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Interview: Tammy Maticic

Updated on September 18, 2016
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In an English course at Villanova University in 1981, Maria interviewed her mom, who likened her to Barbara Walters. She never looked back.


Meet Tammy ....

Tammy Maticic, aka tammyswallow, is a fascinating, energetic and positive presence in HubVille.

I first met Tammy in the Spring and found her supportive demeanor was laced with spirit, humor and a great depth.

Tammy received the 2012 Hubbie Award for 100 Great Things You Can Buy For/ With A Dollar $1.

Her writing is always informative about a wide range of subjects, her craft hubs are some of my favorites. She writes of life experience with a uniquely powerful, and oftentimes funny, voice all her own.

I think you will all enjoy getting to know more about Tammy, as I did:

The times I feel most relaxed are....

I am most relaxed when the people I love are in a good place and all is right with them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The times I feel saddest are...

I get sad when I think about all the special people I miss that have left this world, especially my Grandma. Other than that I have a deep sadness for all the cruelty that is in the world today, especially against children and animals.

Something I'd like to teach others...

I wish all people would realize that each one of us collectively contributes to the world in which we live. We all choose what kind of world we end up with and what kind of country we live in. People constantly complain and place blame on this group, or that politician, or young and old people. Very few people have the personal integrity or self awareness to accept their own share of the lot. If each person made the choice to live with self control, integrity, and respect for others, and see it is our responsibility to do so, the world could be such a better place.

My secret passion ... my dream job....

I was an avid dancer when I was young and I wish I would have followed through with it.

Most hated gift I ever gave someone ...

When I was in my late teens, I gave an atheist a Bible. In my naivety, I thought I could change their thinking. It didn't go over well.

The gift I could have done without ...

My mother’s biting sarcasm.

If you peeked in my junk drawer, you'd be surprised to find ...

A hidden stash of chocolate, a collection of lethal pocket knives that my son’s insist I need, assorted craft supplies, and poetry rags.

My date from Hades ....

never had one believe it or not! Just a bad first husband.


A life goal on my bucket list ....

I had a child later in life so my biggest goal is to live long enough to meet my daughter’s children if she has any. I also want to travel the world starting with Scotland, Ireland, and New Zealand.

What I most look for in a friend...

I have been blessed with a lifelong best friend that I met in kindergarten. I was a very shy and introverted child and she was brave and outspoken. On my first day of school, the bus driver passed my house and forgot to drop me off. I was distraught and thought I would never see my home again. She spoke up for me and told the bus driver she missed my house. We have been friends ever since.

In a friend I look for a sense of humor, someone who is a positive spirit with a healthy outlook on life. I am drawn to people who are interesting conversationalists.

Something I will never part with...

My I pod. I could never live without music, especially my heavy metal collection.


A life lesson I will never forget ....

When your mini van gets stuck in the mud and someone tells you to hurry up and get something to put under the tires as a gripping compound, don’t pick up the bag of Ready Mix Cement Mix.

The worst part of getting older...

I think the worst thing about getting older is you can look back on your youth and realize.. “what was I thinking…” on so many foolish choices but can’t change any of it.

A writing lesson I learned the hard way...

I started writing poetry before computers were popular. I literally had the lesson of spell checking beat into me with a dictionary. I am elaborating of course, but I was fortunate to have four years of private poetry tutoring with Robert Thornton before his death. He was a brilliant poet and scholar with little tolerance for inequity and a Scottish temper. One Saturday morning he tapped me on the head with a dictionary and told me to use it or reenroll in grammar school. I learned to never present a poem that was not polished to someone who is so respected in the field and to edit, edit, edit. These skills helped me in poetry and life.

My favorite movie and why...

The best movie ever is Legends of the Fall. I suppose it appeals to me because it is about three brothers and I have three sons, but it is the ultimate story of love within a family that transcends all.

What subjects / genres do you enjoy reading/ about ?

I am a sponge so I love reading lots of things. I love reading paranormal stories, torrid historical romances, poetry, and literature.

What would be a subject/ genre that you would like to read more/ about...

I slept through history classes in school and now it really interests me. I would like to read more about World History.

Can you take us to a favorite piece of writing on Hub Pages by you that does not get much traffic...

Von Hippel Lindau Disease (VHL): One Family's Genetic Nightmare

What song makes you want to pack up and leave the party...?

Turn to Stone- Ingrid Michaelson

OK, Tammy, let's move on from that one 'quick sticks'...! I did some research on one of your wonderful hubs: 25 Nasty and Naughtiest Songs for Lovers and decided "Fire" might be COOL instead.

Pointer Sisters: Fire

Thank you, Tammy....

As I looked over The Supremes' songbook for you, I stopped dead in my tracks at "Amen"...!

I figured that anyone who has the temerity to give a Bible to an atheist would have to appreciate this.

So, Tammy, thank you for sharing yourself in this interview. This one's for you, girlfriend!

© Maria Jordan (revised September, 2014)



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