3 Of My Favorite Hubbers
Why I Love HubPages
At this moment I am lying on my couch in my living room trying to make the room stop spinning as I try to figure out what in the world is going on with my health. (Read Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - What Is It and Is This Causing My Symptoms? if you care for more info.) I am reading many hubs here on HubPages trying to take my mind off of the spinning! Reading and writing seems to help just a little, although with all of that spinning, I hope what I am writing is making some sort of sense.
As I have been reading I came across an awesome writer by the name of Frank Atanacio. He writes on a variety of subjects, but I was really drawn to his poetry. His poetry has a way of drawing you in, making you read and forcing you to feel what you read. I haven’t read all of what he has written as of yet, but have plans to do so.
One of my favorite people to read on here is ThePracticalMommy. She writes about things she cares about – which seem to be a lot! She has great reviews about products, poetry, things about writing and teaching….you name it and she has probably written about it and written it well!