What Is A HubMob And How To Join One
It has been happening for the past eight months. It all started as a way to help HubPages writers create good content and get high traffic to their Hubs. Some Hubbers have been faithful from day one while others have come and gone according to the weekly topic. Some have enjoyed fame and glory with very successful Hubs which have been featured on the HubPages blog, Google’s first page, and many other search engines, blogs and directories while others have won prizes for their HubMob hubs as was the case of the HubMobs sponsored by Stumble Upon.
Every week there are new Hubbers joining in and more or less all new members of the community have the same questions, What is a hubmob? What do I get from it? How do I take part in one? To answer all those questions I have created this hub. If you have any other questions please leave them in the comments box and I’ll try to answer them.
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What is a HubMob?
Basically it is a way for a group of HubPages writers -hubbers- to write and publish hubs based on one particular topic during a fixed time frame. The hubbers who join a hubMob are called HubMobsters.
Who chooses the HubMob weekly topic?
The topic is chosen by the HubMob team formed by Ryan Hupfer, ProCW and Princessa. While Ryan Hupfer is part of the HubPages staff, ProCW and Princessa are volunteers invited by HubPages to help run the weekly HubMob.
Who creates those cute HubMob graphics?
Most of the graphics are created especially for the chosen topic by ProCW.
It's a hubMob
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeHubMob Hubs created by Shirley Anderson
Where can I find all the HubMob Hubs on a given topic?
Shirley Anderson has been doing a fantastic job gathering every week all the HubMob Hubs in a topic under one big weekly Hub.
How are the topics chosen?
The team bases their choice of topics according to different criteria which mainly includes the potential to drive good traffic and earnings to the hubs created. Some of the criteria used to choose a topic are:
- Carefully researched keywords as for example the Hairstyle HubMob.
- Upcoming events, like the case of the latest Mother’s day HubMob.
- Categories that need filled in like the Children and Baby apparel HubMob.
- Potential to earn income using eBay and Amazon capsules as was the case with the products HubMob.
- Fun topics like the Favourite entertainers.
How often is the HubMob topic updated?
The HubMob
topic is updated weekly. Every Monday
morning a new topic is posted in the forums under “The hubbers Hangout”. HubMobsters have a whole week to write a hub
on the posted topic. You can write your
hub at any time during that week.
Who can join in?
Any hubber can join in, no matter how long you have been a member or how many hubs you have written before. The only requisite to join in is to follow the rules explained in each HubMob weekly post in the forums.
Why should I join a HubMob? What are the advantages?
The advantages of being a HubMobster can be summarized by the following:
- You will be writing on a well researched topic by the HubMob team.
- Your HubMob Hub will be promoted within HubPages in the Hubber’s Hangout forum, on the Weekly HubMob Topic thread.
- Exposure as a hubber. Writing a HubMob hub and interacting in the HubMob forum thread gets you known among the other HubMobsters who in time get interested in reading your other hubs.
- The best Hub written in a week gains extra promotion being featured on the HubPages blog.
- The HubMobs are promoted in Facebook through the HubPages page. Your HubMob also gets promoted via other HubMobsters who have included a link to your hub (via the RSS feed) when they post links to their Hubs in their profile pages.
- Every now and again Stumble Upon sponsors a HubMob topic giving free Stumble ads to the best hubs of the week.
- If you type hubmob on Google, the number 2 entrance is a link to the hot HubMob hubs
- Many HubMob Hubs have reached number 1 in Google’s first page only a few days after being published.
Google's results when you type in "HubMob"
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeHow do I join a HubMob?
The rules to join in are the same every week and they are posted along with the new topic in the forums.
Basically to join in you MUST follow these steps:
- Click on the link and answer the Request. All HubMob Hubs MUST be answered by clicking on the link to answer the request. This is the first and most important step to become a HubMobster.
- Choose a relevant title for your HubMob To get a good ranking in the search engines make your title relevant to your hub content and avoid starting your title with "Weekly HubMob" which makes it more difficult for search engines to find your hub. A descriptive title is always best.
- Make sure that your content matches the category entered in the “answer the request” page. If your content is within the topic but does not match the category, feel free to change it to a more appropriate one.
- Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub. This is always specified in the forum post. It is important to include the RSS feed to support fellow HubMobsters. The RSS feed serves to include a link to the other HubMob hubs from your Hub.
- Add the HubMob graphic to your Hub so that everyone who reads it will know at a glance that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.
- After you publish your HubMob Hub, go back to the forum and post a link to your hub. Take advantage of the free publicity; this is one of the few forum threads where you can blatantly advertise your hubs, so do not miss the opportunity and tell everybody what you wrote about, invite fellow HubMobsters to visit your HubMob Hub.
You can contribute with as many HubMob Hubs as you want
- HubMob weekly topic: Education, Colleges, universities and other educational options
Listing of the Best Hubs answering the question: HubMob weekly topic: Education, Colleges, universities and other educational options. Out of ten in this page, 5 are signed by Patty Inglish
How many HubMobs can I write for each weekly topic?
As many as you want; you can write 1, 2, 3 or more. If you write good content and follow the rules there is no limit but your time and creativity.
For example Patty Inglish is the most prolific HubMobster with more than 60 contributions in a total of 28 topics.
Can I add a previously published hub on the Weekly topic to the HubMob?
No. All entries to the HubMob must be done through the link to answer the request posted on the week the HubMob is taking place.
Previously written Hubs do not qualify to be part of the HubMob.
Have you taken part in a HubMob?
Some interesting facts about the HubMobs:
The first HubMob Weekly Topic created on September 2008 was: All About Various Popular Hair Styles: Their history and how to create them. The Hubs created answering this request have gathered and amazing total of more than 107700 views.
There have been 28 HubMobs from September 2008 to April 2009.
The HubMob which has gathered the most contributions has been the: Hub about your favourite entertainer with 76 HubMob hubs created.
When you type HubMob on Google, the link to the HubMob Weekly Topic; Children and Baby apparel comes 3rd on the first page. 5th on the list comes the link to the HubPages blog featuring the best HubMob of the week and in 10th place on the same page you will find the hubMobs from the Facebook’s Hubpages page.