The demise of HUBPAGES! What will cause it?
Will the current rules and regs. kill a good thing?
Without the writers on this site, where will Hubpages be?
I would like to start by saying I enjoy Hubbing and reading the work that many of my peers on Hubpages! This is not an article that is meant to insult anyone, in any way! I have been hubbing for over a year, I was nominated "Best new Hubber of 2010", am ranked 90 at this point, and I plan on continuing hubber for years to come. That is why I am expressing my concerns. Not to knock, but to help.
If Hub pages were to disappear someday, what would be the cause? Did you ever wonder? I didn't until they started deleting many of my hubs! I received a copied and pasted email stated that stated I had broken the rules and one of my hubs was deleted. When I wrote back and asked what rules I had broken, there was no answer. Then several more were deleted, and as much as I tried to fix them, they would never be re-approved.
Also, unlike every social network out there, when a "hubber" wants to be a bully or be abusive, there is no way to block that person. The staff does not appear to get concerned by such behavior as well. Some outstanding writers have left Hubpages because of this!
I in no way want to upset anyone, but instead issue a helpful warning. If these and other apparent flaws are not addressed, then Hubpages may lose some very good writers.
If the staff feel that my claims are unfair, they can leave a comment, and I will allow it to be shown.
UPDATE: When i wrote this my hubber score was 90. Though I average between 250-300 views a day on my hubs, my score sank to 78! Also, more of my hubs are getting pulled for no reason. What do they hope to accomplish?