How To Write A Good Article?
An interesting question if I do say so myself. To begin with, one has to define what “good” means and it seems to me it can mean different things to different Hubbers depending on their goals.
As a newbie I have very little experience to base this Hub on, but of course that isn’t going to stop me from writing it. All I can tell you is my reasons for writing Hubs and my experience based on the seventeen Hubs I have written in a little over three weeks.
First, allow me to answer my own question: I have no idea what makes a good Hub if the criteria is a Hub that attracts many people and gives birth to many comments. I know practically nothing about keywords and google and social media and linking and how to use all of those things to increase your Hub score. My highest scoring Hub for a couple weeks now has been a Hub about alcoholism, a subject that is near and dear to my heart. I simply told my experience and shared my strength and hope in it. At one time the Hub scored 100 and I have no idea how. Currently, as I write this, my highest score is for a Hub entitled, “The Five Worst National Parks in America,” and it was just a silly piece of fluff I threw out there because I can’t write serious pieces all the time and my sense of humor needs to be released on occasion. That Hub had no redeeming social value and yet it has remained in the nineties for quite some time. Go figure because I can’t!
Some Hubs took off immediately and soared and then suffered a painful crash and burn, while others never got off the ground i.e. “Leaving The Rat Race Behind.”
My personal score is 94 this morning; it seems to rise late at night and then dip during the day and again, I am clueless as to why. Maybe those who determine Hub scores are night owls and they sleep in during the day.
Back to the subject of what make a “good” Hub. I began writing Hubs because it gave me a public forum to publish my writings. I wanted to put it out there for others to see and so that I could get feedback on my writing. I understand that it is possible to make money with Hubs but that was pretty far down on my priority list when I started writing these little pearls of wisdom (or nonsense) three weeks ago. I write about personal experiences and things that are important to me, and occasionally I allow my sense of humor out to stretch and get some exercise. In other words, what makes a good Hub for me is one that is written honestly and has some entertainment value for others, or resonates in them and gives them some strength. I do not do this for the possible rewards nor do I write them for praise. I simply write because I love to write.
If you are a newcomer and you are hoping that this Hub holds the secret to a higher score and loads of cash then you will be greatly disappointed. There are many Hubs out there with good suggestions on how to raise your score and I strongly recommend that you search and read them if that is your goal. In the meantime I’m just going to keep plugging along at my craft and write about those things that interest me, and if you enjoy them then that is a bonus.
Best of luck in your Hub experience; may the wind always be at your back and may your Hub scores soar with the birds.