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HubPages Success:Become self-confident

Updated on November 21, 2019
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Katerina Kostaki is a Greek spiritual and visionary Author,Poet, Mentor,Broadcaster, Youtuber.Owner of the ACADEMY OF INNER LIGHT (NETWORK).

HubPages Community is only an aspect of the internet community .

However it is a promotional and really motivational network to promote ideas and share them with a larger circle of people .

On this long scale of web interaction it is well -known that writing is a means to gain the logging success and a prominent income.

Writing on the other hand is a way to expose inner self and thoughts. This is why intriguing webpages like HubPages,Squidoo,Triond,Yahoo Voices put a lot of interest on the quality content and the emergency of writing more and more.

Make Money Online with HubPages
Make Money Online with HubPages
HubPages is a website where you can earn money by writing articles and product reviews. Making Money with HubPages is a 6,000 word Kindle book explaining how to get started on HubPages. It contains step by step instructions on how to upload articles and how best to use the site. There are links to many videos that you will be able to watch if you read the book on a Kindle Fire. The videos in this book are an integral part of the book and it was written intending that the people who buy the book will have the ability to watch videos on their Kindle. If you have a Kindle that can't watch videos directly, the book tells you where else to find them.

New to a community?

I've been member to all of the above mentioned webpages.

On Squidoo, I am 47 level lensmaster with 19 trophies and 36 lenses.

This is my 10th Hub on HubPages.Am I a newbie?Who knows?

If I have to count the number of hubs,it's equivalent to a new coming - to a community- member.

If I have to count the level of experience and self-discipline to a target, possibly I hit the top 10 target.

Surely I am disciplined enough, and strongly encouraged not to feel like an "Alien in New York".

Aside to this fact, I am well equiped and willing to share and help fellows hubbers or those who intent to sign up and start writing.

The Power of Intention
The Power of Intention
Intention is generally viewed as a certain kind of determination propelling one to succeed at all costs by never giving up on an inner picture. In this view, an attitude that combines hard work with an indefatigable drive toward excellence is the way to succeed. However, intention is viewed very differently in this book. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has researched intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. This book explores intention— as something you do— as an energy you’re a part of. We’re all intended here through the invisible power of intention. This is the first book to look at intention as a field of energy that you can access to begin co-creating your life with the power of intention. Part I deals with the principles of intention, offering true stories and examples on ways to make the connection. Dr. Dyer identifies the attributes of the all-creating universal mind of intention as creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expanding, endlessly abundant, and receptive, explaining the importance of emulating this source of creativity.

How much intent you put on your writing process?

Intention is a great motivation and generator of new dynamics ,in every field.

However, intent without true interest and belief on your abilities is a nuke.

You intent to write, and you intent to write a quality content hub on HubPages,but is your intent an innermost desire or just a single process for income draining?

The Writing Strategies Book (eBook): Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Writers
The Writing Strategies Book (eBook): Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Writers
The Reading Strategies Book made the New York Times Best Seller List by making it simpler to match students' needs to high-quality instruction. Now, in The Writing Strategies Book, Jen Serravallo does the same, collecting 300 of the most effective strategies to share with writers, and grouping them beneath 10 crucial goals.

Self-confidence vs Entropy

Entropy is force that withdraws us back to our nest and dispenses our activity .

When weare about to move on a new project,levl,direction ,it appears as a magnetic field to stop this leap and restrict every area of development.

Scott Peck on his best seller "The Road the less Travelled" states that the antidote to Entropy is Love.

Love for our self is not a selfish attitude.

By Loving our self,we empower our self.

Seld -Love and Self-Confidence are twin scenarios on our life timeline.

Both strenght us to surpass the mystic energy of Entropy.

Remember that acting from a level of Self-Confidence invites you into world of new possibilities and opportunities.

© 2013 Katerina Kostaki


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