Getting hubs featured

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  1. JakeFrost profile image61
    JakeFrostposted 10 years ago

    Okay, so I've been offline for a year and am now getting back to grips with HubPages. However (as you can imagine) my views are zero now and none of my hubs are featured.

    I can completely understand due to my inactivity so am not complaining, but the hub featured feature was very new and had only been introduced about a week before I left. So my question is, how do I get my hubs to be featured again?

    1. profile image0
      sheilamyersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I looked at your profile. Since you don't have a lot of hubs, I'd say the best thing to do is go back through them and make a few small edits if needed. When you click to publish them, they should go back through the evaluation process. Hopefully that will get them featured again. Although I can't be sure if this is the correct answer. I only had one hub not get featured the first time I submitted it so it wasn't an old hub.

      1. JakeFrost profile image61
        JakeFrostposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for answering, I'm slowly going through and updating my hubs. Quite a few are actually outdated today, would it be best just to delete them - I had a few based on news that is not relevant anymore.

        I did actually start writing a story that takes up many parts, I can't really change that anyway so how can I get that featured again? I made sure it was the first in my spotlight

        1. profile image0
          sheilamyersposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          For your story you don't want to change, you could try posting a link to the hub in the series at your social networks (if you belong to any). New people on your friends lists may read the first one and continue on reading the other parts of the series. This would help boost your traffic to those hubs and, possibly, lead to them being featured again.

    2. relache profile image68
      relacheposted 10 years agoin reply to this
  2. dwelburn profile image91
    dwelburnposted 10 years ago

    Yes what Sheila says is right. If they are decent quality hubs they will be featured again once edited. Funny I was inactive for a few months, because my traffic had taken a plunge. But it went back up again when I wasn't doing anything. So now I'm getting active again. Maybe Hubpages is finding more favor with Google again. What do you think?

  3. janshares profile image92
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    Check your word counts under Hub Metrics. For informational hubs, the minimum requirement has increased to 700 words. A good start to get hubs featured is to add more text to increase word count.

    1. Cardisa profile image87
      Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Where did it stipulate the 700 word minimum?

      1. janshares profile image92
        jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I cannot recall but it was around the time the whole QAP changed. My hub was not accepted for the same. This is when I was told I had to get the word count to at least 700.

        1. Cardisa profile image87
          Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I think that was just a suggestions which depended on the type of hub. I don;t think the publishing rules have changed, it would have been announced. But it's always a good thing to do up to at least a 1000 words.

          1. janshares profile image92
            jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Didn't realize, thanks for correction. I do think that most of mine that are under 700 or a little above are mostly poems and recipes articles.

            1. janshares profile image92
              jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              I found the forum thread, Cardisa. It was Simone who said it:

  4. JakeFrost profile image61
    JakeFrostposted 10 years ago

    Okay, slowly getting there. Just going through my hubs and correcting any mistakes or adding images/capsules.

    Got ten hubs pending and three that are now featured.

    1. janshares profile image92
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  5. Askme profile image78
    Askmeposted 10 years ago

    I noticed a real drop in traffic once Hubpages got rid of the tag words you used to be able to add to any hub. 

    Everyone's score is down too. My score always was at 95 to 100 now I hover at 86.

    Not sure what to suggest.

  6. shabushaj profile image60
    shabushajposted 10 years ago

    thanks for sharing your problem. I too suffers the same as i was offline for some period. i also dont know what to do. i tried to make each hubs featured by clicking the featured icon on statistics.i expect solution from fellow hubbers

  7. JakeFrost profile image61
    JakeFrostposted 10 years ago

    I simply just went through my hubs and changed summaries or layouts, not really much as I predicted they were good enough to pass the system and yes I was right.

    I now have 31 featured hubs giving me the accolade for 25 - apparently only 3% of people have that... Surely can't be accurate

  8. Askme profile image78
    Askmeposted 10 years ago

    3% only have the 25 accolade?  I joined back in 2008. Normal was to have over 100 hubs.  I am at 55 and have the accolade for having achieved 50 featured hubs.

    I truly believe things changed about a year to a year and a half ago when there was some issue Hubpages had with google. Something about hubs showing up in searches and again, the tag line option that used to be below the capsule where you summarize what your hub is about.  I noticed when the tag word option was taken away, my traffic and page views went down about 40%.

    1. JakeFrost profile image61
      JakeFrostposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's one of the first things I noticed. Where did the tags option go? Anyone know?

      1. Askme profile image78
        Askmeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        No one knows why the Hub editors took away that option, all I know is when it happened, someone posted the question and these are the answers received:

        believe tags were a feature that used to be part of HubPages but is no longer. So where you see suggestions about adding tags you can safely ignore this advice because you can no longer add tags. This confused me at first too.

          8 months ago
        |  Comment
        Goody5 profile image
        Goody5 says

        "This option was taken away from all of us by the hub pages back on December 3rd 2012. Most of us aren't thrilled with this sudden change."


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