Having a blog post or hub get read 50,000 times.
It was a great experience, with some bitter sweet times.
Being that my hub or blog post "The Best 10 Opers Singers of All Times" has been read over 50,000 times, I consider it my most successful. Its not my best, it just has been read and commented on the most, by far. It was a bitter sweet eperience and one that has brought me many followers and much more attention than anything else I have written at this point. Seeing that I have written over 100 blog posts, it was amazing to see one of them draw this much traffic and attention!
The Downside- The downside was minor and well worth it when you look at the big picture. Since I was able to drive some serious traffic to this, I also brought with it a lot of criticism. That was fine with me. The only problem I had with it was the fact that some critics werer dishonest, aggresive, insulting, and made their disagreement personal. Several were also disingenuous about who they were. That was my biggest disappointment, because if I criticize someone, I at least have the courage to identify myself. But, like I said, it was minor. Let the scoffers scoff, even if they don't have a point.
How did I do it?- 1. When you write online, you should market and promote online (ei. social networks and other websites). 2. Write compelling pieces. Make sure you have your facts straight and do your research. 3.Email it to all of your contacts.
- The 12 Best Opera Singers of all Times. Read over 20,000 times!
This is a list of the best opera singers as I see them. No I am not doing this on any organizations behalf. This is my list. Enjoy!