A New Crop of HubNuggets Has Sprung Up!
A New Crop of HubNuggets!
Wow! Last week the HubNuggets started sprouting and this week we have a whole new crop for your reading pleasure.
We hope you enjoy these hubs by our newest authors as much as we did. Once you're done reading, don't forget to vote for your favourite. The five hubs that get the highest percentage of votes will be published in next week's edition of the HubPages newsletter. That means that five of our great new hubbers will see their avatars and hub sent out to more than 40,000 readers! Please support their efforts and help them to rise to newsletter fame.
Enjoy, and please promote these HubNugget Wannabes like crazy!
Funride and Hup
HubNuggets Team News
It has been an eventful week for the HubNuggets team.
Sadly, Funride has to leave us for awhile due to work obligations. Funride has been instrumental in bringing HubNuggets to where it is now. We will miss him but hope to see him drop in from time to time as he is able to.
Best of luck with work, Funride!
Of course, the other big news is Ryan Hupfer's mishap. If you haven't heard about it yet, you can read it in this forum post.
Get well soon, Hup!!
Okay, that's all the bad news. Now, we have great news for you!
We are honoured to welcome the one and only B.T. Evilpants to the HubNuggets team. He's a great addition and we're really looking forward to working with him to bring you all the great HubNuggets each week.
This is an important event, fellow hubbers and readers. HubPages has the first HubNuggets team in history with a jackalope as a member!
Go, HubPages!
Just in case that's not enough excitement for you, we have even more great news!
The esteemed Patty Inglish is joining us as well!
Yes, that's right folks. We have the team of Evilpants and Inglish helping to bring you a fresh batch of HubNuggets weekly.
HubNuggets Team
The New HubNuggets Team
ProCW is our beloved graphics guy and brilliant playwright. He helps to choose potential HubNuggets, write some of the hubs and promote HubNuggets in the community. I don't know what we'd do without him!
B.T. Evilpants is that loveable jackalope from Hell, Michigan. If anybody can pick some great HubNugget Wannabes, as well as write and promote, it's him. I took the precaution of having a word with RMR to ensure that he would make B.T. behave himself while carrying out his HubNugget duties.
Patty Inglish, MS has been seen following B.T. Evilpants around. I once saw her promoting B.T.'s political campaign while he was running for president. Patty will knock our socks off with well written HubNugget hubs. Not only that, she will likely have them written at the speed of light.
Ripplemaker has graciously agreed to be our angelic cheerleader. Each week, Ripplemaker pops into the hubs and forums to offer up her fun encouragement and cheer everyone on.
Me, I get to do all the cool stuff the rest of them do.
Presenting, for Your Enjoyment, our HubNugget Wannabes
- Track Your Kids With GPS
Ever wish that there were better ways to keep track of your kids? Technology has not come up with the perfect solution yet, but listed below are a few products that may help. Although not specifically... - A Glimpse of Mikhail Nesterove
Hermit Mikhail Nesterov is held as one the Masters of painting poetic landscapes and portraitures'. The indication of where his was or where he has been, looks as effortless as a flashed photograph does. ... - The Perfect Cup of Coffee - when you have the time.
Let me start by saying that most days I start off with a trip to Starbucks as they are very close and convenient. My busy schedule running my sign shop doesn't allow me the luxury of time it requires to make... - Filling out a dating profile
Filling out a dating profile By 1964human The challenge! In my vast experience with online dating (two- and-a-half weeks now), a number of issues have arisen. I encountered my first problem when... - Snuggie Sightings
Ok so by now, we've all heard of snuggiepubcrawls.com, and we've all seen people all over town wearing Snuggies in public like its perfectly normal. Heck, even I posed once with a Snuggie on while I was... - Maintain Your Sanity
Pressure, stress, depression are the new age labels for disease and are very common among people because of many direct or indirect factors. Western Analysts ascribed this stress to the modern city life.... - Business Plan for a New Business
Starting a business is an exciting prospect. The entrepreneur in all of us wants to share our knowledge and experience with the world and what better way to do that than to start a business? There are some... - I Want To Buy A New House - How Much Can I Afford?
Many first time home buyers have this question on their minds: "I want to buy a new home, how much can I afford?" It isn't surprising that many people in this situation feel a little lost. A home purchase is... - Wanna see the beauty of Veggie Flowers?
The flowers in nature are a beautiful sight for the viewers. They increase the beauty of the garden or parks where they are grown. Vegetable flowers are those which bloom before a vegetable grows in a...
HubNuggets Voting Poll
Please vote for your favourite HubNugget here
This Week's HubNugget Forum Thread
Hey, why not check out the HubNuggets forum thread and see what's going on?
~~~~~ Last Week's HubNugget Winners ~~~~~
HubNugget #1
Ten Tips for a Healthy Diet on a Budget received 58% of the votes! by Ktoo
HubNugget #2
House Sitting: Travel the World on a Poverty Budget received 12% of the votes! by cfangerow
HubNugget #3
Writing received 10% of the votes! by J Mockridge
HubNugget #4
Food Fun For Kids received 5% of the votes! by LelahKimball
HubNugget #5
Gray Down There received 5% of the votes! by Miss Behaving
Some Other HubNugget Hubs
- Hubber Poll: Your February Fresh Friday the 13th Hub...
It's that time again, kids. Sumptuous, hot HubNuggets are being served up for your consideration. All of the authors of these hubs are new to the HubPages community. We love new Hubbers, love them soooo... - Hubber Poll: Grade A Prime HubNuggets - Feb. 27th
Another juicy batch of yummy HubNuggets await you! Yes, sir - these HubNugget Wannabe's are Grade A Prime! Come and get yours now. Then vote for your favorite. - Everything's Coming Up HubNuggets
Last week, we had a blooming bouquet of Springtime HubNuggets. Naturally, after spring planting comes the sprouting of a new crop. With that in mind, we have chosen a fresh batch of HubNugget Wannabe's for you to enjoy. - Batch of Spring HubNuggets Anyone?
Batch of Spring HubNuggets Anyone?Take a deep breath. Can you smell that? Ahhhh! A fresh batch of HubNugget Wannabe's fills the air. All of the authors of these hubs are Springtime fresh and new to the... - It's time once again to vote for your favorite HubNu...
April 3 - 8, 2009. It's time once again to vote for your favorite HubNuggets! Vote. Vote! Vote!!! Have fun & enjoy reading these Golden HubNuggets!!! - Golden HubNugget Rush: We've panned for them and now...
HubNuggets: March 06 - March 11, 2009. Your vote counts! Vote for your favorite Golden HubNuggets today!