Am I doing something wrong? Help please.

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  1. Texasboy39 profile image59
    Texasboy39posted 15 years ago

    First let me say that I make no money off this program. Its free. The point of this whole hub is to help others help themselves get higher ranks in the search engines for free. That said I don't seem to be able to get traffic to my hubs. The ones that do get there don't seem to want to leave a message or fav it. Please have a look at the hub and tell me what I need to do to improve on these things. Is it just my choice of topic? or am I doing something wrong? I am a retired construction worker not some marketing Guru, I can take whatever is dished out.

    Thank you for your time
    James   aka   Tex

    1. relache profile image68
      relacheposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Your hub promises to help someone get on the front page of Google, and then says that said info is actually found on another web site.  This sort of web strategy can be interpreted as either overly-promotional or deceptive according to how HubPages defines the two concepts.

      I have two suggestions for you:

      1 - read the site FAQ,

      2 - don't build Hubs unless they are going to genuinely contain useful and helpful information right there in the Hub.  Especially if you are interested in earnings, which your profile says you are.

  2. lrohner profile image69
    lrohnerposted 15 years ago

    Let me be straight with you. I honestly don't think you'll ever get traffic to that hub and for a number of reasons. The topic has been done, done, done to death and no one (at least not here on HP) wants to read "get onto Google's first page for free" one more time. Those of us that understand this stuff at all understand that it takes time and lots of hard work to be successful online. And to make it to page 1 of Google, all you have to do is decent keyword research and write great, quality, unique content. There really are no shortcuts.

    And the topic and keywords are so done to death, that you stand a better chance of getting hit by lightning AND winning the lottery in the same day than you do of getting any decent ranking with that hub. Maybe you should put it through that spinner you're pitching! smile

    1. Texasboy39 profile image59
      Texasboy39posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your input. And you are right, I haven't thought of using that system for just a blog. I have been thinking along the lines of personal websites. But as well as it works then I will apply it to here.

      When I read the rules I understood it to say that the forums were no place for advertising. I thought that in writing a hub the subject was up to the writer as long as it didn't contain x-rated or illegal material. And yes I know that this subject is a beat horse. However there are always new things hitting the web, if You keep doing what you have always done, you get the same results.

      Thank you again for the idea.
      James   aka   Tex

  3. Dame Scribe profile image55
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    According to your avatar, hmm you only been here two weeks. It takes *TIME* to start generating traffic to your Hubs and capture people to click on your ads. Success doesn't happen miraculously overnight. tongue Your Hub is a little short and most likely one of the MOST competitive sort of writings... though not sure about use of a traffic generator site is good advice either.

  4. missalyssa profile image59
    missalyssaposted 15 years ago

    hey buddy - be patient! My topic choices aren't the most popular either, but I love to write so I do! I have yet to find any rhyme or reason as to why my hubs are frequently visited one day and not at all on others. Also, the best advice I've gotten from other hubbers...look at and refine your tags. This really works! I write literary criticism and this proved difficult...but definitely worth it! In my first few weeks, I was very concerned with the numbers...once I stopped worrying, the numbers went up! No worries!! Keep writing!

  5. yoshi97 profile image56
    yoshi97posted 15 years ago

    Another thing to know is that hubs get their ranking over time due to internal linking, which is why they often monetize three or four months down the road when you have already given up on them.

    Every time you go to a hub page, new links show up on the right, and one of them could be yours. This establishes a web of links within hubpages that builds a page up the ladder in Google. So, while other places depend on a lot of backlinking (which is still a good idea) a page here on Hubpages can crawl up the ladder over time on its own.

  6. profile image0
    R.G. San Ramonposted 15 years ago

    Weird. If you're not getting the traffic, then you probably are not on google's first page. So why would visitors bookmark your hub and rate it? Your hub tells the reader how, but the writer can't even get there.

    It just makes me sad that people are writing about things they don't know...although sometimes I can be that way too, and that makes me sad also. sad

  7. Hoop-A-Joo profile image59
    Hoop-A-Jooposted 15 years ago

    I am new here in hubpage myself.  I read your hub and even went to the site you have linked.  My opinion but, it is blatantly promotional.  If you really want to help and make money at the same time, may  be write little more and describe how it can actually benefit to others.  Also break down your paragraphs.  Too long ..just my 2 cent. oh and since you said you found it, may be quote the program description where you got that information (example: article source(site url)  ya know give credit to whoever actually wrote)


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