before I begin I must beg the forgiveness of all of my fellow hubbers who are not mentioned here by name. You must know how grateful I am to each one of you whether we have shared our work personally or not. Without you, I am not who I am today. Your creativity and inspiration is invaluable to our family of beings and your existence here on this site, on this planet, in this universe is inextricably intertwined with my own. Should I miss one of you in this accolade, I would invalidate my own being. I use the few examples of Hub Pages writers and their comments as a representation of the whole of our art. I am deeply moved by the contribution you each have made to our community. Thank you!

HubPage Authors - I Believe in You!

I Really Do Believe in You!

For all of my fellow Hubpages writers and to the new writers who are becoming a part of this amazing family of human beings. Let the joy of living ring out in your words, your thoughts, your ideas and your comments. Though life is short, we are here together for a reason. Perhaps by writing and expressing our innermost passion we are sharing something far greater than even we can know...perhaps it is love at its zenith! Write on!

The Short List of Characteristics

The first characteristic common to HubPages writers is BOLDNESS and my HubPages representative for this characteristic was a tie between Hunbbel Meer - and Molometer - These two gentlemen are certainly not the only candidates but they will serve as exemplary symbols for the rest. Hunbbell, whose hub (article) entitled “Our Hubs Got Stolen…” informing us about plagiarism of our work, by a site remaining nameless here (Hahahahahaha), spawned a firestorm of comments! What else would you expect from proud authors on such a sensitive subject? Hunbbel’s boldness could have been at great expense since his revelation caused awe and discomfort to many of his friends and followers. He was maligned in some ways for his execution of the hub but, I for one, am grateful that he chose to inform us of our situation and tenaciously pursued and responded to as many comments as possible in spite of that criticism! That was worthy boldness in my uneducated opinion. Thank you sir!

The other example of boldness was far more humorous and amusing. I’m still laughing about how ingenious Molometer was in his now famous hub on the common art of releasing excessive gas in the digestive tract! “Farting Is Back With A Bang. In History The Royals And Top Celebrities Fart. So...” Michael, that was so bold and provocative yet it made me see the wide open writer at work. Your words gave a whole (excuse the pun) new meaning to bold! Many thanks!

The next characteristic of a HubPages writer is COURAGEOUS INTROSPECTION . The real stories here on hub pages, in this writer’s opinion, originate from within. Well, duh! I mean deep within! Where else would they come from, unless you plagiarize? LOL (Ok, to some of you that might not be funny and a little insensitive. Please forgive me) The writer who, in my mind, best represents this introspective style is Billybuc . He’s produced more hubs that require and reveal self examination as the motif for the context of his hubs than any other hubber and the comments to his hub -Lifestyle Choices: Saying Goodbye To A Life That Was No Longer Working, bear out that opinion. To a man after my own heart, thank you very, very much!

I have so completely enjoyed my time here on HubPages that it is terribly difficult to single out any of the writer’s, authors or comments. Hubbers who comment on our work know how important the meanings of those comments are for two reasons. One, they have been on the receiving end and understand what a tremendously uplifting impact their comments make in terms of encouragement and inspiration. When I see a comment from an experienced commenter, it’s very special to me and I want to continue learning the craft. Two, they care about the writing and the writer. They know they’re inseparable and the comment enhances them both. When the comment given is real, and from the heart, that comment is often more poignant than the hub itself.

The best example of leaving meaningful comments that are inspiring and informative for so many reasons illustrates my last characteristic of a HubPage writer. It is called COMPASSIONATE ENSPIRATION . Those HubPage writers, who employ this characteristic read in between the lines, encourage and inspire other writers by leaving comments that seek to educate, touch the heart, and they recognize the motivating power of a well formed and timely comment. Sometimes the comments are themselves hubs, commentaries on what was written, received and the significance of the writing to their worlds. I felt compelled to select a group because that’s the energetic feeling one remark, one sincere statement, one compassionate compliment brings to the life of an aspiring writer. It’s like applause from an entire audience of experts. Thank you, to every writer who takes the time to show appreciation to another human being interested in developing themselves into another compassionate enspirator!

My selection for Compassionate Enspiration goes to:

Dee aka Nonna - Whether it’s writing or commenting or you call her Dee or Nonna, however you slice it she’s an inspiration and I hope one day you too, will receive one of her heartwarming comments. Then you will know what I mean. I couldn't be more grateful!

Fennelseed - Fennelseed’s lively, sustainable, down-to-earth insights keep me grounded and I am truly grateful when I get to read a hub or a comment from her. She is wise beyond her years and is a pick me up for all of us! Thank you Fennelseed!

tammyswallow - Though tammyswallow is relatively new to HubPages she’s jumped in with a splash. Her lively hubs and comments bring an enthusiasm to our family of writers that is truly elevating for all whom she touches! Thanks tammyswallow, for your contribution to our group!

CloudExplorer - CloudExplorer is, in my opinion, is the epitome of enthusiasm, a motivating force because he’s not waiting for you, he’s going, going, gone! He a scientist in the sense of experimenting with everything and when he comments, you feel it! Thank you CloudExplorer and see you at the top!

Every hubber is seen to me in the following quote by Amy McCarrel. “Everybody has some sort of deep knowing or intuition. All it takes is one moment of connection with somebody to know that they’re wrestling with the same question as I, in one way or another. The same why are we here, what is this place where we are?”

I simply want to say “thank you” to every grandmother, single mom or dad, those working multiple jobs while writing and to every other type of hubber who is writing to the heart of their audience, freely expressing themselves and truly living in a sense, in the cyber world and at the same time connected to each other energetically and spiritually. I am indeed grateful to be among you, the old and the new, the experienced and the inexperienced, seasoned and unseasoned, the mature and the immature, all of us, hubbers writing and welcomed into our clan. I feel I am connected to some of the most creative minds on the planet and I was not prepared for that! But, oh boy, am I ever happy about it!

I couldn't resist the joy!

I simply could not resist!
I simply could not resist! | Source

He who gets the last laugh...

To all of you who fought plagiarism I say…Thanks for being who you are; for boldly fighting for our words; courageously introspective in your solutions and compassionately enspiring for our site. As always…Peace be with you!


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