Quit Your Day Job With Hubpages
Want to Make Money with Hubpages?
If you want to make money writing for Hubpages online, check out my guide on how to make money with Hubpages and my Hubpages Money Making Guide!
The Basics on Quitting Your Job With Hubpages.
Quitting you day job is something that millions of people dream of every single day. Fortunately for myself, it is a job I have achieved, partly with the help of Hubpages.
When you quit your day job you really do have to spread your wings and find plenty of ways to bring in money. For the most part I write for my own websites, and write for other people. Despite this I am constantly on the look out for other sources of income.
Hubpages is one of these other sources, I may only have wrtten a few hubs, less than 40 at my last count. However, in the last few months of my hubpages writing I have noticed a steadily increasing progressive income. It is not a huge amount, but I am getting sales on Amazon and eBay, as well as bringing in some money from adsense and Kontera.
So Should I Quit My Job?
The choice of whether or not to quit your day job is always a difficult one. My first bit of advice is never quit your day job untill you already have some online income coming in.
Hubpages is a fantastic way to start this, with no outgoing cost you can build up your own Hubpages network and start earning money, without investing a huge amount of time or money. Even with the most stresful career you can fit in a couple of hours every week to research and write a content driven hub.
It may take several weeks, or even months till you start to see any real income. Keep writing hubs though, and you might start seeing some real earnings to help you quit the daily grind.
Remember though, find teh earnings before you leave your career!
Not Enough Time For My Career and My Freelance Work
Plenty of people have trouble with going from a full time job toa freelancing career. It can be very daunting to leave a stable income, for a risky freelance lifestyle.
To help transition from your full time day job to a freelance career, you may have to get a part time job. This might sound painful, but a few days working in a bar can help compensate your initially low freelance earnings.
If you have already started building up a Hubpages network however, then it is quite possible that you will be able to avoid this!
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How to Earn Enough on Hubpages to Quit Your Day Job
Earning enough income through Hubpages is hard, but not impossible. To earn successfully in hubpages you have to consider three main objectives.
Content - Always right high quality fact filled content, this will help your hubs popularity, and consequently, it's earnings.
Network Building - Social networking, links on other sites, and other traffic building techniques are imperative to your hubs success. Spend some time on each hub building back links. You can increase this a litlte by answering hub questions. When you have a large network of hubs you will be able to link to your other hubs, and create groups to increase the number of backlinks.
Layout - Layout your hub to increase your profits. I personally put my Amazon and eBay adverts on the right of my Hubpages text. I also interspace long sections of text with a full width advert to not only give the reader a break from the text, but also interest them in some products.
When you have covered these three areas you should get a decent amount of traffic to your website, and a decent click through rate on your adverts!