What gives a website a high search engine result page rank? I know that Hubpage

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  1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 14 years ago

    What gives a website a high search engine result page rank?  I know that Hubpages has a higher...

    page rank than info barrel.. . . but what determines a s.e.r.p. rank?

  2. JD Barlow profile image61
    JD Barlowposted 14 years ago

    I am guessing the number of page views. If you hear different, please let me know.

  3. profile image0
    BenjaminBposted 14 years ago

    Factors that influence search engine results for any given keyword search are as follows but may not be considered in the order I have them when it comes to importance.

    1. On page SEO factors.
    2. Relevance,originality and freshness of material.
    3. Age of website. (older the better)
    4. Backlinks and quality of those backlinks.
    5. And as JD said number of pageviews.
    6. Time spent on the page.
    7. Whether that page influences people to stay on the website longer.

    I'm sure there are many more things that come into play but these are off the top of my head the most important things.

  4. CDL Career Coach profile image64
    CDL Career Coachposted 14 years ago

    I think google gives you a little boost when you are the latest, but if you don't get backlinks or clicks in the first few weeks you go back down in that "oldest is best" category.

    They also give you points for longer pages, and penalize anything under 300 words or so.

    If your page is posted on a domain with good PR then it gets a boost from the domain it's hosted on. That's why a HubPages article would rank higher right off the bat than the same new page on my own website.

    (that's in addition to the other answers already given...)

  5. Susana S profile image93
    Susana Sposted 14 years ago

    Good question! This is really down to a a somewhat mystical thing called google trust. My understanding of it is that when a website consistently provides authoritative content, has a lot of backlinks to the site as a whole (hubpages has over 1 million!) and limits spam to a minimum, it gets a lot of google love in the serps. This is because "google trusts" the website to give quality information.

    Just look at wikipedia for a good example of a website that has high google trust and always gets high serp results. Hubpages also benefits from high google trust, though it's not quite as high as wikipedia.

    Here's a hub on google trust that was written recently by a great hubber, thisisoli: http://hubpages.com/hub/Google-Trust-Is … -Page-Rank

  6. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 14 years ago

    1. Content.  Lots of it.
    2. Search relevance.  Is the content related to search words?
    3. Links back
    4. Links between pages and a link back to the index page
    5.  You can ask Google for an indexing number (Google tools) for your website.  It is like a Google serial number... they will always spider you but it does not mean a high rating.
    6.  A good domain name helps if it relates to the content.
    7. Links to other relevant sites.
    8. Links back from top sites are important.

    Do I know what I'm doing?  Google Butch News.

    And, if you Google my name (David Silvercloud) you should find up to 6 pages of listings most days.

  7. Vaiebhav profile image75
    Vaiebhavposted 14 years ago

    All the other answers have listed very useful factors that influence page ranks. I am not too sure whether page rank is relevant anymore. Google is very secretive about it, and is down-playing the role.
    I have been running an online business since 2004, and my experience has shown that the following factors are the most important:
    1. Quality of content
    2. Backlinks
    3. Uniqueness of content (niche)

  8. justom profile image59
    justomposted 14 years ago

    Every frickin' week! You ask too many damn ?'s :-P

  9. KevinStyles profile image61
    KevinStylesposted 14 years ago

    it is all about the back links, he who has more back links will rank higher in the search engines, on site content means nothing without back links to give your domain page rank, page rank is a representation of how well your domain is already ranking in the search engines.

    Once your site has the votes aka back links, it will calculate other domains value in the serps and sort them based on the amount of votes you have and how many times the word is mentioned in the document.  But if your word is not mentioned in the document at all you still can get rankings for a keyword if you have used tons of anchor text for your back links.

  10. ave212 profile image61
    ave212posted 13 years ago

    I can answer your question. First: It doesn't matter so much whether you have 1 or 100 pages to your website. What counts is what keywords you are targeting and how well your page is SEO'ed to that keyword. If you have a website about dog training but the content on your site is about spaceships then you wont do so well! Second: (and most important) is the quantity and quality on one way backlinks that point to your site!
    See this hub:  http://hubpages.com/hub/Getting-Backlinks

    Backlinks are what count in SEO!

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