Embracing HubPages Community
From HubPages community
My blue Prince is Froggy.
Breaking language struggle;
Words made hubs juggle.
A hub brought a follower;
Followers started to shower.
$50.00 isn’t gained monthly;
Only once or twice yearly.
HubPages is in the enjoyment
Of the seed spread solacement.
The hope we share vehemently!
The love we offered unconditionally!
The knowledge gained advertently!
It is worth the time interment
As we reply to a comment.
I am not a poem writer.
Today I am an arbiter;
From life to prose,
From prose to verse;
On my second year
With this 205th hub appear
The way to tell poetically
To HubPages community
That in love I embrace
Beyond an avatar emplace
Or a username displace.
Their hubs delight,
Enchant, teach, and alight.
Like a shower of flowers are the hubbers!
Bike time trials in the HubPages office
There is a billybuc
The teacher, brother, and leader
Giving us wings for a better writer
An Ericdierker a free spirit preacher
Sharing experiences to a reader.
A huge example of hubbers
Make HubPages with recipes,
Poems, and stories
An online relief of creativity.
Fellowshipping personally
By their transparency.
May I dare name a few?
Since I frequently see:
midget38, Glimmer Twin Fan,
Livingsta, BlossomSB, faythef,
MsDora, Mike Robbers,
mary615, rasta1, Elias Zanetti,
From Greece to Indonesia
To Mexico and Alaska
Hubbers from here and there
Jackie Lynnley, hugging a hubber
Angela Blair and skye2day
Spirituality within their words!
Rolly A Chabot and Montecristo
Are from a facebook request
Thebrowneyedgirl is full of faithfulness
Shiningirisheyes is one of the kindest
Do you enjoy HubPages?
From each other I wish
I may say about their distinguish,
But this hub may be over promotional,
And might be held not featured.
So with this I end my embrace
And send blessings to all!
© Maria Magdalena Ruiz O'Farrill
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© 2013 Maria Magdalena Ruiz O'Farrill