Make Money With the 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge
Writing A Hub
30 in 30 Challenge
Have you generated more income from the 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge
Make Money with the 30 Hubs in 30 days challenge
I have decided to take the 30 Hubs in 30 days challenge. As a stay-at-home Mom, I am trying to find ways to make some cash from home while taking care of my children. Before, I was writing hubs here and there. Yesterday, I began the challenge and made 5 cents on my first day. Hopefully things will pick up!
I am going to write about a variety of topics instead of sticking to just one subject. I feel like if I were to try to stick to one subject, I would probably either get bored or run out of things to say. Every week, I will show how much traffic and income I am generating.
I am hoping that I will at least be able to make a couple hundred dollars a month if I continue past the 30 days. That would help our family out so much. If you would like to see if the challenge is worthwhile, follow me through the next 30 days to see the results.
First Week Of The 30 Hubs In 30 Days Challenge
I have finished the first week of my 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge. I have seen an increase in both income and traffic.
I have made 19 cents over the past week. Woo Hoo!!! I think I might quit my day job! Just kidding! I am a Stay-at-Home Mom.
Week 2
Second Week Of 30 Hubs In 30 Days
I have finished the second week of my 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge. Once again, I have seen an increase in both income and traffic again.
I have made 40 cents over the past week with my largest one day earnings of 14 cents yesterday. It's not much, but it's a start! I have had 153 Hub view this week.
This week, I have learned that the more you write, the more viewers will find your Hubs. Lots of original content will get you more visitors and possibly more followers!
Writing An Article
Results From Week 3 Of The 30 Hubs In 30 Days Challenge
I have finished the third week of writing articles for my 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge. I have seen an increase in both income and traffic again.
I have made 46 cents over the past week with my largest one day earnings of 11 cents . That is an increase of 6 cents per week since last week even though I took 3 days off this week. I had 147 Hub Views this week.
I did take a trip to see my family for three days and during that time, I did not write anything. It is interesting to see that my daily earning dwindled down to 0 during that time. Once I began writing articles, I started earning money again.
That makes me wonder if I would make nothing if I were to take a vacation from writing for a while even though I have around 20 Hubs. I still have not earned anything from Ebay sales.
30 Hubs In 30 Days Challenge
Results From Week 4 Of The 30 Hubs In 30 Days Challenge
I have finished the fourth week of my 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge. I have seen an increase in both income and traffic again.
I have made 98 cents over the past week with my largest one day earnings of 26 cents . That is an increase of 50 cents per week since last week. I still have not earned anything from Ebay sales. Everything I earned came from the Ad Program. I had 325 Hub views this week.
I have learned a lot about writing and making money writing. I have learned that pinging your Hubs once a day helps the search engines find your Hubs. It is a bit time-consuming when you have a few dozen since you have to ping them one by one.
I have also learned that if you have written a Hub similar to your current Hub, you can back link to the older Hub and it causes an increase in traffic to that Hub.
Make Money With 30 Hubs In 30 Days Challenge
- How To Write A Quality Hub
Writing a quality Hub is easy as long as you think about what your viewers want. Think about topics that you find interesting. Find out what people are most interested in within that niche and write about those topics. Make your Hub look nice. Keep a
Have you completed the 30 Hubs In 30 Days Challenge?
© 2012 Melanie Casey