Bounce Rate and Maximizing Ad Revenue Per Visitor

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  1. JRScarbrough profile image70
    JRScarbroughposted 10 years ago

    Hey Hubbers! I’d thought I’d share something for those who are new to trying to earn money from writing articles here on Hub. This information isn’t solely about HubPages, but is helpful when running any website and trying to maximize ad revenue.

    When dealing with Internet traffic there are a lot of terms we need to get used to. One of those is bounce rate. Bounce Rate just means that when someone visits your page, whether or not they move from one page to the next or do they bounce, or drop off from their connection to your particular domain.

    Bounce Rate is important to ad revenue because each ad will leave a different “impression” for the same visitor for each page of yours that they visit. So, each impression will count as another view and more money.

    Each unique IP that visits one of your pages can lead toward an ad impression on every single hub you own if that visitor surfs all of your hubs.

    This is the reason why you see a lot of article sites with the “next page” links that take you to page 2, page 3, page 4 and on and on. With that system, every change of page will switch the ad and create another ad impression. Making use of these webmaster tricks turns one visitor into as many ad impressions as you can reasonably pull off.

    My suggestion is to write articles that pertain to one another. In my articles, I have a “Don’t Pop Your Pimples” article about why someone shouldn’t squeeze pimples, but I also have one that is about getting rid of blackheads. It is only natural that a visitor who would click a link to an article about pimple popping would also be having trouble with blackheads and so a link to the other article from each article is a tactic to maximize ad revenue from single unique visitors.

    Since I have taken this approach my overall bounce rate has dropped from 90% down to 75%.

    I suggest using those ideas and discovering more articles that you can spin off the articles you have now so that you can control your own bounce rate and get as much ad revenue as you can per visitor.

  2. psycheskinner profile image79
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    But what if the goal is to have them click an ad, not just be exposed to multiple ads?

    1. JRScarbrough profile image70
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No matter how good of a webmaster someone is, there is never any guarantee on ad clicks. We can’t even market for HP and Adsense ads because we aren’t sure which ones will be placed.

      Generally, the quality of your content will up the odds of an ad click. Market toward people who would buy Acne Products, just for an example, would be the best choice. If your title is Free Acne Treatment, or Home Remedies for Acne, you will most likely be targeting people who don’t want to spend money on acne treatment. So, less likely they will click an ad.

      Basically, the more ads that have a chance of attracting attention in your subject matter, the more chance something will grab a visitor's attention.

      Getting lower bouncerate and higher pageviews is a sign you are beginning to hold your visitor’s attention, and thus, so are your ads. This raises the chance for page interaction.

  3. David Trujillo profile image50
    David Trujilloposted 10 years ago

    This is working for me I guess. To tell you the thruth I never check my Google Analytics account. But its about time I do.

  4. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 10 years ago

    My bounce rate has always hung out about 92%. I'm still making money, so I'm happy.

    1. JRScarbrough profile image70
      JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      You will make money on single page views. Encouraging navigation to another relevant page of your design will lower bounce rate and double your ad impressions for the visitors that link to another one of your pages.

      It’s just a technique to maximize ad revenue. I just think of different things about a subject I’m covering that might help the reader in new ways and add another page and link to it. You can never guarantee someone will link to where you want. You just up the chance to get another impression out of one visitor.

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Most of my hubs are interlinked with other hubs with trackers + my own websites. Still get a high bounce rate, but I get maybe 300 link hits a day, so I'm happy. smile

        Plus, a Pinterest pin can still count as a bounce wink

        1. JRScarbrough profile image70
          JRScarbroughposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          The point of this forum post was to say that 300 visits a day can be 600 ad impressions a day, or 1200 or on and on.

          Some don’t have the definitions of analytic terms and don’t understand exactly how they are making money from HP. 600 ad impressions is far better than 300.

          There is no way to guarantee anyone will actually follow a link on a page. But to be conscious of it is one step forward in finding ways to maximize income from a single visitor.

  5. JRScarbrough profile image70
    JRScarbroughposted 10 years ago

    Yes, bounce is a tricky thing. Anyone cleaning cookies counts as a bounce even if they don’t really leave your site, so, a high bounce rate is not necessarily a bad thing.

    Even if people are leaving your pages, that’s to a bad thing either. The only purpose to monitoring bounce rate is to gather a general idea of what visitors are doing once viewing a page. It can’t possibly be completely accurate because there are many ways to count as a bounce in analytics.

    Generally, I’m paying more attention to unique visitors and pageviews. You can still make a lot of money if you are ranking 1st page in Google without worrying too much about bounce. It really is just a way for web masters to attempt to maximize CPM ad revenue. Basically, I’d prefer users to bounce clicking on an ad.


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