How to set up Google Adsense in Hub Pages
A Very Basic Demo
I had a difficult time figuring out how to set up Google Adsense on my Hub Pages. Now that I know what I'm doing I'd like to help those that are new to Hub Pages or are where I was a few days ago. The process is pretty simple and once you get to the right part, Google does a very nice job in walking you through the process. I will take you through the process form Signing In to Hub Pages all the way to the Configure button where once there Google will take over. I hope this makes your sign up process easier than mine was.
First of all go to Once there go to the upper right side of the screen and click on Sign In.
Step One
User name and Password
After clicking on Sign In, a new page will open where you will input your user name and password.
Type in your user name and password.
Click on Sign In or hit Enter and you're logged in, Providing you already have a Hub Pages account.
Moving Right Along
Mouse over your user name and a drop down menu will appear. Click on my account. This will take you to the nest step of the process.
Next Step
Next click on Earnings. This will open up a new page and the next step in the process.
External Affiliate Settings
Now scroll down the the third box titled "External Affiliate Settings", and click on Configure next to Google AdSense.
This will take you to the Earnings Page. Once you are here, scroll down to the second box and if you have an existing AdSense account click on Yes if not click on No. After selecting the appropriate button scroll down and you will have the option to open an AdSense account or entering your existing information if you already have one.
Google will take it from here...
Once you get to this point I will let Google take over. They do a great job on walking you through the rest of the process. Follow the instructions on the screen and soon you will be an Adsense Affiliate.
I hope you found this Hub painless and easy to follow.
More useful links
- How to Optimize your HubPages to Make Money
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